
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Arbest Savage



Aila’s writing career has been stagnant since she moved to the city, so when her editor comes to her with a project unlike any other, she hopes this will be her big break. The assignment? An expose on a bachelor billionaire tycoon that everyone in the city is talking about. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about his background and ruin his reputation. Aila feels bad about it, but if this is the price for success, she decides that she is willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? What will happen when Aila poses as a high end estate agent and finds out more than why she was there? Will she complete the assignment or drive into the past that keeps calling her? Who are the dead innocent souls and how did everything begin?

“Sabela! Sabela!”

“Are you okay?!”

Sabela opened her eyes, and glimpsing Rathnait standing beside her, she quickly stood up from the bed.

Feeling irritated, she hissed with anger.

“Are you okay?” Rathnait asked. She wanted to touch Sabela.

“Don't you dare!” Sabela pointed her index finger at Rathnait's face.

Rathnait was shocked, and she moved back a little in fear.

“Have you lost your mind? Be warned.” Sabela hissed and headed to the bathroom.

“I remember lying down on the floor in the sitting room. How am I here?” She blew out, turning back to Rathnait.

“I hope it's not what I am thinking?”

“I can explain. It's not what you think, Sabela.” Rathnait tried to explain, but Sabela cut in, “don’t tell me it is what I am guessing."

Before Rathnait could open her mouth to make an excuse, Sabela thought back about seeing her mother. She quickly ran out of the bedroom, shouting, “mum!”

“What's going on?” Rathnait was bewildered.


“Ouch!” Sabela groaned due to how she was descending the stairs fast.

She didn't stop running and did not mind the injury out of curiosity.

Arriving in the sitting room, she stood for one minute, looking around with her hands around her waist, thinking about where her mother could be.

“We haven't had breakfast. She should be in the kitchen cooking…”

She stood for a second, laying her hand on the kitchen door handle. She said a prayer, hoping that her mother would be inside.

She abruptly opened the door and entered the kitchen, only to see the well-washed dishes smiling at her.

“She has cleaned the kitchen. She must be in the toilet washing it. She hates dirt…”

She ran into the toilet but still didn't find her mother.

She buried her head in between her hands and walked unevenly to the middle of the sitting room with her back.

“What's wrong with me?”

She closed her eyes, fighting with memories from the past, seeing different people crying around her for help.

“No!” she screamed. Tears rolled out of her eyes.

She opened her eyes, gulping.

She felt dizzy and was about to fall on the floor before Rathnait held her from behind.

Knowing it was Rathnait, she quickly let go of herself and stood well on her own.

“Why are you stalking me around?” She snarled.

“I am not stalking you.” Rathnait Spoke.

“Then what's this call?” Sabela riposted.

“I am…”

“Must you meddle in my life?” Sabela lashed out.

“What's going on Sabela?” Rathnait asked.

“I don't know, ask me again,” Sabela answered with discourtesy.

She snickered, proceeding to a peal of mocking laughter. “Did I say anything is wrong with me?”

“Even if I am not feeling well, I know the way to the hospital. I even know shortcuts to take.” She taunted.

“Please Sabela, tell me what's going on.” Rathnait pleaded.

“Stop it, Rathnait. I should be the one asking you such a silly question,” Sabela bawled.

“I have warned you countless times to stop being a questionnaire about my life and how I am living it.”

“Sabela…” Rathnait's voice was low because of the fear Sabela created in her.

“Don’t you still understand? Stop meddling with my life, just stop, please.” She tried to lower her voice.

“Struggling this hard to follow simple instructions, I think I know the reasons they sacked you in Spain.” She mocked.

“I wasn't sacked. I resigned.” Rathnait clarified.

“Why? Hun?”

“Why did you resign when you didn't have another job ready? Stop lying.” Sabela didn't believe it.

“To take care of you.” Rathnait’s answer was simple.

“Hun?!” Sabela was astonished.

“Yes. I resigned and came back because I need to take care of you and Emily.” Rathnait analyzed.

Sabela laughed hysterically. She placed her right hand on her knee, as she covered her mouth with her left hand.

“How can you resign because of me and Emily?” Sabela pondered.

Rathnait shook her head in positivity. “Yes.”

“Stop lying. You are here to end it all.” Sabela poured out.

“What do you mean?” Rathnait was confused.

“I can't explain something you enslaved in your head. Do I look like a mind reader?” Sabela shunned.

“But…” Rathnait opened her mouth to talk, but Sabela had less interest in the discussion.

“Are we babies or little kids? Hun?!” Sabela wondered.

“I am not lying," Rathnait swore. “I know you will not believe me. but…” Rathnait has a lot to say.

“But what? Hun? Tell me. But what? Why would I rely on your words in the first place?” Sabela smiled.

“Please Rathnait. You should mind your business, not mine.” Sabela uttered.

“Sabela…” Rathnait called with a low voice.

“I am not stopping you from taking care of Emily. She is our sister. You should do your role, and I will do mine.” Sabela declared.

“But Sabela, you are also my sister, and I may know what is wrong…” Rathnait didn't give up.

Sabela chuckled, crossing her hands on her chest. She bent a little and forwarded her head a little closer to Rathnait. “Which part of the law states that? Made by who? Made by you? Hun?”

“No rules empower meddling in other's business. You should leave me alone unless you want to lose the remaining respect I have for you.”

“Sabela…” Rathnait knew what to say, but looking at Sabela, she was short of words.

“Don’t you understand? My life is mine, not yours! I am Sabela. You are Rathnait. Does that sound alike?”

“It is my life, and I will live it anyhow I want, not how you or anybody want!” Sabela roared and attempted to walk out of Rathnait’s sight.

“Please Sabela, grant me a little of your time. We need to talk.” Rathnait held Sabela back.

Sabela giggled, and she bent a little to the left. She disgustingly touched Rathnait's hand like it was a piece of irritating trash, covering her nose with her upper lips like the air was polluted, and she was smelling a bad odor. She let her hand out of Rathnait's hand.

“I am sorry. I am busy,” Sabela tried not to be rude.

She couldn't help being rude. “Had it been I don't know you will rant, I might give you a little of my time, but I can't waste a second for you to split rubbish.”

“Please. Sabela.” Rathnait begged.

Sabela turned back and walked to the chair, and sat down. “Come and have your seat. You have just thirty minutes,”

“These next thirty minutes may be the last we will share in this house. That's why I will give it to you.”

“Okay.” Rathnait walked to Sabela's front and sat down on the chair next to her. She tried to hold Sabela's hand.

Sabela took her hand away from Rathnait. “Five minutes wasted.”

“Sabela. I am sorry for everything that is bothering you.” Rathnait created an appropriate line that could sink into Sabela's heart.

“What are you talking about, Rathnait? Why are you sorry?” Sabela raised a question, elevating her shoulder up.

“Did I accuse you of being behind my misfortunes?”

“No, Sabela. Stop saying that. You will never be misfortune.” Rathnait reversed the bad word.

“Never been misfortune?”

“Is that a prayer for me or you and Emily?” Sabela snickered.

“I guess it's for you both, not me. Because you made a big mistake,” Sabela said.

“I am already misfortune. Your prayer can't yield any positive results. Just nail the main point.”

“But…” Rathnait still had something to say, but Sabela was tired of the conservation.

“Rathnait, I have a lot to do other than sit here.” Sabela wished the conversation was over already.

“Sabela, this is not you I knew back…” Rathnait said with a transparency of pain in her voice, and her eyes teared.

Hearing those words, Sabela's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and anger. “What changes about me?”

“Hun?!” Rathnait didn't expect that.

“Yes. Who is the Sabela you knew back then?”