
Let’s Read The Word

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Innocent Kiss

Innocent Kiss




"Kiss the last man that enters the restaurant," Ragini said to Priya, further continuing, "if you are not able to, drink five bottles of coke at one go. If you do, I'll clean the tables here in your restaurant." "Ok… fine dear. Done," Priya responded. The bet was on and then after 4 bottles Priya wasn't able to drink more. Ready to give in, she glued her eyes on the entrance of her restaurant. There the bell tinkled and the door opened. She rushed and kissed the man that entered without bothering to look at him. Her lips were immediately captured in a deep kiss. Both were lost when a small voice came, "Give me also." This jolted them back to reality. Priya was lost in the pool of blue black deep eyes and that handsome hunk into brown eyes. She looked down and saw a miniature of the handsome man. She sat on her knees and kissed him on his chubby cheeks and in return got the same. How far will this innocent kiss take them? It's the ignition of a fiery relationship. Read it and find out about it.

Priya, a young graduate girl with beautiful sharp features, long black hair runs her own restaurant in the city with her mom.

Ragini is her one and only friend of her childhood, who knows her in and out .

Ragini recently got engaged so both the girls were partying with pizza and cold drinks. Ragini kept on singing praises of her fiance and then as on the spur of the moment she challenges her innocent friend to kiss randomly any guy who enters the restaurant.

She knew this is how Priya will open up and come out of her past, where she lost her fiance who was in the army a few months back. Priya was head over heels in love with Raj but destiny plays its role in an unpredictable way.

"Shake out baby, it's already midnight so just you and me here with the coke and pizza . Let me challenge you to have five bottles of cold drink. If you drink all without a single break I'll clean all the tables or else you gotta kiss, I mean smooch on the lips of the handsome man, whoever enters the door of this classic, cozy restaurant. But don't you dare kiss my man if he comes." She said so cutely with a pout that brought a smile to Priya's face.

They were on their fourth bottle when Priya said, "That's enough, I can't have more and luckily it's already midnight , so nobody's going to come. Hurry up, I accept you win and now let's go back to my mom's room as mom has gone to Delhi for some urgent work."

"Spoil sport. Let's go but bet is on,'' Priya was about to get up from the seat when they heard the bell tinkling at the entrance. Priya got up, smoothened her long skirt and rushed to open the door and with closed eyes kissed the first man who entered the restaurant. She intended to kiss the cheeks but the man who entered was taken aback but again who refused a candy when offered? That's what Sunny thought. With a smirk he obligated the girl but was surprised at the innocent kiss he received. The inexperience of the girl was easily felt by him. This could have been more intense had it not been his son, who disturbed.

"Wow, what a welcome, dear, count me as a regular customer. Is this going to be your welcome strategy or was it just for me?" He played along , moving his fingers in his hair. He was taken aback by the beauty of the girl. Those deep brown eyes were deep enough to drown.

"Dad, this aunty is beautiful and gives kisses. I want more." His interference lightened the deep sexy mood.

Priya was getting all beetroot red and was glaring at her laughing friend, Ragini.

"Well it's for today only and the offer closed the moment your lips were captured by my beautiful friend, but yes the offer is open for life time for this cute little handsome boy. What do you say Priya?" Looking between Priya and the handsome hunk, Ragini asked.

This brought a hearty laughter from the man. He came forward and said, "Hi I'm Sunny, as in name as in nature, this is junior Sunny, his name is.…"

"My name is Harry as in Harry Potter". Mimicking his dad, he said.

A step further he took and held Priya's hand and said, "Will you be my girl?"

Priya also bent down and ignoring Sunny she said, "Of course handsome boy, after all you gave me a cute reason to be your girl but promise me you'll give your cute kisses to me. Deal.." Stifling back her laughter she said.

Harry thought for a moment and then said, "I don't promise but, till the time I find myself a good girl, I'll stick to you." He hugged her tightly.

Sunny was surprised that otherwise sulky boy, who always flinched away whenever a female acquaintance of his tried getting close to him. He then looked up at Priya and mouthed thanks. Even today he brought him here as he was feeling lonely.

"Harry, what about me? When will I get my share? Come on, let's order something."

"A Burger, vegetable fries with a glass of hot chocolate will do."

Taking their order Priya went to the kitchen area whereas father and son sat on the corner table. They were playing stone, paper and scissors when their order came. It was late evening so Priya preferred preparing orders herself otherwise she had a helper.

They both loved the huge burger and vegetable fries. By the time they finished eating, hot chocolate was placed on their table.

After drinking hot chocolate, Harry ran to Priya and sat near her.

Sunny was taking a call when Harry came running to her. Sunny got up and came to the reception to pay the bill, Priya after giving him back the change said, "Hot chocolate is on the house. I mean, we are offering drinks for a week as a weekly promotion."

Ragini in the meantime bid bye as her fiance had come to pick her up. With a wink she left.

Priya just lived walking distance, so she didn't mind staying up late. Since her mom was also out of town, instead of being alone she preferred sitting in the restaurant rather than facing the walls.

Clearing her throat she said, "I'm sorry for that but I'm not of that type, it was just in the spur of the moment. "

"But I'm not. I rather enjoyed the welcome."