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Bloodline: Heirs

Bloodline: Heirs

Author:R. C. Brie15



They are brothers, but not by blood. Heirs of the famous gang leader and casanova. As they enter the university where their fathers ruled during their time, instantly they earned a fan base. Girls waited for their games like a virgin wrecker casanova, gangs expected them to be fierce like a devil gang leader. Can they uphold the expectations their fathers had set decades ago? Will they walk the path their fathers have walked? Will they take girls like having a meal as what their papa did or fight their way to rule the entire university as what their dada did? Two boys, offspring of two famous men who fell in love and forged uncertainty of being in a same-sex relationship. Will they create their own path or just like their fathers, they will shape their own world far beyond the conventional. Meet Zack and Justin. Heirs of Devon Dalton the devil gang leader and Bienley Cullen the virgin wrecker casanova.

"Come on Justin, papa and dada are waiting" Zack pulled his brother to stand up.

Justin looked at him nervously.

"I'll help you with papa, don't worry Justin, dada will help us" Zack rounded his arm around his brother's shoulder.

"Papa will surely get angry" he mumbled softly.

"Don't worry I'm here" Zack comforted while they are walking towards the drop-off area where their parents are already waiting for them.

Justin and Zack are in middle school and both are 11 years old.

The two boys silently entered the car and Justin almost choked with the sharp look of Bienley while Devon gave him a reassuring smile. The two fathers remained still when both of the boys kissed them. Zack held Justin's hand while they were quietly seated at the back seat under the close scrutiny of their fathers.

Devon drove the car and they all remained quiet even after they arrived home. The two children followed in silence with their heads bowed down.

"What happened to your brother, Justin?" Bienley asked after the two boys took their seats.

"Papa" Zack called Bienley beggingly, trying to protect Justin from another round of scolding.

"I'm asking you, Justin, what happened to your brother?" Bienley asked again with a hard tone.

"Papa, Zack got hit by a senior, but papa, he kicked the senior even if he is a lot bigger and taller than him. Zack beat him up" Justin explained with so much pride for his brother.

Despite his enthusiasm, Bienley and Devon sighed in frustration with their son's behavior.

"Why did your brother get hit by a senior, Justin?" Bienley asked again with an obvious effort to extend his patience.

Justin pressed his lips tightly together while looking at his papa.

"Papa...Papa, I just liked her, she is pretty and I know she liked me too" Justin explained carefully. He sounded so proud.

"What did you do, Justin?" Bienley narrowed his eyes this time.

"Papa, ahm...papa it's just a peck, I swear it's just a peck, papa" Justin nervously explained while looking back and forth to his parents.

Bienley and Devon pinched the bridge of their noses in frustration with what their son did this time. This is not the first time Justin kissed a girl and Zack got into trouble defending him.

"That girl is a flirt though" Zack mumbled softly.

Devon and Bienley looked at Zack with their curious eyes but turned back glaring at Justin.

"Justin, this is the third time your brother got hit because of you. You are only 11 but you have already kissed a dozen of girls" Bienley disappointedly exclaimed.

"But papa, they liked it if I kissed them. I am just giving them what they wanted though" Justin tried to justify his action with his cute pout.

"Justin" Bienley dangerously warned.

"Why did Zack get hit this time?" Devon asked curiously.

"The senior had a crush on the girl I kissed and he wanted to hit me but Zack pushed me away" Justin responded while scratching his head, looking so ashamed of himself.

"Where did he hit you, Zack?" Devon asked with his gritted teeth.

"Just in my shoulder dada" Zack casually replied.

"Zack is amazing dada, he kicked the senior just like what you thought us, the senior sprawled on the floor, then Zack waited for him to stand up then when he is about to punch Zack, he kicked him again and punched his jaw, he stumbled back and fell on the floor again. Zack is awesome dada!" Justin excitedly told his dada with his animated face and obvious admiration for his brother.

"He is bigger than Zack?" Devon added.

"Yes dada, he is a lot bigger and taller than Zack" Justin answered with a nod.

"You used the move I thought you? You really kicked him hard, Zack? He sprawled on the floor because of your strong kick?" Devon enthusiastically asked his sons.

"Yes dada, he was thrown on the floor like a rug" Justin proudly exclaimed and looked at his brother with so much pride.

"Baby!" Bienley was incredulous at Devon.

Devon turned to Bienley and his enthusiasm abruptly vanished seeing his sharp glare.

"Sons you must not use the self-defense that we have thought you. It's not good to pick a fight with your classmates and schoolmates" Devon become serious and lectured his sons firmly.

"Yes dada, we are so sorry dada, papa" the two chorused, feeling guilty upon seeing their dada sided with their papa.

"Justin please don't make any more trouble for your brother and please stop kissing girls. For goodness sake, you are only 11" Bienley exasperated by ranted.

Justin pouted but still nodded to his papa.

"Sorry papa, I won't do it again" Justin assured Bienley with remorse on his face.

Bienley just stared at him while looking so guilty but he knew that this is not the end of Justin's antics. Justin is the naughty one among the two brothers and he is always bringing troubles to them and even to Zack.

"Justin, please, you are still a long way to college and we will have an early death of what you are doing," Bienley said while looking so helpless.

"Sorry papa" he apologized, looking so guilty and forlorn.

"Do you want your brother to be always beaten because of you? Tomorrow we are summoned again by the school director to settle your mischief. Are you not tired of this Justin?" Bienley continued with his rants. His handsome face reflects his disappointment and anger. He was so disappointed with his son's behavior at school.

Seeing his papa look so furious and disappointed towards him, his anxiousness tremendously increased. Between their fathers, his papa is the fierce one in disciplining him. Even his dada is afraid of his papa when angry.

He is so doomed.