
Let’s Read The Word

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A Contract With Him

A Contract With Him




“You know, sometimes I wonder why a hag like you has a body that is seductive.” He scoffed as he cupped her breast in his palm. A tear rolled down her eyes as she watched him touch her body to his satisfaction. “Please don't do this.” She begged and he ignored her, he creased her clit and Kiara found herself moaning. “Hmm, never knew a hag could enjoy being touched.” He said as he took off her pant, he stared at her bare clit and licked his lips. He could feel his cock throbbing already and he couldn't wait to thrust into her. He took off his clothes leaving him fully unclad too, he moved to her on the bed and chuckled evilly when an idea popped into his head. ******* Pain, Desperation, and Temptation led Kiara into signing a contract with a gangster. She has to be submissive to him to get what she wants and he made life a living hell for her!

Kiara felt her head spin as she tried to take accept the news she just heard, she felt the atmosphere around her tense and she started to feel dizzy.

She held unto her bag tightly and breathed heavily.

“Are you okay ma’am?” She heard the doctor ask and she snapped out of her deep thoughts and tensed state.

“Yes.” She replied softly and he nodded.

“Are you sure about that ma’am? You don't look really okay.” The doctor asked further and she took in a deep breath.

“Yeah... Hmm... I am fine, I mean, what did you say earlier?”

“Oh, about your mother’s health?” The doctor questioned.

“Yes, about that.”

“Well, I said her condition is getting worse, she likely going into a vegetative state and surgery needs to be done as soon as possible.”

“But... But she just complained about having a fever weeks ago, it is not supposed to be something this serious right? How can a fever get worse?” She asked as tears started to cloud her eyes.

“A fever can be a symptom of an illness or disease. She is diagnosed with bone infections


and that is not something one can take lightly, something needs to be done urgently, Miss Kiara.” The doctor explained and she sighed.

“Okay, so how much are we talking about here? I mean for her treatment and surgery.”

“Oh, just a million dollars for now, there will still be continuous advance treatment till we are rest assured she is okay.”

“Just a million dollars?” She asked staring at the doctor in shock.

“Yes, just a million dollars.”

“I think you are misusing your words, doctor, why will you call a million dollars just a million dollars?”

“I am sorry if this is coming at a bad time but you need to do something... “

Kiara didn't wait for the doctor to complete his statement, she stood up and walked out of the office. She got out and lean on the door, she couldn't understand her emotions at the moment, she couldn't tell if it was pain, anger, sadness, or other terrible emotions. All she knew was that she wanted to let it all out by crying so loud.

She didn't realize she was already in tears and crying out loud till the nurses and patients moving in the hallway started to look at her, she recovered from her sad state and hurriedly wiped her tears. She held onto her bag tightly and headed towards the exit of the hospital.

“Ma’am.” She heard a faint voice but she still kept staring at the wall.

“Ma’am, Mrs. Williams?” She heard again but this time louder and she snapped out of her thoughts, she turned to see a maid in her room.

“Yes?” She asked and the maid bowed.

“I just want to inform you that breakfast is ready.”

“Oh, thank you. I will be down in a few minutes.” She replied and the maid bowed before walking out.

Kiara sighed and ran her hands through her hair, she couldn't believe she has been thinking for while.

All she just thought about happened like a month ago but it still felt like it all happened yesterday to her.

She took in deep breaths and stood up from the bed, she walked out of her room and headed to the dining room.

She got there and faked a smile, she sat down and stared at the meal on the table.

She was the only one sitting at the table and that made her sad, she is married for crying out loud and she can't recall the last time she had a meal with her husband.

She cleared her through all of a sudden and turned to one out of the maids standing around the table.

“Sorry, excuse me. Where is my husband?” She asked.

“I don't know ma’am but the last time he came home was two days ago.”

“Oh.” She muttered in response and turned back to the meal.

Well, what was she expecting as a response by the way? That is how it has always been for the past few weeks and as far as she is concerned, that is how it will always be.

She had her breakfast alone and sighed when she was done, she had no other thing to do than just to stay at home and stare at anything she wants all day, she signed up for this though so she shouldn't have any complaint.

“Is there anything else you need ma’am?” A maid questioned as she headed back upstairs.

“No, thank you.” She replied as she walked up the stairs.

She got to her room and groaned before falling onto the bed.

Is this really how her life is going to be?


Kiara got back into her apartment and burst into tears, she really has no idea what to do. Her mother has always been there for her ever since she lost her father when she was young, her mother is the only person she has, and her being in that state and she being unable to help is drilling a hole in her heart.

How the hell does she want to get a million dollars to start the treatment, the club she works at can't fetch her that kind of money even though she works for twenty-four hours in three hundred and sixty-five days.

Getting a loan wasn't an option either, how the hell does she want to refund the loan when the time comes? Besides, she can never get a loan in her state.

No banks can give her a loan considering her position and she has no business to start up with the money.

She sighed and wiped her tears but they kept streaming down her eyes, she cried like she had never done for.

After crying for a while, she knew crying can't solve anything but she needed it to feel better a bit.

She stood and rinsed her face in the bathroom after seeing how swollen her eyes looked, it was almost time for her shift and she couldn't show up looking like a sad clown, she would chase all the clients away.

She got ready in a few minutes and walked out of the apartment.

It's time to work herself out again!