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Bote Sag: Truth That Lies In Another World

Bote Sag: Truth That Lies In Another World

Author:Leos Pentragon



Story of a boy who suddenly fell from the skies who will soon find out the truth that lies in another world the sudden appearance of the boy and unknown power source that had been a mystery for the 8 demon lords who rule over the strongest empires in history

Bote was a middle school student, after school he goes home directly, takes a bath, studies, and then went straight to bed as he closes his eyes he felt a strong breeze going through all over the holes of his clothes.

It's freezing but he didn't even care to look because he thought it was just a dream, after a while he noticed that it was taking too long for the dream to shift and felt like it was so real that's when he started opening his eyes.

[Bote Saga]

"Ohh crap!, I'm fall for real! Aaaaa!!!"


[Bote Saga]

"Ouch what happened?"

[Child's Voice]

"Are you ok mister? You fell from the Star's!"

[Bote Saga]


Starts to Faint

Bote felt dizzy and fell on the ground which caused a deep sleep that lasted for 2 days as time passes by, Bote woke up in a strange room that looks like a native indian's hut , as Bote is too curious and confused, he went out of the bed and took a peek on the outside.

He was very surprised to see a pig, and a cow talking to each other!, even a little green man and couple of golden haired and pointy eared humans No! They're Elves!!?.

[Bote Saga's]


"Am I in a dream? Or this is for real! If those are Elves, then those must be an Orc, Minotaur, and a Goblin hell I think I already know where I am

Gloomy Face reaction

I'm in another world aren't I?"

Then Bote decided to confront them, he took a deep breath and -

[Bote Saga]

"Excuse me! I'm Bote Saga I just wanted to know who summoned me?"

They were all shocked and assumed battle stances, swords and arrows we're pointed at him.

[Bote Saga]

"Aaa...!! Woah! Woah! Relax I'm friendly."

Then an elderly human suddenly walked in and said.

[Elderly human]

"Lower your weapons, Sorry for being rude I am Seldom, Seldom Arthur's King of Oxidia and you are?"

[Bote Saga]

"Oh yeah right, I am Bote, Bote Saga I'm from another world."

[Seldom Arthur's]

"I see, so are you a summon?"

[Bote Saga]

"Geez.. I - I don't know it's like I was just about to sleep then there I was falling and the second I noticed, I crashed and lost conscience then I woke up here."

[Seldom Arthur's]

"Hmmm... Very interesting, is that true Hina?"

Then a young little girl appears and said.

[Hina Arthur's]

"Yes grandpa it's true I was looking at the constellation of Leo then one of the star fell down that's when I decide to take a look on what fell down, then I saw a boy and then I called out some of the people to help me take him to a tent and now here he is."

[Seldom Arthur's]

"I think you aren't a summon."

[Bote Saga]

"Really the what am I?"

[Seldom Arthur's]

"I don't know for sure."

[Bote Saga]


With a dumb look in his face

[Seldom Arthur's]

"Well.. it's safe to say that you are a chosen one or also called the champion of the gods a hero chosen by some God that's why you suddenly appeared out of nowhere and maybe you were chosen to be the one to put an end to this war!"

[Bote Saga]

"War!? What do you mean?"

Seldom Arthur's suddenly had an angry look on his face and told Bote to sit down, when Bote was seated he also told the others to give them space, then he started to tell the tails of how the war started and about the hero who is now fallen.