
Let’s Read The Word

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Diamond That You Are Throw

Diamond That You Are Throw




"Just wait and see! I will prove it! That I will get a husband in a time that you do not expect!" Alika Soedirja is a businessman is about to take revenge towards her ex-husband. She is looking for someone who can be her husband in some matchmaking soulmate agency. And that man is Yustaf, man who have all things that Alika looking for. But behind that, he had a mysterious side, even many things about him Alika doesn't know. Who exactly the man she is going to marry? On her wedding day with Yustaf, Rachel and Andrew (ex-husband) came as guests. However, they actually said sneaky things to this newlywed couple. More hurts they allege that she paid Yustaf to be her fake husband in order to cover up her embarrassment for being a widow for a long time. A perfect revenge began from that moment.

A beautiful woman with ruby dress drags down to her feet walks gracefully with her three-finger high heels.

Her name is Alika

28 years old

a businesswoman who being a director for the well-known company Alika's group in this three years.

This time, she is attend the wedding of her ex-husband. Several people whispered to each other when they saw her.

"Look, she's here. You wall face! After humiliating Rachel, you still have a face to attend your ex-husband's wedding."  One woman hissed.

"She is not feel embarrassed at all."  the other women laughed. Alika rolled her eyes and tried to ignore those people's disgusting word. 

She doesn't care if many people blaspheme her, even though she knows where she is. She entered the lion's den.  When she set foot in, she would not be able to get out.

To be honest, she didn't want to attend her ex-husband's wedding.  If it wasn't for a working business she wouldn't stepped foot into the lion's den. The cage is dirty, disgusting, and even becomes the cage of that home wrecker and ex-husband who likes to show off. 

Attending their wedding even almost undermine her self-esteem. Two days ago, Alika met her ex-husband


at that man's office.

At first, it was about work but suddenly Rachel came and clung to Andrew's shoulder, urging Alika not to get too close to her ex husband because they were getting married soon.

Alika couldn't believe that home wrecker even talk about ridiculous things to her at work time like this.  It's as if he's mixing personal problems with work problems. Plus Andrew agree with Rachel says which make Alika startled.

Andrew say, Alika visits his office too often, why not leave this matter to his secretary named Albert? He said, he is worried that his future wife, who is very proud and graduated from Oxford with cum laude, would become Alika's next play.

Alika was annoyed at that time. This guy is so cocky!  Even if you think about it, they both have one thing that very similar, is that make blood pressure rise! At that time Alika also replied with words that were not much spicier. 

She said if Rachel was overreacting, she couldn't even tell the difference between work and personal business.

If you can't be an introspective person from the start, how can you be a proud wife?  Plus reclaiming Andrew was the most absurd thing. Will she ever take a toy that has become someone else's? 

That's what Alika said. And nothing Alika could catch from Rachel's face other than an irritated look.  Alika who was about to leave suddenly tripped over Rachel's feet. 

That woman looked satisfied when she saw that Alika was about to fall. Plus Andrew is very confident if Alika do that to get his attention to be hugged or helped by him to stand. 

Andrew said sickening things for the umpteenth time. Alika woke up by herself, she saw Rachel who looked as free as that. 

Alika couldn't stand it, she even took a glass of water from the table and splashed Rachel's face. Alika feels very satisfied, even though many people focus on them, and curse her too much. Today is their wedding day. 

On stage, Andrew the ex-husband, and Rachel the home wrecker shook hands with several guests.  Alika looks too lazy for going to the stage for shake hands with them. But if she didn't shake hands with them, she couldn't go home quickly. 

At least she should respect the owner of this wed. Alika walk to the stage, from there she could hear many voices whispering behind her. "See, do you look at the atmosphere?"

"Why is she invited?" "She must be jealous. She must be want to mess up the stage now." "There will be a chaos after this." Some voices behind Alika that were very clear to her ears. 

Alika tried to ignore it and stepped closer to Andrew and Rachel. Andrew who see Alika walk closer immediately greeted her.  They shook hands at that time. Andrew whispered in Alika's ear. 

"You are so beautiful today, but don't expect me to fall for you again." whispered Andrew and of course rewarded with a footstep by Alika. Alika kept smiling at him, as if nothing happen and then turned to shake hands with Rachel.

"I'm sorry, Alika. For what happened that time, you were the one who bothered me first, so I got carried away with moody."  Rachel said. 

Alika pretends to smile even though in deep heart she wants to vomit.  She even said quietly in her heart.

"You're annoying too. I've never regretted washing your hair,"  muttered Alika. "Are you whispering just now?"  Rachel asked. Alika shook her head and smiled as if she felt she was okay that time. Andrew suddenly said to his guest who wanted to shake hands with him.

"Sir, do you want this woman? She's my ex-wife. Isn't she beautiful? If you like, I'll give you her phone number."  said Andrew. 

Alika is furious and felt Andrew is very silly, is this man crazy?!

"Her name is Alika, sir, since she divorced me, she likes to daydream, angry and not so sane, vengeful and acutely upset. Do you want this woman?"  offer Andrew. Alika feels humiliated.  Am I an item?! 

Without realizing it, Alika's hand moved to slap Andrew's cheek. All the guests had thought this would happen, they said to each other. 

"Did I say?"  Then they gossip a lot about Alika's reputation which has been tarnished in the eyes of Rachel and Andrew's supporters, especially their families.

"You think i'm that pitiful, that easily you can offer with other people?!"  said Alika.

"Come on, Al. Don't deny it. You're a widow right now, so there's a chance this will be hard you'll find another husband, that's rare,"  said Andrew then agreed by Rachel.

"That's right, hubby."  defended Rachel. Alika hates them both. 

She then said "Just watch, I will prove it! That I will get a husband in a time that you do not expect!" said Alika and then made the two nut creatures silent.

"Just wait and see! I will find husband as soon as possible!" After that, Alika walked quickly out of the wedding hall.  Albert, his secretary who see Alika coming out of the building, tried to chase after her.

He also knew what Alika had just done, she slapped her ex-husband on her wedding day, right in front of the public and company delegates. She is anaged to tarnish her name and reputation in this event. 

But what Albert seen so far from Andrew's figure is that he is a jerk, he is a man who likes to make Alika hypertensive. He is a man who is not suitable to be the partner life of this miss independent.

In her sports car, Alika keep stare at the window. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her chest who is about to be congested.  Albert immediately entered the car and sat on the steering wheel, right beside her.

"You look disheveled. Did something happen?"  asked Albert.

"Where can I find a husband?"  asked Alika straight to the point.