
Let’s Read The Word

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Don't Be Gay Be You

Don't Be Gay Be You




Don't be gay be you, is a statement that means you should be your self and your sexuality doesn't define you. This story is about gay teens slowly discover them selves. Slowly Alexander and Damien fall in love. Together they go threw the struggle of being gay in Catholic town, school and parents.

  I live in a Catholic town, so all my life I've been told, "don't be gay." I was told by parents, teachers, Uncles, antys, grandparents, cousin, siblings, other students and even my friends. Therefore I knew if I ever dare come out everyone would leave me. The worst part of this is I have a huge crush on this older boy in my school named Damien and I think he found out because tomorrow he told me to meet him behind the church next to our school. I'm terrified of what his going to say, I've been stressing over this all day, I'm so nervous.

  "Alex! Super!" My mom yelled threw my door.

  "Coming!" I yelled back, leaveing the comfort of room to go eat.

  "And the gremlin has appeared." My younger sister said with a little giggle.

  "Very funny Holy," I said rolling my eyes at her and sighing a little.

  "She has a point, Alex all you do is spend all day in your." My older brother said, while pouring him self a drink. All I thought as he said that was 'becaues I can be myself in my room'.

  "I like my room," I said with a sigh in my voice and sitting down at the table. After I was done eating I got up to leave,

  "Alex, we're going to read a chapter of the bible before bed. You can go wash up and get ready for bed but I want you in the living room in 10, understand?" My father told me after finishing a sip from his beer.

  "Yes sir," I went to my room, put on pjs, brushed my teeth and washed my face and went to the living room. When I got there my dad open the bible and started reading.

  "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable and if a man lies with a man as one lies with woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." I knew he chose that passage just to tell me indirectly, "don't you dare be gay." After he was done I went back to my room. I put my head phones in and played Boys In The Street by Austin Percario, I really wanted to sing along but if I did I would be yelled at. If anyone new what I was listening to I would be yelled at, I wish I could be myself.