
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Juliet Gabby Daniel



The Master Addiction is a story that deals with a girl who doesn't know who she is she had grew up in the orphanage home with her Best friend. Her best friend was adopted leaving only her in the orphanage home Her best friend do visit her frequently . he brings goodies and tell her how the city looks like. Being inquisitive Octavia ran away from the orphanage home What befall on her when she got into trouble on her first day in the city


I enlightened from the car staring at the city

"wow" I couldn't help but feel so amazed

New Zealand is definitely a beautiful city.

I can't wait to have all the fun I thought of having before coming here

I place my bag full of clothes on my head

Where will I go??

I have never been to the city

And I didn't tell the sisters I was coming here. I mean the Rev sister taking care of me in the orphanage home

They never allowed me leave the town to pay a visit to the city

To them the city is a bad place

I will have lots of fun here and prove them wrong

I saw lots of huge buildings.They were so beautiful

I turned around

"this is heaven " I screamed flying my two hands as I turned around

I felt dizzy and then I stopped. I guessed turning around wasnt that good

I smile still staring at everything

I will never go to that orphanage again. This is heaven

I heard a sound. I didn't know what to do

"move away. Don't you know you are on the way" someone yelled

I scoffed staring around. I slowly walked out of the road heading to God's knows where

First she will look for a job

She thought

Yeah that's what she was going to do

She continued walking with her bag on her head and then she saw the notice board

Someone to look after pigeon

It sounds easy to her. Maybe she should tried it first

But just then she saw a little girl running across the road and a moving car was fast approaching

She dropped her bag and run to the road pushing the girl out

She breathe in heavily as she fall to the floor with the little girl on her


I hit my back painfully at the chair in the car

What the nerves

"ouch" I groaned as the car stopped

"are you crazy " I yelled at the driver

"MA is not me. I'm trying to dodge the girl that entered the road" he said trembling

Of course he has every right

No one touches my feet not alone make me groaned

"stop the car and come open the door for me" I thundered

He rushed down and opened the door for me

I walked down from the limousine as my two bodyguards also walked down

"I will kill the human that made Mabel. Nicholas first wife groaned" I cursed under my breath

I saw a girl trying to get up

So she's the moron that almost cursed an accident for me

She stood up and we met face to face

I felt the urge to throw up because she looks so dirty

I can't even lay my hand to slap here face

"guards" I called

They came in front of me bowing

"take her to the other car" I ordered and taking one glance at her I walk back to the car

She will pay for crossing my path

Taking one glance at her I walk back to the limousine


"where are you taking me to " I yelled at the men pulling me

"let go of me " I cried

They paid deaf ears as one of them carried me on his shoulders

I kept hiding his back

He finally dropped me but on a car

And before I knew it they drove out

I stared at the inside of the car. It looks beautiful but I was so scared

Where were they taking me to







He pulled me out of the car and carried me again

"I'm not a baby drop me!!" I yelled

"I said drop me bitch!! " I yelled hitting his back

I gasped

I shouldnt have use the word bitch. If I was still in the orphanage home the Rev sisters would have scold me

"drop me " I yelled and then he did but on a bed

"what should we do to her now" one of them said

"she has given orders. Let's wait for her orders before doing anything but for now let's keep her here" they replied and with that walked out

So great!!

First it was an accident

And now I have been locked in this room. I examined the room it was beautiful tho

I moved to the door and twisted the knob it made way

I felt happy

I can live

I walked out quickly from the room and met a staircase

I gasped

This was wow!!

So damn beautiful. I climbed up the stairs

"does a human lived here " I thought

A door was slightly opened and I popped my head into it

I almost screamed out seeing the room

I thought I have see it all but this room was far from beautiful

And before I knew it I entered touching the transparent wall

Everything was just prefect

I could her the sound of something like a running water

I touched the vase

The sound stopped and then the door opened

I turned and saw him

My eyes widened as I looked at him. His hair was wet and water was dripping down his face to his chest

I touched my heart and I felt my feet too weak

My heart was beating faster too

I couldn't hold on and before I knew it I fainted