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The Devil's Mistress

The Devil's Mistress

Author:Frost _write



Synopsis " I need you, Lycan, I don't know how to say this to express myself but since that day you saved me. I haven't stopped thinking about how sexy and manly you were in action." Amanda confessed. Lycan chuckled and kissed her forehead." My, my, my I see my teaching is working. Here I thought you were about to pull the dagger that connects my heart to your love." " Tsk, I can't do that. I'll leave it there till eternity-" She pouted cutely. " shh… you are driving me crazy at your correct choice of words that penetrate my heart the more my assassin" He teased. " I love you with all my heart, Amanda, right from the day our eyes met." " I Love you too, my devil." She chuckled. Lycan swept her to her feet and headed toward the bedroom." How about some fun now, I'm craving for your body." Amanda sighed in relief and prayed that this peaceful moment lasted forever. Soon her laugh echoed inside the mansion. He was hers, so was she his. They had journeyed down the road together and had seen a lot of danger. They knew when the other was sad and happy. They were met to be and no one can change that.

Chapter one Assassinated

August 6, 2025

10:46 pm~

A mansion stood majestically under the night sky. Some thick trees surrounded it, there was a pool at the back and some guards were seen patrolling around the mansion anti-clockwise.

Inside one of those trees stood some people in black cloaks observing the mansion and the guards. One of them held a binocular with a frown appeared on their face

" Black wing," A feminine voice escaped from the one with the binoculars. Almost immediately a shadow appeared beside her.

" Captain." The shadow answered in a hoarse voice.

The captain nodded and asked." Have you received a report concerning the Raven squad? I've not heard any updates from them."

" Yes, Shadow and night blades had reported a minute ago that they had managed to sneak inside the building." He replied.

" Oh, that's good, now we have to focus on how to pass this one stationed around here. " She said, still observing the guards.

" That should be easy, with me taking over the task here." Black wing responded.

" I'm counting you on this. I'll stay behind the shadows in case a target escapes." She brought out her daggers from behind her.

Black wing nodded and disappeared. His figure dashed towards the unalerted guard at a corner and slashed him with his daggers.

The body collapsed on the floor with blood on its mouth. The captain smiled on seeing this and dashed out from the trees to the mansion after a sign from Black wings.

" Too brutal." She commented.

" Thank you for the compliment." He answered.

The captain turned serious and headed towards the balcony closer to them. With a flip and somersault, they made their way in.

They entered an empty room and waited there.

" Say, you stay here while I go get the target." She said, heading towards the door not waiting for his reply.

The black wing was silent and watched her close the door. He left the room minutes after and walked down the quiet hallway.

" I'm heading towards the core of the building, Shadow. Meet me there." He said and removed the earpiece from his ear.


The captain walked down the hallway quietly and observed anything that caught her eyes. One thing she noticed during her little journey was that the owner of this place was filthy rich because every piece of furniture in the mansion screamed rich'. Even the knob at the door was worth a million.

Apart from these things there, she met some guards and maidservants wandering around the house. Of course, she hid from them and climbed the stairs to the next floor. Where she paused and headed towards the single door in the hallway.

" This should be it." She thought and pushed the door open. A room came into view but inside was dark and a snore was heard inside the room.

She followed it with her touch light and there saw a fat man sleeping roughly on the bed. The bed sheet covered his naked body and his body was soaked with sweat. His breathing was very fast like he was in a panic, Amanda sneered and walked towards him quietly.

Her eyes narrowed on him.' Pretentious but a fool'. She took out her dagger and nailed it to his hand.

" Argggh!" The man screamed out in pain from his sleep." W-who is there? Who are you and what do you want from me!"

She smirks, ignoring his question." I don't know how you knew we were coming as we left no traces behind. Now tell me, who asked you to put on such an obvious act."

" Help, h-help, guards there's an assassin in my room." The man ignored her questions and screamed for help instead.

" For a man with a devilish scheme like you. This act is too stupid to put on as it can't fool me. Now I'll ask you this question for the very last time. Tsk, tsk, just know your answer decides your life." She said, and added." Mind you, all your guards have been taken care of. So don't have any false hope of escaping from here."

The man's face sank and he stuttered in fright." W-what question do you inquire about?"

She smiled." A question from last week's problem. The Texaco company broke down and all traces are led to you, Mr. Puck."

" Are you some kind of FBI, what does the problem have to do with you?" He frowned.

" Haven't you guessed it before? I'm an assassin so it's natural for me to get hired by someone to get you killed." She revealed a devilish smile under her cloak. " Now answer my question."

" what do you know!" She placed her dagger at his neck.

" I- I don't know what you are talking about." He felt like crying and chose to lie instead.


A slash was heard followed by a soul-piercing scream." Ah! I promise I don't kn-."


" W-wait, I think I remember now. I remember, please stop it, ah!" He screamed, feeling the dreadful pain in his thigh.

Amanda smiled in satisfaction and pulled the knife from his thigh mercilessly.

" I love your cooperation. Now spill it." She remarked.

Mr. Puck sighed and said,'' The Texaco company was meant to meet its doom, someday. As their problem won't stop for now, based on my estimation, it will take a few weeks or a month for it to return to how it was."

" Who are the masterminds behind this, and don't even think about extracting any information." She threatened.

" That I can't tell you, as we don't reveal our identities when doing this kind of job. Because, we know if we reveal our identities, such a problem will occur and we might sell ourselves out." He answered without hesitation.

'That explains why the police weren't able to get information from them.' She thought.

" Is there anything of other importance you would like to say that might…save your life?"

Mr. Puck dazed out at first but soon came back to his senses. He knew this lady here won't leave him to see tomorrow because she was here for a mission, and no matter the sweet talk or promises that his life will be spared, he knew they were all lies.

But still, he can't just stay here without doing a thing. Or at least find out who had hired her. Although it might sound stupid as she won't give out the person who hired her, at least it won't hurt asking.

" I guess you are not of worth anymore." Amanda raised her knife ready to clave his head.

" W-wait, I have a question to ask." Mr. Puck screamed in panic and jumped off the bed but winced in pain

" It should better be a question of great importance." She said and checked the wall clock.

11:45 pm

' I better get out of here soon. This man is trying to hold me here and wait for backup.' She thought.

" Who were the people that hired you, at least tell me before I die. It won't hurt to know about the person that killed me." He said moving backward.

" Tsk, here I thought it was something worth my time." She said angrily and walked towards me." At least you admitted it yourself that you were going to die anyway."

She dashed towards him and swung her daggers at his neck.

It was a quick move and the man had no time to turn the knob to call out for help before he collapsed, dead.

Amanda glared at the corpse on the floor and pressed her left ear, where an earpiece was. " The mission has been cleared. Evacuate the area and get rid of any evidence." She ordered.

She got some replies and she disconnected from the line.

" You didn't give me enough details Mr. Puck and this makes my mission more complicated. Now, I have to search for clues concerning the other shadows." She kicked the corpse in anger and dashed out of the room