
Let’s Read The Word

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CUPID is it where I first met him the love of my life. I logged in it only for fun didn't knew that it will turn my life upside down and I am so glad that I have done it otherwise would have regretted it all my life what I am saying I wouldn't have known about it to regret it but I am glad and this is the best decision of my life. This is my first novel so hope you guys will bear with it and me. It may have some grammatical mistakes but can you guys please bear with it and like it love you guys.

Unknown's POV

CUPID is it where I first met him the love of my life. Never had I thought that I will fall in love with someone since I was born in a religious family but I still wishes like every single girl that one day a prince charming come with a white horse and take me away silly because deep down I know that's never going to happen. But that's what I used to think before cause now my prince charming did really came and take me away far away in our own world where I don't know anyone except him but that's enough as long as I am with him every place will be familiar and memorable. Memories I will make sure to make them cause that's the only thing that will always stay with us but don't forget about him because he will always be there with me, in my memories and my everything. Let's start from the beginning my name is Emma Johnson and I am 18 years old. I was born in South Carolina in a religious family as you guys already know. I am studying at girls high school because my parents think that it will effect my studies if I study at co-educational school. Seriously I am a grown girl I know how to take care of myself. As if I will start a relationship as soon as I saw a boy and that will tarnish our family reputation that's going on from generations. Do I look like that desperate that they don't even let me study at co school as if I give a fuck about it. You must be thinking why I am saying these fucking things here I go again. Even though I am born in a religious family I am nothing religious I don't even like going to church to pray etc. I don't even know that much cause I don't fucking care. But my parents they always forced me to go to religious places and do things. I don't even have choice I always have to obey them. Once I remember was it two years ago or something I cursed infront of my mother by mistake and my mom she always get panicks very easily and she said I was possessed by a devil or something. She got scared that was really one of the time that l will never forget. So where were we yes I was telling that they even didn't let me at co-educational school. They don't even gave me a phone saying that I am still a kid. Seriously, I am 18 for god's sake. Why I can't do things like other students I also want to have phone, sleep over at friends house, want to have male friends, want to date, go to clubs, drinking everything have fun. But I guess I'm not going to experience these things not in this lifetime. I guess I have to rebirth or something. But being a stubborn person I am I started doing part-time job after school so I can buy phone for myself. It really took me lot time to collect that amount of money because I don't want a second hand phone. I wanted something that can be used until I get out of college and get a job. I started working at a cafe near my school so that my parents don't found about it because my school is really far from my home and they don't have any business near this area. I used to tell them that I am at a friend's house for studying and my friend also helped me. They let me go because they now her she is my best friend and also my only friend since kindergarten. Her name is Jessica. She is also studying at my school. We have always been in a same class. She is really my life saver she helped me out with my parents but sometimes she can be really clingy. But not anymore because she got a boyfriend and she used to go on date with him all the time. His name is Justin. She even gave her virginity to him on her eighteenth birthday. But no one knows about it except me and them. They really love each other and they even decided to get married after college. She met him at this cafe.He is also eighteenth like us. Since it's owned by his family and their was more work load that so he also decided to help and me and Jessica being a regular costumer of that cafe went there. As we used to go daily after school. That day he came to serve our table. They both fell in love in love with each other at first sight. I don't used to believe in that but I started to believe in it since then. Even their parents agreed to their relationship and he also got me this job in his cafe. They are really lucky. Here they comes showing off their love everywhere.

"I am getting blind, I can't see things" I said waving my hand infront of my face acting like blind and dramatically as I saw them approaching me .

"Emma stop behaving like that why don't you also get a boyfriend if you are going to be dramatic like that" Jessica said

I sighed I wish I could but I couldn't I feels so bad sometimes. " I am sorry Emma I shouldn't have said that." Jessica said

"It's fine it's the truth I can't even get a boyfriend. I guess I have to get arranged marriage like my parents always says and even if I had a boyfriend they will never agree of it"I said feeling down.

"Why don't you try dating on a dating app they won't even found about it" Justin said. I sighed again "She don't even had a phone to try a dating app" Jessica said sympathizing me. Justin said "I'm sorry I forgot." "It's alright" I said trying to light up their mood. I said "Did you guys come here to say sorry to me and also I will soon getting my phone. I have collected most of the money. I just have to work a month only and I will be getting my phone." Jessica gave me a pitying look "Save that for your boyfriend I said did you guys just came here to just talk don't you want to order something" I said. Justin understanding that I don't want to talk about it anymore he said "I want an Iced Americano without sugar and a latte for her" I said smiling " Now go and take your seat both of you I will get that ready" Justin smiled back at me knowing that I was thanking him for not talking the topic further. I made their drinks served them. After that I return to my position because I don't want to be a third wheel. After ending my shift. I close the cafe as I was always the last person to leave. I took a bus and seated at last. Since that's where I like to sit always. Sometimes I even wonder what if something happened to me on the way home how am I going to inform to my parents about it and I sighed again because that's the only thing I always do.

Writer's pov

What do you think guys will Emma will found her love and how is she going to find it? Please comment and also read further to found that how she founds her love. Some of you might even had a hint. Some of you might not. So read to know exactly what happened. Hope you guys will bear with it and will read further. It may have many grammatical mistakes since it's my first novel. Hope you guys enjoy. Please comment to tell if there is any mistakes so I can improve it in upcoming chapters. You guys can like this novel if you want but that's your choice. Goodbye let's meet in next chapters. Love you all.