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At World's End: The Alpha Queen

At World's End: The Alpha Queen




Chantria is happy with moving to Crestfield with her dad, she feels she needs this as a means to cope with the mysterious death of her mother. Everything changes when she realises she's the Alpha Queen, the last descendant of the primal werewolves who ruled all of Feralia. She knows nothing about being a leader or having a purpose, but with the help of a mysterious boy and a few friends she's determined to make it work for both worlds and prevent the Uprising. An all out war between werewolves of different bloodlines

"Careful Chantria, that vase is a family heirloom!"

Chantria rolled her eyes as she reached out to take the vase from her father. She couldn't help but smile at his concern though; the thing was huge and heavy. As they walked into the foyer of their home for the first time since they got there, her father's arm around her waist helped steady her. She turned to face him as she stopped in front of the door.

The man looked at her with a wide grin on his face, as if saying ‘we're finally here!’ His blue eyes sparkled like the sky outside. Chantria knew why he was so excited. After everything they had been through with finding a home, she felt happy as well. They would be living in Crestfield soon enough. With a soft smile, she turned around and continued  walking towards the stairs. Once they reached them, Chantria took a seat on one of the steps. Her dad sat down beside her, taking off his hat so he could run a hand through his light blond hair.

"It's strange isn't it?" She started, breaking the silence that had fallen over them once again. He just hummed in response, looking at her. Chantria smiled at him, turning her body so she was facing him completely. He always said she should look people straight in the eye when talking to them, she supposed it made sense since she never really liked it when people stared at her.

"It's strange, I mean, we're about to move in but it feels like we've been here all our lives." she began, not being able to stop herself.

"Yes, it does doesn't it? And this is our new life together." he answered back, giving her a warm smile.  It was true though, their entire lives had changed. There was no going back from what happened last year. Chantria had lost her mom to a robbery attack in her former home city; it was something they had never spoken about. When she woke up to find her mother with severe scars and claw marks fighting for her life in an ambulance, she died two days later in the arms of her dad as she said her last words to Chantria "If they find you, remember who you are." After that, there were countless nights spent crying, begging for her mother to come back. To live another day. The doctor said she had lost a lot of blood and some of her vital organs were damaged from the scratches. The police ruled it as an animal attack but Chantria knew there was more to it than that.

Her father didn't say much after he found out. But she knew that deep down inside, he blamed himself for how she died. He told her that if he hadn't insisted on working extra hours that night, she would still be alive today. Chantria understood what her mother meant to him. How much he cared about his wife, The way he tried to hold onto his emotions even when things got tough. How she was still very much a part of his life. No matter what.

As Chantria looked across the room to see a picture of her mom in one of the boxes "I miss her." Chantria said as she stared at the picture of her mother.  It was taken a week before the incident. She was wearing a long black gown with her hair pulled back into a bun. Her beautiful hazel eyes were full of happiness and love. She remembered how much she loved that dress. She remembered the days when her mother was still alive. Before everything went downhill. Chantria closed her eyes trying to keep her tears at bay "I miss her too." her father said as he placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. Chantria leaned her head against her father's shoulder, closing her eyes.

It was a new week and Chantria was set to start schooling at Crestfield High. While she was ecstatic about getting into another school she was also terrified about how everyone around her would react. Would they laugh at her? Treat her like less than a person? That's what happened when she was at her former school when she was ten. She always felt she didn't fit in no matter what she did. "You better be in bed when I'm through with the dishes C!" Her father said from the kitchen as he washed the dinner plates. "On it dad, Good night!" she replied.

She sighed, turning off the lights and climbing under the covers. This change  would be for the best. She thought as she closed her eyes. She drifted off to sleep thinking about the future and hoping that everything would work out.

The next morning, Chantria awoke slowly to the smell of eggs cooking in the pan. It wasn't her normal waking up alarm. Instead it was her father's favorite breakfast, pancakes. Her stomach grumbled in hunger as she climbed out of bed. She slipped into her  slippers while making her way downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, she saw her dad sitting at the kitchen table. He looked up as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning darling!" her father said as he stood up, giving her a light hug. The older man kissed her forehead before placing a cup of steaming coffee in front of her.  "I made your favourite breakfast, bacon and eggs. It smells delicious!" He exclaimed.

"Dad, can't you just make me eggs everyday?" She asked as she sat down in her usual spot at the table. "Sorry dear, that's just not the diet I want for you," he replied with a wink.

"But I'm already eating a lot," Chantria complained. "And anyway, there is nothing wrong with having two servings per day." She argued. She grabbed a fork and stabbed a piece of bacon, popping it in her mouth. The taste burst on her tongue as the hot, buttery syrup coated her lips. "That's my girl." Her father chuckled, patting her head affectionately before going back to his breakfast.

After finishing her plate, Chantria made her way upstairs to her bathroom to get ready for school.  She showered quickly, then got dressed in her uniform. When she was done putting on her shoes, she checked herself out in the mirror. She never stopped to take a good look at herself, at least since her mother passed. She had hazel eyes just like her mother which complimented her dark brown skin, thick black hair which she let flow freely. She was quite tall for her age too, not everyone sees a nineteen year old girl that's 6"2 everyday. Her father says she got it from her mom, but that may have just been wishful thinking. After checking to make sure her hair was neat and styled, she went downstairs where her father was waiting for her.

He took his car keys while Chantria grabbed her backpack and a book.  Together, they walked out the door. The drive into town was a peaceful one, the two talked quietly about various subjects as they drove. They pulled into the parking lot of Crestfield High School. "Have a great day today sweetie, make sure to gimme details when you're back." Her dad said as he straightened her collar.  She nodded in response, grabbing ahold of her bag strap and heading towards the entrance of the school.