
Let’s Read The Word

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Love Or Friendship

Love Or Friendship




"I love you Jo. We both know each other. Understand each other. And had been bestfriends since five. Then why can't you love me" ~ Kim Taehyung "Sorry Tae, I can't return your feelings. I already love some one else" ~ Lee Jo "I love you Tae. Why can't see my love for you" ~ Park Ha-Neul "I love you Jo. I know I fucked up because of my insecurities. Can you please give me another chance" ~ Jeon Jungkook

Six o' clock in the morning and the town is still astir. The day dawned crisp and clear as the sun poured through windows falling on the eigth year old boy's perfect face.

He rubbed his bleary eyes and walked to the window to watch the rising sun. He smiled looking at the rosy hue across the morning sky closing his eyes and stood there bathing under the sun. The past days events slowly started to play in his mind. Remembering how he lost his mother a week ago. Hot tears rolled down his face and he squeezed his eyelids shut in the hope his tears would stop weeping silently.

His mother Kim Taeyang died in a car accident last week. Kim Taeyang wife of self-made billionaire, Kim Jeong Hyun, is a confident, well spoken and a independent successful business woman. She works at her fathers company under her brother Lee Jae Hyun. Sudden death of his mother left him devastated.

Kim Taeyang is the only sister of Lee Jae Hyun. Their father Lee Sung Min is a self made billionaire. He is cunning, ruthless and manipulative business man having connections all over the world. He retired in his 50s and passed his inheritance to his children. Lee Jae Hyun is the upgraded version of Lee Sung Min. He is not only a business man but also contributed in bringing the fame to his nation through entertainment industry.

Lee Jae Hyun and Lee Taeyang are twins. When they are studying in the business college. They both fell in love with best friends Kim Jeong Hyun and Jung Ae ra. Both Kim Jeong Hyun and Jung Ae ra are from poor family and attended the school based on scholarship.

When Lee Sung Min came to know their relationship he gave all four members a very hard time saying "Love ? Haha , Prove me you are worthy of each other"

It took all the four, five years to prove themselves worthy of each other by becoming successful by supporting each other through thick and thin.

For Kim Jeong Hyun is a successful IT business man. He also owns many gaming, manhwa companies. For Both Kim's and Lee's their families come first.

Kim Jeong Hyun married Lee Taeyang and had two sons Kim Seok Jin and Kim Tae Hyung. Lee Jae Hyun married Jung Ae ra and had one son and one daughter Lee Jong Suk and Lee Jo

Jo means sweet heart in scottish

. Both families live next to each other. Seok Jin and Jong Suk are 11 years old. Tae 8 years old and Jo 5 years old.

Jung Ae- ra died while giving birth to Jo. From them Taeyang became mother to four children. Now they also lost Taeyang.

Light foot steps coming inside his room are missed to make him stop crying.

Two small hands are wrapped around him in a warm embrace from behind making the boy startled.

"Baby Taetae" whispered the five year old girl snuggling into his back hugging tighter.

The boy chuckled hearing the girl speak exactly like his mother. Then he turned around hugging her and snuggling his head in her neck "What are you doing here? How does you wake up this early today? Hmm"

"Since you are still a baby I promised aunty that I will take care of you"

"I am not a baby" protested the boy feeling offended.

"Yes you are that's why aunty asked me to look after you in place of her. So you are my baby. Okay"

"Now go get ready. We have to go to school"

Hearing school the boy stiffened and does not want to go to school. It is the first day he will be going to school after his mother's death.

"No Jo. I don't want to go to school" said Taehyung giving his best puppy eyes.

The girl looked into his eyes and can't resist his puppy eyes. Biting her lips she said "I too don't want to go to school, so lets ask uncle for permission okay"

"If only you ask he will agree" he said helplessly

"Okay I will ask uncle, now go and freshen up"

"Okay" with that both parted ways to continue their daily routine.

Everyone gathered at the dining table exactly at 8. Kim Jeong Hyun and Lee Jae Hyun are sitting at head seats opposite to each other. Seok Jin and Jong Suk sat opposite to each other waiting for 2 missing people.

Delicious exclusive items are neatly arranged on the dining table carrying rich smell boasting appetite. Both seeing the atmosphere one can tell no one is in the good mood.

" Jeong Don't be like this. I know it's hard to move on but your children need you, I need you to take care of them. They also lost their mother and they are still small. Now we are the only one left to take care of them." Said Jae Hyun trying to make his friend remember his responsibilities.

Ever since Taeyang death, He is shutting him self and avoiding everyone. Its been a week since he saw or talked to his children. Seeing children hurting, Jae Hyun forcefully took Jeong Hyun out to eat with everyone.

Jeong Hyun slowly nodded his head and wiped his tears just then Taehyung and Jo came and sat opposite to each other. Once they settled everyone started having breakfast but everyone ate barely anything.

After completing breakfast Jae Hyun decided to drop the children at school and asked Jeong Hyun to go to office to which he nodded and left giving everyone forehead kiss.

"Dad, I don't want to go to school" said Jo with tears in eyes.

Jae frowned and asked "why?"

"Because I don't want to, plz let me and taehyung stay"

He looked towards both Tae and Jo and said with a stern voice "No"

"But dad, Please"

"I said no, and now pack your bags and come out I will be waiting in the car" with that he took his briefcase and walked to his car.

Soon Seok Jin and Jong Suk followed him. Taehyung took Jo hands in his big hands and said "It's okay, let's go"

"Really?" Asked Jo

Tae ruffled her hair and carried their bags.

"Hey Tae baby, don't worry I will stay with you in your class okay, you, I and that shortie let's play together"

Said Jo with toothy grin

Tae raised his eyebrow "whom are you calling shortie you are the short one"

"No, not me he is the short one"

"Haha really"


With that they sat in the car and Jae drove them to school.

After 30 min they reached the school. Seok Jin and Jong Suk walked together since they shared same class. Giving bag to Jo Jae asked her to fo to class.

Giving big hug to both Tae and Jae, Jo ran towards her class shouting "Bye Tae baby, I will see you in lunch"

Hearing her words made Tae blush which didn't go unnoticed by Jae. Jae sronched down to Tae height holding his hands said " I know it's hard. But we are there for you. And don't be sad anymore. Your mother will be sad and scold us for not taking care of you. Not only us she also scold you for being sad okay"

Tae nodded smiling and hugged him. Jae patted his back and kissed his forehead.

*Ring* school bell rang signaling start of first period.

Tae waved goodbye to Jae and ran inside school.