
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Precious Pinky



(Mafia Story) Her life was perfect. Well, almost perfect. She has a working class job. She has her own apartment in New York City. She was a true definition of an independent woman. Victoria was living a happy life with her boyfriend. Everything was going well for her...but came crashing down the day she received a phone call from her parents. Just that phone call changed her life. Just that phone call turned her into a working class lady to a slave. What was the phone call all about? How did Victoria became a slave? Will her life ever remain the same? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CONTAIN MATURE CONTENT!

~Her perfect world came crashing down...~

Victoria had admired how city lit up in the night. Thousands of light coming up at once the inevitable darkness.

But this night was different. Way different.

Her stomach in knots, she nearly felt her lunch climbing back up her throat. Trembling fingers gripped the edges of her trench coat and her full brown eyes that looks like the color of delicious chocolate were wide with terror.

‘Dark City Club’_ read a threateningly large neon sign above door leading to a basement.

She was scared. Terrified. Horrified. She felt turning back and run away from this place. From this two hefty guards leading her Into the club. She felt like running away from her family.

But how could she? She loves her family to death and wouldn't want anything to happen to them even if it means getting sold to a mafia.

Years ago, she had a perfect life. A perfect job. A perfect home. A perfect boyfriend. In other words, she had a perfect world. Almost.

But it all changed. And it happened just in one day. And it was all because of that phone call.


“Babe, could you please pass that ketchup over?” Victoria asked, extending her open palm to her boyfriend who was sitting just miles away from her.

“Here,” He handed the ketchup over, not paying attention as his attention was on his phone.

She hated the fact that his attention wasn't on her but on his stupid phone.

Tonight was suppose to be their night. They were always busy with work during the day and the only time they could spend together was during bedtime or dinner.

Julius and Victoria have been dating for over two years now. Each of their parents knows about their relationship and they are happy for them.

Victoria Blake is a 26years old working class woman, she loves being independent. She has her own car, her own house, she has almost everything.

Julius also has a job. A good job, to be precise. In other words, they were both compatible.

And most importantly, they love each other so much.

“Are you ever going to stop staring down at your phone?” Victoria finally asked.

Julius looks up from his phone to his girlfriend and smiled sheepishly at her. “Sorry. Just chatting with the boys.”

“Well tell the boys you are quite busy with your ‘girlfriend’” She air quoted the word girlfriend.

Julius laughs softly, dropping his phone on the table and stood up to his feet. He walked over to Victoria and pulled her up to her feet.

“Sorry babe. Did I make you lonely?” He raised a questioning eyebrow at her.

She shrugged. “Quite.”

He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. A sensation went through Victoria's body. She always felt this way whenever Julius kiss her on her forehead.... In fact she was always feeling relaxed whenever he was close to her.

“I'm sorry.” He apologized for the hundredth time. “Am I forgiven?” He questioned.

She wasn't mad with him to begin with. She loves him so much to even be mad at him for even a second. But she has to play hard to get.

“I will think about it.” She looks away from him.

“Wow. Then i will have to keep trying until you forgive me. Now what do I do to make you forgive me completely?” He voiced out his thought. A smirk suddenly appeared on his face. “I think I know what.”

He started pouring her kisses. He kissed her on her forehead, neck, cheeks, jawline, collarbone, her earlobe and that did magic because she moaned as soon as his lips grazed her earlobe.

“I think I'm getting somewhere.” He picked Victoria up in his arms, she quickly wrapped her legs around his torso. He started walking away from the dinning, going over to the bedroom that's upstairs.

“This isn't the right way to make it up to a lady.” Victoria breaths out as Julius kept kissing, biting, and sucking at her neck. She honestly doesn't want him to stop. She's enjoying this sweet apology so much.

Julius chuckles but didn't stop claiming his girlfriend.

They finally got into the bathroom. He gently lay her on the bed and hovers over her.

He stopped whatever he was doing and stared down at Victoria. She was staring right back at him.

They had captivated each other. Their heart beats as one. Well, love could make one do crazy thing.

Victoria wrapped her arms around Julius neck and pulled him down towards her, smashing their lips together. The kiss started calm and passionate. This wasn't their first time in kissing but it always felt like one.

Julius hands explored her body, going down to her breast and down to her hips.

Victoria dug her nails into his brown hair and deepened the kiss. Gradually the kiss became one of hunger, domination, love, lust and possessiveness.

She loves it whenever Julius kiss her this way. He was making her feel like she was his and truthfully, she was his and he was hers.

“I'm sorry.” He apologized again, breaking the kiss so they can catch their breath.

Victoria pecked his lips with a warm smile on her face. “I love you, Julius.”

He smirked. “I love you more baby. I will take that as being forgiven.” He winked.

She rolled her eyes. “Idiot.”




The ringtone of her phone was what woke her up the next morning. Julius was sleeping like a baby by her side.

Ah, before you make you guys make your conclusions. No they didn't do anything. They might love each other but still, Victoria hasn't given in to him.

She was still a virgin and please don't judge her.

Victoria grabs her phone from the bedside table and got out of bed, she headed out of the room, grabbing her robe before walking out.

She answers the call, placing the phone in between her ear and shoulder and start to wear her robe.

She had to leave the room because she doesn't want to disturb her sleeping boyfriend.

“Victoria.” Her mother sob filled the other line. Victoria stopped right in her track as she placed the phone well, worried about what's going on there now.

“What's going on, mom? Why are you crying? Is everything okay over there? Please talk to me.” She was also at the verge of crying. The thought of something bad happening to her mother scares her so much. Victoria might be all bossy, brave and every other thing but when it comes to her family, she was soft.

