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Always Together Forever

Always Together Forever




This novel tells about a Prince and his personal maid and how they ended up falling for each Read more to find out what happened between them Will they end up together and will the crown princess, the Prince's wife let they be together Once again, read more to find out

*Piece Of Information for reader*.

The world in this novel is actually a fantasy world, combination of Korean historical, modernization, and magic. Names, titles and so on, in this novel isn't just in Korean but in Japanese, American and others.

Modern materials or stuffs or whatever way you prefer to say it, will be mentioned in this novel but please mind this, the modern stuffs in this world is operated using magic. Examples are cellphones, vehicles, trains and so on.

Actually, vehicles, carriages are not that common in this city

Ameria, where the story begins

because they are very expensive for some of the commoners to afford. Especially people from the western district.

Anyway, don't worry, I will tell more about this city, Ameria, as the story is ongoing. I'll also mention other modern stuffs that uses magic when the time comes.

Now, not everyone in this world can use magic. Only people born with magical cores which is located within the heart can use magic.

The story begins now.


The novel begins with a beautiful young lady running for dear life through the western busy town of Ameria while a group of thugs chased after her, shouting her name to stop.

This young beautiful Lady had beautiful long black hair and blue eyes and she wore a flowery long dress up to her knees and a pair of dirty white sneakers.

This young lady is no one other than the female lead of this novel, Kim Ha Yoon.

The bastards after her had short black hairs and brown eyes and they also wore black cloths. Ha Yoon knew them very well. However, she refuses to keep their names in mind and instead, gave them nicknames 'Idiot one, idiot two and idiot three'. These pair of idiots has been the only ones chasing after her for the past two years and there was a very good reason for that.

Besides the right hand man who also works for the leader, they were the only employees.

Who are they? Why are they after her, you ask?

She will answer,

These buffoons were members of a loanshark organization whom she borrowed a huge sum of money from leaving behind a huge debt that can get her killed.

And the reason why she took this huge sum of money from them was because of her mom was sick at that time. She regret it every time she thought about this mistake but there was no going back.

And anyway, she had no other option at that time when she was in need of money so bad. The few people she knew didn't have the sum of money she needed, the loansharks was her only option.

For the past three years now, her mother has been getting seriously sick every month and needed some kind of rare medicine she knew nothing about. What it

The medicine

was, the ingredients used to make. All she knew was that, the medicine was just one in a wooden small box, soft when touched, little in size, golden in colour and it made her mother better after taking it.

Thinking about it now, nothing concerning the medicine really mattered to her, as well as her mother was feeling better.

Well, at the moment, her mom was better after taking this rare expensive medicine but she didn't know how long it will last. Her mother might have taken the medicine for this month but there was still next month

And she had no money to buy the rare expensive medicine for next month because she has already used up all the credit she borrowed from the loansharks on the medicine for the past months

. Right now, she was officially broke, only having a few coins in her pocket which she planned on spending on breakfast and lunch.

Back to the chase,

Taking the route to the western people's busy market without realising, Ha Yoon ran as fast as her legs could take her. The pair of idiots, still following behind her, yelling out her name to stop but she pay no heed to what she thought was rubbish words.

"Stop!!!" Nicknamed, Idiot three screamed but to no avail. There was no way she was going to follow their orders.

If by any means she did, it will be the end of her. Either she will be forced to marry the boss of the loanshark organization which she was sure of it or she will be forced to work as a prostitute to at back the money she owned.

Albeit she strongly believe the first option was the chosen one because she has gotten proof of it.

"Stop!!! Kim Ha Yoon!!!" This command came from idiot two. Nevertheless, she kept running and running, pushing people out of the busy road. Pissing some off as they yelled insults at her back profile, expressing how unhappy they were at her actions but she pay no heed to them.

They had no idea!

Her entire life was on the line here and she didn't have time for ignorant people who had no idea of this.

Running faster than the 'Flash' in avengers, she finally reached the western people's busy market which was ahead of her. She shops here too by the way.

Anyway the market was full of people both buyers and sellers, showing off and buying cheap goods.

I do believe you now know why she shops here. Because the goods in this particular market are cheap. For your information, there are four districts in Ameria.

But I'll talk about this later.


Ha Yoon smiled happily, relieved when she saw the crowd at the western market.

If she was to get into this large crowd of people, she will definitely lose the incompetent fools after her.

