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Dimension Ruler

Dimension Ruler




Many Dimensions Are At War, Our MC Tries To Becomes Dimension Ruler To Save The Countless Lives And To Get His Emotions Back. He Become The Guardian Of Dimension And Decendant Of Dragon King. MC Has a System Like Power Similar To Solo Leveling. Mc Is Not a Simp. Read How Surprises Everyone And His Family Who Abondoned Him And Leave Him To Die.

                           Dimension Ruler


   In The Top Floor Of a "S" Class Dungeon.

  Why We Didn't Face Any Monsters Till Now Says Rikel. Ofcourse S Class Dungeon Will Be Little Different From Regular Dungeons, I Think There Will Be Only 1 Monster And That Will Be Boss Says Leroy.

  After Walking For 5 Minutes The Three Reaches a Big Door. A Message Pop up In The Thin Air "**Your Emotions Are Temporarily Suppressed".** Huh, What's This, .......

  Judging By Their Expression They Can't See This Message Thinks Rin.

  There Is One S Class Monster After This Door And We Are 2 S Class Awakens. We Will Surely Win And After Taking That Monster's Body*

Note-The Body Of Monster Have Lot Of Treasures According To The Class Of Monster Like Medinces, Minerals Etc

*, Our Guild Will Be The Strongest And We Will Rule The World HahahahahaHahaha Says Rikel. Damn This Laugh Really Pisses Me Off Thinks Rin. Hey Don't You Dare Run Rin Says Rikel With a Fake Smiled Face. Rin Stays Silent. The Two Opens The Gate And By Just Taking 1 Step Into The Room All The Two S Class Awakens Exploded Like Balloons With Blood.

   The Top Floor Was Bloody Like Paint With The Blood Of The 3 S Class Awakens. Rin Didn't Exploaded But He Feels Like He Will Die By Just Seeing Piercing Crimson Coloured Eyes Of The Dragon.

  Wh-What The Hell Was That The Monsters Of Same Class Are Little Stronger Than The Awakens But Monsters Are Not That Strong To Just Kill 2 Awakens Of Same Class With a Mere Look This Is Absurd Thinks Rin.

  What Is This Monster. it- It Is a Dragon.

  The Dragon Says Hmm Strange Why Didn't You Die By My Pressure, You Are The Weakest Among Your Brothers And Your Eyes Don't Have Trace Of Fear. They Are Not My Brothers, I Am Just a Meat Shield For Them Says Rin With Expressionless Face. Rin Got Facinated By Seeing The Huge Glorious Body Of The Dragon No Wonder You Are The Most Proud Race Thinks Rin. I Am Not Scared And My Mind Feels Like Empty And Clear Is It Because My Emotions Are Suppressed Thinks Rin.

  Oh Interesting, Why Didn't You Narrate Your Story, I Can Make Your Death a Less Painful. Hmph, My Whole Life Was Painful I Will Not Mind The Pain Before My Death. By Looking At You, It Seems You Are The Already Almost Dead By Injury But How Can You Kill Those S Class Shits By a Mere Look. Because I Am a Tier 9 And Those Kids Were Tier 3, By Your Power Level I Am More Than SSS Class Dragon. What Higher Power Than S Class Exists Says Rin. I Answered Your Question Now Its Your Turn, Come On I Am Getting Bored Tell Me Your Story. 

  After The Apocalypse, My Father Was One Of The First And Strongest Awakens. He Created a Guild And It Is The Strongest Guild. My Father Is The Leader Of The Guild. I Am Eldest Son And a Unawakened, So My Father Was Greatly Disappointed, So I Was Ignored And Mocked Many Times. After a Year My Mother Give Birth To Twins And Both Were S Class Awakens. 17 Years Later a S Class Dungeon Was Opened Near Our Or Rather Say His Territory. It Was Blessing And Curse At The Same Time As You Know If Dungeon Left Uncleared For 5 Days It Explodes And Monster Of 1 Class Upper Than The Dungeon Monster Start Appearing Of The Dungeon, If My Father Goes To Clear The Dungeon Other Guild Might Gang Up On Our Guild. So He Has To Send His 2 Sons And a Daughter. I Am Also Here Because They Think Why Not Kill The Trash Says Rin.

  Your Own Family Did That? Humans Are Truly Wicked, Aren't You Satisfied Now I Killed Your Two Enemies Says The Dragon. I Don't Know, After Getting a Strange Message Of Saying Your Emotions Are Temporarily Suppressed, I Don't Feel Anything Says Rin. Lets See Why Your Pathetic Body Isn't Awakened Despite Being The Heir Of a S Class Hero. 

