
Let’s Read The Word

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A Devil's Torniquet

A Devil's Torniquet

Author:J. A. Fabroa



She not lost because she wants to, she is lost because he had bound her to submit to his desires. Former numn Trisha found herself bound by a man whom she once made a promise to. Thinking of her words as a passing promise, she went on with her life. But he now returns with a vengeance. Can a former soldier turned detective save her from the clutches of hell, or will he drown in the horrors of his past?

It was a moonless night, even the stars failed to twinkle. The clouds rode the sky in a dark fluff of menacing dance.

Thunder rumbled, while a lightning crisscrossed the horizon, forming imaginative claws on the sky which she once believed to be the gates of heaven.

The former nun, walked absent mindedly on the muddy ground. Small rivulets of rain dropped from the sky, soaking her once luxurious hair.

The black and white uniform which had been the symbol of her devotion clutched tightly on her arm.

She walked she walked and walked.

Her mind still racing against time and fighting the man who had destroyed her life, despite her body, finally free from his grasp.

A car swiveled from the corner of the road, blocking her path which finally sent her into consciousness. Her eyes widened in terror as she watched him descend from the car.

He smiled at her broken features, her once prideful aura, her once patronising glare are now wiped clean. She for once is nothing more but the doll he always wanted her to be. No amount of prayer can take her from him. No powerful uniform can block his gaze from the body he coveted.

"Haven't you had enough?" He heard her say.

He walked towards her. Grabbed her shaking arm and leaned towards her ear as he whispered.... "It had just begun."


A nightmare usually begins with something soft, then brews into something terrible, until it finally turns into a horrifying scene. But not for her.

Her nightmare came like a tornado, shattering everything in its wake.

Trisha Monty was born from a religious family. Her morals are impeccable. Her self discipline was uncontested. She was the perfect embodiment of a true and devoted Christian.

But there was something about Trisha, something that man cannot shy upon. Her beauty and perfectly shaped body was a test. A test that one  boy failed to overcome.

Monday morning, the sky was as bright and clear as Trisha could ever wish for it to be. She was about to make her vow. A vow of ever lasting purity and devotion. She put on her cornett, wrapped the coif over her head, put on her tunic and scapular. She gave herself a once over in front of her full body mirror. This will be the last day she will ever stand in front of it. The last day she will sleep inside her parent's house.

The car honking from outside made Trisha smile. It was time.

She descended the stairs and opened the front door then took one final glance at her childhood home before finally entering the car. "Are you ready young miss?" the driver asked. She gave him a warm smile and nodded her head.

The last thing Trisha remembered was the weird grin plastered on the driver's face before her nightmare began.

Something creaking and someone crying. It was what Trisha first noticed when her hazy mind slowly came to life. With her eyes still closed. She heard the crying silently dwindle and then fade, replaced instead by a moan and a ferral grunt.

Trisha felt her heart skip a beat as she identified the sound as demonic. She whispered silent prayers as she opened her eyes to view her surroundings.

A bed, a woman, a man in a black mask. That was all she could process.

She shut her eyes closed.

"She's one of your substitutes, her hole is too loose to satisfy me now" came a low breathy voice.

Trisha shivered. Was he talking to her, she thought to herself. Her pondering ended when a loud scream echoed around the room. Trisha fought the urge to open her eyes but as she heard a plead coming from the other  woman, she opened her dark globes and glanced at their direction.

The woman was laying face down on a single spring based bed. Her behind raised high above which arched her spine in an uncomfortable angle. He was pounding her hard. Trisha could see the woman's body dip into the mattress with his every thrust.

"Pease stop," the woman begged but her pleas was silence by a faster and heavier thrusting.

Trisha wanted to vomit. She never in her life had seen a porn magazine or watched any porn video but now, her innocent mind is assaulted by a live view of the thing she never wanted to experience.

"Keep your eyes on me Trisha," the man said.

Trisha frowned, the name was addressed to the woman on the bed. Did she have thesame name as her?

"No.. No more please" the woman on the bed pleaded again, but the man flipped her over. He rammed inside her like a deranged animal. He cupped both breasts and kneaded it like dough. The man kept laughing as he kept thrusting inside her. He freed one hand from her chest and grabbed a lock of the woman's hair.

"Moan for me Trish... Moan for me" the man screamed as he tugged her hair in unison with his thrusting.

The woman cried louder, her pleading hit Trisha's ear like a bullet. She wanted to help, she wanted to free the woman. But how?

After a ferral growl from the man. Trish saw him bend over and pulled something from below the bed. It was a nylon rope.

The woman on the matress screamed at Trisha's direction. "Help me..." She yelled but her voice was abruptly cut off when the man wrapped the nylon rope around her throat and with a swift twist, Trisha heard the snapping sound of her hyoid bone.

The man slowly got off of the dead woman and walked towards Trisha.

" No, no please" she screamed. She tried to scoot away from him, and only then did she realize that her ankle was bound together by a silk like material. It felt so soft that one could barely notice its presence.

"Don't worry Trish.. You're fate is far from them. You are meant for something more."

"Please, who are you, why are you doing this?" Trisha begged.

The man with all his naked glory stalked nearer. He sat beside her on the bed and ran a few fingers over his messy dark hair.

"I have always wanted you Trish.."
