
Let’s Read The Word

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Destined hearts

Destined hearts

Author:Peshy Cee



Her family abandoned her after getting framed by her boyfriend and her stepsister. Clara Underson left her adoptive family and moved to India to live with her biological mother. Although her family abandoned her, Underson Michael continued supporting her university education and she was able to pursue her career as a secondary school teacher. However, after her mother was diagnosed with kidney disease, Clara had to do all kinds of jobs inorder to save enough money for her mother's surgery. However, no matter how much she saved , it wasn't enough to pay for her mother's surgery. With the help of her best friend, she was able to secure a job at the Luthra Villa. The elders of the Luthra were stunned by her beauty and they strictly told her that she couldn't show her face to the sons of the family. Will clara manage to work peacefully at the Luthra Villa and pay for her mother's surgery ?

  "Clara Underson! Get the fuck out of my house", Monica , my adoptive mother yelled . " We have had enough of you woman! I took you in when the whore you call your mother abandoned you. Go away ! I can't keep taking care of a bitch who is only tarnishing our reputation. Just get lost"

  Monica dragged me out of the mansion without mercy. She didn't allow me to explain my side of the story. I cried and begged for mercy but Monica, my step mother didn't give a chance.

  To Monica, i was a identical to my biological mother. I was Underson Michael's illigitimate child with Sarah

my biological mother

. Sarah was working at Underson's villa when she found that she was pregnant. She was depoted to India three years after giving birth and so Monica had to take care of me.

  " Aunt ! please listen to me ,i didn't sleep with that man. Someone drugged me but i didn't sleep with him! . Please open the gate aunt. Where will i go? I don't have any other relatives . My mother is in India. I don't have enough money to buy a plane ticket. Please give me a week to save enough money", I pleaded with Monica.

  I had been betrayed and framed by my boyfriend and my step sister. We had attended attended a party two days ago. My Fiance always wanted to sleep with me but i wanted to wait until the day sign our marriage certificate.

  Vera , my step sister new this and she therefore decided to seduce Jack. They would meet and have sex behind my back. After messing around for one year, they decided to frame me so that i could get out of their way.

  I took a cab to the airport . The driver would ask me time to time if i was okay but i only cried. I was hurt. I couldn't imagine that Jack a man that i had dated for three years , a man that i loved so much, a man that i could do anything for had left me my step sister.

  I decided to go to India to live with my mother. My biological mother was an Indian . From what Monica told me, she left united states three years after giving birth to me. I could hardly remember her.

  I had saved 1500$ but i was not sure if that was enough to buy a ticket . I was counting my notes again and again hoping that i could have an extra dollar or two. However, i was surprised to find out that fifteen hundred dollars was enough to buy a ticket to India. I paid for a business class ticket and boarded the flight two hours later.

  On my way to my sit i tripped and fell on laps of a handsome guy. I couldn't get my eyes off his handsome face.The man had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks.He had tousled dark hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue. Any woman would fall in love with him in seconds.

  " Excuse young lady! You are pressing my private parts way too hard and in a public plane. Do you want to kill me! " The man shouted at me in deep voice. I immediately got off him and straighted my hair and my clothes. " I am sorry sir ! I didn't mean it!" , i apologised to him.

  I was so ashamed. I couldn't imagine that i had remained on his laps for five minutes. The people around us were staring at us with eyes full of disdain. It was as if i had committed a big crime. However i understood them since Indians have very strong believes and taboos. And they must have thought i was a shameless girl. But i didn't care so much because it was just an accident.


  I was very tired and i didn't know when i had fallen asleep. My mother was waiting for me at the hair port holding a big post written CLARA. She was a tall beautiful woman with long curly hair. Her beautiful pink lips made her look young . Her face however was pale and she seemed stressed out. She was dressed in a long traditional Indian dress .

  Tears started falling down my face. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy for finally meeting my mother and sad for growing far away from her. I ran towards her and threw myself into her warm embrace. She hugged me really tight and wiped away my uncontrollable tears.

