
Let’s Read The Word

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Pretend To Be A Slave

Pretend To Be A Slave




They said, everyone is pretending, and I am okay with that, but not this kind of pretending. How could I leave my normal life just to be a slave of a coldhearted CEO? I'm okay in my middle class life status, but because of that piece of paper, my life is ruined.


"Amary, Mrs.Ellis want me to ask you if you already Finished creating the inventory for this week?" Alisha asked me, she's the secretary of our chief financial officer.

"Not yet,but I think I can finish it later. Just tell Mrs.Ellis that I'm the one whose gonna give it to her personally" I said and she nooded at me before going back to our CFO's office.

My name is Amaryllis Chrysalis, I am a financial reporting accountant in one of the biggest business company here in the Philippines and overseas.

I am working here for almost two years

and I can say that the job here in the office is really stressful. You don't have enough time for your self because there's a lot of paper works that you need to accomplish, but this job suits to me, I like this kind of job because I don't have a time without doing anything ,which may just lead me on thinking of my dead parents and I don't want to depress my self anymore.

My parents died five years ago because of a car accident whose driving is my father. It was raining at that time,the road was slippery and dark so my father didn't notice that he need to turn because that is the dead end of the road.

I was 22 years old at that time and I'm so busy at my study,that's why I didn't go to the party that they attended. The accident happened when they're on their way home. At that time,the only person that left with me was my grandmother. She is in our province right now because she don't want to live longer here in the city. She just live here in manila at almost two years when my parents died to guide me and for being replacement for my parents. But since she saw me holding a diploma and finished my studying, she returned to the province.

Even I want to be with my grandma, I can't leave my job here in manila because this is the best job that can give me a highest salary. I need a highest salary to provide my and my grandma needs. Because what my parents left behind is our big house here in manila, a car that I still using,it used to be two but because of the accident,there's only one left. My parents also had a money in my bank but I already used it in their funeral and for my study. So the only thing that can support us is my job right now.

"Ok good" Mrs.Ellis said,she's our Chief financial officer "By the way, Mr.Damaris officially confirmed that he gonna stay here in this company, so sad to say, there's a lot of paper works that need to be done before Mr.Damaris needs it " Mrs.Ellis seriously said and it's obvious that she's stress right now.

"Its okay ma'am, after all that's my job" I said and she just smile at me before I left her office.

Daxten Acer Damaris is our CEO and of course our boss.In the aged of 24 he take over all the business of their family, and now that he's already 29 years old, his business and his family is now successful. Yes,he had his own business while holding their family business, that's how Mr.Damaris good in the field of business.

Mr.Damaris not always stay here in the Philippines because he's business had a lot of branches .He's wasn't always stay here longer in the Philippines, he was preferring staying overseas.

I admit that Mr.Damaris was handsome, intimidating like a Greek god. Honestly a lot of women want to capture his attention, self included. I just can't help but admire how powerful he was physically and mentally.

But he was a strict, and a total business minded person so I assume that he was not that family oriented. In addition, He always wants us to finish our work before the deadline and we always got a lot of paper works when he's here in the Philippines especially now that he is gonna stay again here in our company. And as usual, there are a lot of pressures was gonna happen starting today....................

"Shit, why did Sir.Damaris come here so early!! I didn't even saw him while he was walking at the lobby and I didn't even say hi to his gorgeous face" Storm's in contempt, she's my bestfriend since we are in college.

"Oh gosh, you keep saying that too many times, Storm!" I said as I roll my eyes to her while my voice was as obvious that I'm irritated with her "Now,could you please go back to your respective table because I need to focus on what I'm doing, okay?" I said to her but she just roll her eyes as her answer before leaving . That's not a problem to me since I was used at her shrewish acts.

In this whole morning I've been focusing my self at my laptop and computer that are at my desk to finish the half of the papers and files that I need to accomplish. And in 2 pm, I forced my self to stand up and go to the kitchen which is also just here on our floor to make a coffee for my self while I'm resting my eyes from the irritating blue lights.

"Ms.Allura,you are here. Taking break for a while?" I asked to Mr.Damaris's --- who is the owner of this company--- secretary who's sitting at the table that we set up to be our dining table here in the company. There are three more floors between Mr. Damaris's office and to our Company's kitchen, but Ms.Allura was always using our kitchen when she's taking her break because this is the only kitchen that was the nearest to Mr.Damaris's office since there's no kitchen on those three floors, because it is the stockholder's office.

"Yeah, I'm taking my break right now while I'm still not doing hectic things because later at 3pm, I'm sure that Mr.Damaris will give me a lot of things that I need to do and accomplish right away,so its better if I just take my rest right now for a little while because, gosh! it's so exhausting" Ms.Allura said while her formality was completely fading.

We are all the same here when we are standing in front of Mr. Damaris or even when his just walking at our side, we automatically stand straight and act formal because of his presence that can intimidate your personality as the heck!

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea that you take your break right now" I said while making my coffee and after finishing doing it, I went to the table on where Ms.Allura was sitting. "Ms.allura, what is that?" I asked her while pointing the papers that she put at the chair beside her.

"Oh gosh!! Damn Allura, why did you forget!" Ms.Allura said while she's talking to her self. And when she's going to stand up, she received a call.

"Did you have a problem?" I asked her when the call was ended

and after that she's look so problematic

She sighed as she looks so problematic "I need to go right now. How could I forgot that Mr.Damaris instructed me something and I need to do it right now? Gosh,I am unbelievable" she said as she was panicking but she suddenly stop and look at the papers beside her " But this papers, I am suppose to put it in my table because Mr.Damaris needs it, but I forgot to put it in my table,gosh!"

"Will it just be laid on your table?" I asked


"Then let me help you by putting that papers to your table, Ms.Allura" I offered while smiling

"Are you sure? Okay, thank you very much, Amary, thank you, Thank you very much!" Ms.Allura said in hurry and left so I covered my coffee first before I quickly go to the elevator.

The elevator stopped at the floor where Mr.Damaris's office was located so I immediately go out of the elevator. The only door that you could see in this floor is the Office for Mr.Damaris which was so big because he use the whole floor to be only his office but there was still a small space for Ms.Allura's table and the mini sofa outside of his office.

I'm not that scared or nervous as I was walking at where Ms.Allura's table was because it looks like the door at Mr.Damaris office was closed. Ms. Allura's table can't be seen inside either because her table is on the side of the Mr.Damaris office door and the wall that separate Mr.Damaris office and Ms. Allura's table is only the thick black glass so I'm not that nervous.

When I approached Ms. Allura's table, I immediately noticed that the door of Mr. Damaris' office was a bit open. I accidentally heard a noise coming from the office which almost stops my breathing, the boss seems talking on his cellphone. Out of curiosity, I decided to listen.