“You need to come home, my child. Please...come. They are going to take away your father and sister if we don't pay up.” Her mother sobbed.

Victoria face scrunched up in confusion. “Pay up what, mom? Wait, did you go to the loanshark to borrow money from them? Damn, why will you guys do that when you have me here, huh?” She scolded.

“Well we wouldn't be in this mess if it really were loansharks.” Her mother stated.

“Wait, they are not loansharks?” Victoria questioned, the fear were building up again.

“No. Your dad went to gamble in one of the biggest club in Australia. He lost to them and now he has to pay up or they would him and Maisy away.” Her mother explained, still crying.

Victoria didn't know when her own started falling off to her face. Now this is why her life wasn't completely perfect.

Her father was a gambler. To him, gambling was his life and that's one thing she hates about him.

She wasn't fortunate when it comes to having a perfect father _not like she was complaining _ Okay, maybe she was complaining.

But like seriously, who wouldn't?

How can a man who has two kids do nothing but gamble with the little money they have.

Her family weren't perfect but sometimes she wish they were _even when it's impossible_

Her father was addicted to gambling. It was bad. But she didn't realize how much until now.

She tried so hard to hate him but she couldn't. His blood still runs in her vein.

“I will be right there.”


And that was it. Those were the only two words said that changed her life. Better? worst? No one knows but it did changed her life. Her perfect life.

And now here she was trailing two men into the club.

They haven't said a word to her since they began this journey and she was fine with that.

The building didn't say much about the interior. Red and blue light dominated the surroundings, oozing luxury. Naked women picture were hung along the walls. That was when she realized she wasn't just in any club. She was in a fucking strip club!

This was the time for her to turn back and leave.

For her to run away. Very far away.

But she couldn't. Her legs were too heavy for her to move. What if they come after her if she even try running. What of they come after her family?

She doesn't want that. She loves her family so much and the thought of seeing them in pain scares the shit out of her.

She has no choice.

Besides, it's not like she's going in there to work for him as a stripper or something, she was rather going in there to pay part of the money that her father owes and get the hell of the this shithole.

Easy peasy.



“Dad, what have you done this time around?”


“This isn't the time for this shit! Our boss has tried for this man you call a father but he wouldn't overlook it again. Your father needs to pay up and if he doesn't. Then we are taking him and his daughter right now.”

“No. Sister Victoria i don't want to go with them. I'm scared. They will hurt me.” Maisy cried, holding Victoria's arms tightly.

Victoria felt so sad seeing her sister in so much pain and in tears.

She loves her sister so much and can do anything just to make her happy.

“You are going nowhere with them, Maisy. I promise you.” She said, before turning back to the hefty men. “How much does he owe your boss?” She questioned.

“Five hundred million.” They answered.

Victoria eyes immediately went wide. “What? Five hundred million!?” She turned to her father. “Dad, why will you gamble for such amount of money? what the fuck do you need it for?”

“Victoria, you don't have to bother yourself about this. I will take care of it.”

“And how do you intend to do that? Huh?”

“I will try my best. Trust me.” He said. If she was stupid. If she was immature. maybe she would have fallen for her father's trick. Maybe she would have fallen for his words. Again.

“I can't believe you. I can't believe you can do something as stupid as this.” She breaths out angrily then turned back to the guards. “I will come with you.”

“Sister Victoria, no. You can't go with them. What if they hurt you?” Maisy sobbed.

“Shush. I will be fine. Besides I'm only going there to pay part of the money, okay? And also, someone have to go with them and that person is me.”

“Victoria, I will take care of this. You aren't going there with them. Mr Romano isn't just any man. He is very dangerous and heartless.” Her father said.

She turned and glared at him. “You should have thought of all this before going to gamble in his club in the first place!” She yelled in annoyance. Her father was a bit taken aback by her outburst. She has never spoken to him like that until now. She turned back to the guards. “Let's go.”


Did she make the right decision in following them here?

Would they harm her?

But Mr Romano or whatever they call his name wouldn't be that bad, right?

They finally got to the front of a closed door. There was a bold writing against the door, *Do Not Enter.* She was a bit confuse. Was she suppose to enter or what?

“Am I to enter?” She questioned, voicing out her thoughts.

“Yeah. He's in there.” One of the guards said.

She took in a deep breath before opening the door and walking in.

She couldn't see his face because his back was against her. The room was large and dark. Everything were black, the paintings, the desk, the chairs, the couch, everywhere. It felt like she was in a pit of hell.

This gave her bad feelings.

She needs to do whatever she has to do here and leave ASAP!

“Hi.” She said. He didn't reply neither did he turn around to face her. “I'm Victoria _”

“I know.” His deep voice cuts her off. He stood up to his feet and turned around to face her. A smirk was plastered on his face.

She wasn't expecting this face. She wasn't expecting this body. Hell, she wasn't expecting this man! He was the true definition of a Greek god. She knows she wasn't meant to ogle over another man when she has a boyfriend waiting for her in New York but she just couldn't help it.

She gulped, lowering her gaze. “Hmm....Wait, how did you know?”

He shrugged, tucking his hands in his pants pocket. “I have my ways.”

“Well, that's a good thing because I wouldn't have to introduce myself again.” She said, lifting her gaze up to look at his face. He puffed out a smoke of cigarette, she didn't even realise he was smoking until now. “I'm here to pay up the money my father owes.”

“That's a good thing.” He said, taking a long drag of his cigarette.

“I will give you two hundred million for now and I will work for the rest.” She said, hoping he would understand.

“Too bad, I don't collect my money half way.”

“I...don't understand.”

He brought out a paper and handed it over to Victoria, she stared at it in confusion.

“You will be my slave for fifteen days while you work for my money.”