  "Hush my love , don't cry darling. Mummy is here with you. Hush !hush! I will protect you my love. No one will hurt you anymore" She tried calming me

  down however the more she tried to the more i cried. The emotions i had at the moment were overwhelming. I was happy for finally meeting her, sad for getting framed and betrayed by my boyfriend and my sister.

  We took a taxi from the airport to my mother's house. She lived in a two bedroom apartment. Compared to Underson's villa my mother's house was just a tiny nest but atleast there was peace. Though the furniture was cheap, it was beautiful and neat. My mother led me to my room which was painted pink all over . There was a small bed placed in the middle of the room covered in pink beddings. It surely looked lovely .

  My mother went to the kitchen shortly after showing me the room to make me a glass of turmeric milk. I couldn't understand why a person would want to drink golden milk but i didn't want to disappoint my mother so i gulped the milk in a few seconds. I took a warm bath and went straight to sleep. My mother took me into her arms and slowly caressed my hair . I had surely missed such kind of love and concern.

  I woke up the following day at 12 in the afternoon. It must have been because of the exhaustion and the time difference between the two continents. "Clara! Brush your teeth and join me for brunch. I was waiting for you to wake up darling. You slept for fifteen hours . You were very tired yesterday" Mum shouted from the dining room. It felt weird . I wasn't used to receiving so much attention or concern from any other person apart from my dad Underson Michael. He was the only person who cared about me.

  I didn't want to think about anyone anymore. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to live for myself since i always worked very hard to please my parents especially my step mother. However, for some reason her hatred for me would only increase.

  I joined my mother on the dining table. "Good morning Sarah" i greated her. "Good morning darling. I hope you will call me mother one day. It will make me happy clara . But i will not force you to, just take your time my love" she winked at me in a loving manner. I really had to get used to her presence and her care. "One day Sarah" I said digging into my food.

  "Am going to work my dear. Tomorrow we will go shopping" she said with a broad smile. Okay Sarah! I cleared the dining table and cleaned the utensils. I went back to my bedroom and switched on my MacBook for the first time since i left united states. My e-mail pinged, and i quickly opened it to see who was sending me emails. It was from my father. I knew he must have been worried about me since i left home when he was away on a business trip.

  From: Underson Michael

  Subject: worried

  Date: 11/ 3/ 2020

  To: Clara Underson

  Dear daughter

  Good evening my dear, why did you leave the

  house? Why is your phone off? Have been

  calling you since yesterday. Please call me

  back darling. God bless you .

  Your loving Father,

  Underson Michael.

  I couldn't hold the heartbreak any longer and i fell on the floor in a disheveled heap as my grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. I wrapped my arms around my body, hugging myself tightly, holding myself together. I cried for almost one hour. When i got up i went straight to the bathroom and cleaned my face. I decided that i wasn't going to cry anymore. I took out my make up box and applied some light make up. I always preferred my natural look.

  I decided to take a walk. I was tired of staying indoors. I put on my favourite blue jeans and a white crop top that exposed my waist line making me look sexier than usual. I picked my backpack and my phone. I walked through the streets of Mumbai aimlessly. I needed to find something to do. Two hours later i took a taxi back home. My mother was not back yet. I was hungry and i didn't know what to cook since i had not made Indian dishes before.

  I decided to make some pancakes and a cup of coffee to sooth my hunger. My mother came back two hours later. She seemed more pale than usual which got me worried. " Hi Sarah! Are you okay you seem more pale than usual. I think you should see a Doctor" I said emphasizing my last words. " I am okay darling. Am just tired. I had too much work today " She said forcing a smile.

  " By the way, i went for a stroll today. Mumbai is very crowded and noisy. But the city is beautiful and so are the people. I love it. " I said looking at my mother. " Were you not scared of getting lost dear? You should always be careful Clara. You are too beautiful to walk on streets alone" She said raising an eyebrow.

  " I will fix something for you for supper. I know you don't like Indian dishes dear. But with time you will love them Clara" . She disappeared in the kitchen. I decide to to turn on the television to watch a show or news to avoid getting bored. I decided to watch zee television . However, i immediately remembered the hot guy i had met Yesterday...