  Wha- Suddenly Rin Start Feeling Like He Is Being Ripped Apart From Inside. After Bearing The Pain For 10 Seconds, That Hurtz- 

  Intrupting Him The Dragon Says- You Are, How Is That Possi- Well Now Makes Sense Why My Tier Pressure Can't Kill You. Please Explain Is There a Reason Why Am I Living This Pathetic Life Says Rin. 

  First Sign a Contract With Me Says Dragon. Huh

  , I Better Die Than Becoming Your Slave Says Rin. I Am Not That Sinister Hooman. Its Human, Then What Contract Are You Taking About Says Rin. You Have To Protect Someone With Your Life Says The Dragon. I can't Even Protect Myself Says Rin. Listen Carefully First, There Are Lots Of Dimensions In The World. And In Every Dimension There Are Different Kinds Of Life, Power And Many Diversities. But Now Due Of Some Unknown Reason Many Dimension Are Fighting Each Other Says Dragon. Is That Why Dungeons Portals Are Appearing In Earth Says Rin. Clever, That's Right You Hoomans Are Lucky As They Are In Dungeon Instead Of Directly Attacking You Says Dragon. Is This Dungeon a S Class Or a SSS Class Says Rin. Actually I Came From My Upper World To Your Lower World Because Of Injuries. When I Came, The Dragon Here Was Already Dead. So I Replaced Him. Every Dimension Create Their Own Guardian For Their Protection And The Guardian Is You. You May Have Been Living a Life Of King If This Lower World Knows The Existence Of Guardian. Such a Pity, How Can This Role Given To Someone In The Lower World. Now I Am Awakening Your Power- After Hearing These Words Rin Falled Unconscious.

  In a Dark Room, Rin Binded With Rope In Chair. How Does That Feel Kiddo, My Awakened Power Are Specially For Torturing, My Fire Will Burn Your Insides Slowly. Tell Me Where Is Your Father And How It's Conditions Oor- The Unknown Man Touch Rin's Chest With His Finger And Start Burning It From Insides, Aaaaarrrrhhhhhhhhh. HAHAHAHAHA It's a Lot Fun To Break Someone With Torture Says The Unknown Guy With a Crazy And Greedy Face. Wait a Hour, I Am Coming From a Restaurant. Rin's Thought I Don't Fear Him, I Don't Fear Him, I Don't Fear Him After 5 Minutes I Don't Fear Him I Don't Fear Him. A Voice Heard, Heey Kiddoo , Good News I Came 55 minutes Earlier Do You Miss Me. I Don't Fear Him, But Everytime He Comes My Whole Body Start Shivering Thinks Rin. Let's Start Our Fuuunnnnnn-

  Rin Wake Up With Sweat All Over The Body , Hah Hah Hah. Seems Like Some Painful Memories Rin Says The Dragon. H-How Do You Know My Name, I Hear That From Your Brothers When You Were Coming Hear After Waking Up Suddenly a Message Pop Up In Thin Air

  **" Welcome Guardian To Your System"**

  **" Please Become Stronger And Save Your Dimension And Its Beings"**

  What Is This, Illusion? This Is Your Power, The Dimension Helps You In The Form Of a System. Another Message Popped Up

  **" The King Of Dragons '???' Wants To Form a Contract With You".

Show Contract



Cancel Contract


  Rin Taps The Show Contract 

  **Contract Quality- King Tier**

  **Formed Between- The King Of Dragons And The Guardian Rin**

  **Duration- ???**

  **Failure- ???**

  **Reward- ???**

  **1. Protect The One\ With Your Life*.**

  **2. The One\ Will Not Feel Any Kind Of Undesired Torture Because Of Guardian's  Selfish Desire*.**


Cancel Contract

Accept Contract


   Rin Accepts The Contract. I Think You Will Betray Me After Awakening Your Power Says The Dragon . I Formed The Contract, Now Whom I Protect. You Have To Protect My Heir, Suddenly a Egg Appear Out Of Thin Air.   

  **"The Egg Of King Of Dragons"**

  **"? Grade Egg"**

  When Rin Fix His Eyes At The Dragon For Second, A Message Pop Up in Top Of His head

  "The King Of Dragons LVL- ???"

     "HP 1/9163719"

  What You Are- Yes I Will Die, I Was Injured By 

  a Traitor. I Don't Have Much Time, Don't ask any Questions

  **The King Of Dragons Wants To Select You As a Descendent.




  **Host Is Advised To Accept.**