And so, she did just that. Getting into the crowd, she slow down her pace, walking among the crowd like she was here to shop or something.

While walking, she turned back in search of the three idiots after her and she realised her chasers were having a hard time finding her in the huge crowd. This brought great joy to her.

She'll be able to escape right under their noses once again just like how she has been doing for the past year. She thought but escaping wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.

And she realised this when the three buffoons

nicknamed, idiot one, idiot two and idiots three, drew out small guns from the big black coats they wore, shooting continuously into the sky as their intentions wasn't to hurt anyone but to cause fear and panic in the people just so they will make a path.

"Make way!!!! Make way!!!!"

"Out of the way!!!!!"

"Make way!!!!!!!" They shouted along with the firing of the guns, making the people who were Ha Yoon's ticket for escaping to scatter around for safety like ants under threat, reviewing her whereabouts.

"Sh****t" she cursed, looking back and meeting eyes with her chasers.

"Found her!!!" The three yelled altogether, making their way towards her.

Again, Ha Yoon ran, anxious, afraid and pissed off at the same time.

Guns?! Why did they have to bring guns? Didn't they know unlicensed guns and firing in public was unacceptable?!!

Or maybe their guns were licensed but that didn't mean firing in public was acceptable!!! unless you were an imperial guard or something related, even so, there had to be a good reason for firing in public! And anyway, these guys, weren't imperial guards or anything related!.

"Sh***t" she cursed again. Feeling defeated, scared and anxious.

"God! Goddess! of mercy, help me once again and I promise to make a donation to an orphanage by the end of the year!!!" She yelled on her run.

"Follow her! Don't lose sight of her" she heard idiot one say, "Kim Ha Yoon!! Stop right there or you're dead meat if I catch you with my own hands!!!!!" That was idiot three.

What nonsense was the man blabbering?! There was no way she was doing that?!

On the chase and being chased, people were also running for safety due to the fired of the guns. And with so many people running around for dear life, their view on Ha Yoon would be blocked once in while and that was inevitable, the j***ks agreed on that but that didn't mean they couldn't push them away for clear view of Ha Yoon and they did just that, shouting angrily and frustratingly, "Out of my way!!!!"

"Make way!!!!"

"Make way!!!!!"

Getting on the female lead's side, while Ha Yoon was running for dear life, she was also praying. Praying to the heavens, to her goddess of mercy to save her or at least if not personally, to send someone to save her.

She couldn't afford to be caught at the moment. She was the only family her mother had now and though she

Her mother

was in a perfect condition now. She wasn't completely healed, that's what her mother's doctor said. Her mother was supposed to take the rare expensive medicine every month and in each month when one was taken, she would feel and look a lot better.

So, you can just imagine the poor state she'll

Her mother

be in when she gets caught and her mother ends up not taking the medicine for next month.

*Sigh, she sighed, speaking of next month, will she even have enough money to buy the medicine for her mother?

Lacking a huge sum of money at the moment, she couldn't blame anyone but her pathetic self.

None of this would have happen if she could use magic. If only she could use magic, then she would be able to join a guild and earn money faster to buy the medicine for her mother every month, but in reality she couldn't and the only jobs she had now, the payment won't be enough to buy the medicine for her mother next month.

What was she going to do? What if she was caught at this moment? She'll definitely get married off to the boss of the loansharks because the boss had been crystal clear on it since day one.

"Beautiful Kim Ha Yoon, I will marry you if you don't pay me back" this was what he said to her the first time she went for the loan.

The second time,

"Beautiful Kim Ha Yoon, I will definitely get marry to you"

And the third time, she didn't even want to talk about it. The guy almost forced himself on her. She was lucky she got away untouched.

This was the reason why she never went to their hideout ever again for the past years. And that resulted with the boss sending his three idiots after her.

That's not all. This was also the reason why she refused to pay them the money she owned. It wasn't just because she lack the money to pay them back.

Continuously, Ha Yoon has been working hard, convincing herself that the boss almost rapping her was the payment for the debt she owned.

Yes! She wasn't wrong!...........

"I'm never paying back what I own" she yelled to the three idiots, angering them even more but they couldn't see her properly because of the ants scattered all over, blocking their view of her at the moment.

"Oh, goddess of mercy, goddess of sympathy!!!, please send someone to save me, huh?" She said in a pleading sad tone. Desperately hoping her prayer will be answered as she ran.

