
Let’s Read The Word

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Angel From Stars

Angel From Stars




Hey baby what are you doing. says god to me. I'm trying to catch this cloud. I say in my bubbly kiddish voice . He smile and cares my head. And he say angel baby you love catching white clouds? Yes , I say in my bubbly voice again. Then he says " you know angel baby there are more of beautiful creatures out there , do you want to see them too?" I stare at him and my heart filled with excitement and I nodded my head with "yes, I want to see them " . And he smile at me at warmly then show me beautiful places with beautiful flowers ,butterfly, etc. They are soo mesmerising i just cant look away from them. But suddenly it disappear. I look at god sullenly and he just chuckle and ask me "do you want to go there?" My eyes go from excitement then to doubt then to scared , he ask me "what you dont want to go there?" I said "I do, but I am scared and I miss you there " He smiles warmly at me and said "dont you want to see this beautiful creatures and take care of them , make them smile mjust the way you did here with other fairies and me your best friend". Tears filled in my eyes as I look into his eyes and said "I miss you " He hug and said to me "I miss you too baby , but dont you always say you love when you see someone smile and hate whenever someone is pain and you want to take their pain. Dont u?" I look at him with my teary eyes and nodded my head , he smiles warmly at me and say "you know baby there is someone who needs mending , that's why I'm sending you there and as for you are scared then there is no need for that I am always there for you ok" I smile at him and nodded my head as I hug him tightly with my small hands and he just cares my back trying to comfort his angel baby .

  I'm playing with one of naughty cloud ,when suddenly daddy god come behind me and make me jolt.

  He just laugh as he see me taking long deep breaths.

  I just glare at him at try to avoid him. He smile and ask "what is my baby angel doing?" I said "I'm trying to catch this naughty cloud and teach him a lesson , you know what he did ? He is soo bad how can he make that human cry . He is sooo bad. I am going to punish him . You also dont take his side ok. I said in my gullybull voice and he just smile and stroke my hair warmly .

  Then he ask " do you want to see beautiful creatures, butterflies? " I just look at him with wide smile and nodded my head vigorously, he just chuckle and show me all the beautiful creatures, people laughing etc. I love them all and stare at them with twinkle in my eyes.

  I always love to se colourfull butterflies , rainbows , flowers, people laughing, small kids playing around I cant help but just jump in the joy while seeing them.

  You may think as an angel why I cant see this all the times , because as an angel we have duties also ,we have to make sad people happy and look after their doing but to sit and see this is very rare to see.

  And everyone here knows how much I love to see this.

  And now you ask what is this place and who I am?

  Then I am in heaven. Well there is no place like hell soo just say I am at god place and I am his smallest little baby angel . Everyone here loves me alot specially god.

  While I am jumping and smiling with joy the view in front of me vanish make a stop to my smile and turn to the god with hell like sullen face. He chuckles and cares my head and say the most dreaded thing I am afraid of "Do you want to go there?" I just stare at him wide eyes ,its not like I am not want to goo there. Its just like ,he never ever mention about sending me there.

  Always says "he is afraid to see me hurt" soo why is he sending me now. While I am staring at him wide eye he ask again, "do you want to go there baby?".I stare him in the eye and ask "why? Now" . He smile and say "Dont you love this creatures and always want to help humans and make them happy " . I just nodded my head and ask "Are you not afraid to see me hurt? Do you hate me papa?

  He smile warmly and hug me and said "Baby I love you, I love you the most and you are my treasure baby , but now there is a human who needs love and I know you have the heart to give him enough love and care he needed .That's why I am sending you there. But that doesn't mean my love for you decrease and now I doesn't care about you and your heart. I do but I know you have that strength, that heart that can spread love and create hope in people that there is still some people who can love selflessly."

  I cried by hearing this and say "I am afraid papa , what if I also become selfish just like them. What if I cannot accomplish your dream. And I miss you " I started crying and he hug me tightly and said "I miss you my baby and I have faith in you, that you can bring that hope in people that in this world there are still some people who can love selflessly. I trust you"