
Let’s Read The Word

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The Black Rose

The Black Rose




A mafia group named blackrose is seeking revenge on a group named exo who killed their parents. Along the way some members learn about themselves while others face hardships and lose. During the time of planning the group becomes allies with another group who turnes out to be brothers of the leader.

  It was a very dark and stormy night. Hannah and I were running to break free from our abusive ex’s. We have been running for about an hour now and still can’t get them off of our trail.

  “Hannah watch out” I yelled as hannah runs head first into a tree

  “Ugh” she exclaims as she gets up and starts running again

  “I warned you” I said as I start to laugh.

  “hey get back here” we heard one of our ex’s say as he was beginning to run out of breath.

  “Shy, they are slowing down” Hannah says as she begins to get fast

  “that’s good keep going black rose is on the other side of the forest” I said as I pointed to the east

  “got it” With that we both kept running until we saw janesha standing there with our group waiting for us with our get away car.

  Once we were far away from the forest2. I called abbie to be ready to check on hannah since she knocked her head on the tree and is now bleeding. Jane’Sha was updating us on what was happening with the other mafia groups.

  “Have you found out which mafia killed mom and dad yet” I ask as I let my cold said show

  “not yet” Janesha said as she showed a sad face.

  “its ok, once we do they wont live another second” Madi said

  “Thanks girls anyway where is jane” I ask as I smile

  “About jane, she went to the club” Madi said. I slapped my forehead.

  “she does know that she isnt allowed to kill anyone there right”

  “I don’t think she does” She said as her phone rang. “I need to get this” I nod as I look out onto the road.

  We soon arrive to our house and I run up the stairs to start planning out our attack on our ex’s since they tried to kidnap us again.

  “Hannah, can you come here” I yelled

  “Coming” Hannah said. She soon opened the door. I look at her and sadly smile

  “I think it is time to tell them about our past since I know they are losing their trust for us. I mean I don’t think they want a leader and a right hand man they cant trust” I said as I look down

  “I completely agree” Hannah said as I stood up and we both headed down stairs to tell group about our past and why BTS wants to kill us.

  We soon called a house meeting. They all looked at us confused and worried.

  “We think it is time to tell you guys about the real reason we are wanted by the BTS mafia group” Hannah says as she stands in the middle of the meeting room ready.

  “What is the reason” Carla said as abbie sat on her lap

  “Lets start at the beginning, Shy and I are sisters as you know. We lost our parents at the age of fifteen. At the age the both of us were dating Hobi and Jungkook from BTS. They were every sweet in the beginning then things got out of hand”

  “They began to hit us and try to force us into doing things we refused to do. They then locked us up in the basement for days on end. We dealt with the abuse until the age of seventeen, that’s when we said enough was enough and broke free and ran away.” I said as hannah began to shake

  “Then the best thing happened to us. We met you guys and we formed a family together. All of us were struggling in the beginning but a year later we got stronger together and now we are here to become the top mafia is Korea” hannah took back over ready to face the facts

  “BTS has been after us since we got away that’s why they were chasing us again in the forest” I said as I smiled.

  “That is our past and I hope you guy understand way we didn’t tell you guys in the first place” Hannah said as she lowered her head

  “We understand Hannah and we are sorry for not being the understanding family in the beginning” Madi said as we all hugged each other

  “ok, its time for dinner and then everyone needs to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow” Abbie said

  “Yes mom” We all said as we laughed and went to the kitchen for dinner

  “How rude” Abbie said as she laughed and joined us