Passing by a dimmed lighted ally, her prayer was finally answered when suddenly, someone grabbed her hand, pulling her into the dimmed lighted ally, strong arms wrapping around her waist protectively, hugging her tight in the process.

Ha Yoon was in shock, bewildered and it took a few minutes for her to notice she was in the arms of a man.

"Are they after you?" A soft soothing, gentle voice whispered into her ear and for moment, she was speechless, frozen in place as the warm breath from the man who just spoke brushed against her ear, leaving her ear itchy and ticklish.

Unknowingly to her, her face reddened crimson in embarrassment. All of a sudden, her body's temperature raised, heart pounding violently in its cage.

What was happening to her?

Doing the only thing she could at the moment, she nodded in reply with a hummed.

"Stay close to me, I will protect you" he said, pulling her closer to his chest, his hands wrapped tightly and protectively at her waist once again.

Oh, what was this situation she was in?

'Heavens, I can't breathe' she said in mind, finding it hard to breathe.

.............., On second thought, this was okay. It was okay she couldn't breathe because being in this stranger's arms whom she was yet to recognize was much better than getting caught and getting forced to marry that disgusting creep

The boss of the loanshark organization

Yes, this was better, this was so much better and she was definitely losing herself to the sweet feeling of being in this stranger's arms, totally forgetting what came about that ended her in this situation in the first place.

'So d******n nice' she thought, wrapping her hands around the waist of the stranger with a content smile on her face.

How she wish this magical moment would last forever.

But we all know, reality is not always kindhearted.

"Hurry!! Hurry!! That way!" Idiot one yelled, running past the dimmed lighted ally Ha Yoon was with the stranger, idiot two and three following behind him.

Sometime later, realising the people chasing after the young beautiful lady were gone, the stranger whose identity is yet to be uncovered sighed in relief, glad to have saved the lady who was in his arms.

But the person who just got saved had no idea of this. In fact, her mind was far off the horrible situation she was in, just enjoying the wonderful feeling of being in the arms of a stranger she only met today and hasn't even gotten the chance to know how he looks like or if he was a good person or not.

"They're gone, you're safe now" the stranger said, once again in that gentle soft soothing tone.

Oh, how she loved this tone so much!

Absentmindedly, Ha Yoon hummed adding, "Just a few seconds please. I love this position we're in", eyes closed as she enjoyed herself.

Suddenly, a laughter sounded out, bursting the bubble Ha Yoon was in. Surprised, embarrassed and ashamed, she hurriedly pulled back from the man, looking up at him and finally seeing how he looked like.

Ha Yoon was dumbstrucked at the sight of the man. The stranger who just saved her was a handsome, no, a gorgeous man with short sliver hair and sparkling winter eyes, staring amusingly at her.

Without a second thought, she thought this stranger before her was the most gorgeous man she has ever seen.

"D****n you're gorgeous" her thought slipped out. The gorgeous stranger burst out laughing once again and for the first time, Ha Yoon found herself so much in love with someone else's laughter besides her mother's, and she found herself wanting to hear it all the time.

"Well, thank you" he said after the laughter died down, staring at Ha Yoon in amusement. Finally, Ha Yoon realised what she just said.

Embarrassed, she lowered her head down with a reddened face, scolding herself.

What was she doing? She was so stupid! How could she have said that out loud?!

"Are you okay? You're not hurt, right?"

Ha Yoon snapped out of her thoughts, looking up at the stranger.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. I'm Kim Ha Yoon"

"Lee Chang"

'Lee Chang?' The name sounded familiar. Where has she heard it?

She thought, seconds later, shook her head to dismiss all thoughts. Coming out of thought land, she realised the gorgeous stranger named Lee Chang had his hand extended for a handshake. Immediately, she took the hand he held out and they shook hands, staring at each other with smiles on their faces.

Lee Chang, the name sounded familiar but she couldn't catch up on where she has heard it. But that alright. She has heard it once again and she will remember this name, this moment and this gorgeous face for the rest of her life.

This was the person who saved her when she needed someone to.

He really was sent by the heavens

'Thank you goddess of mercy, the heavens for sending this man!! But............ I don't think I'll be able to keep my promise to donate to an orphanage by the end of the year, maybe next year. You know how poor I am" was her last thought before she lost herself to the moment.