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Betrayal For Love

Betrayal For Love

Author:Kadian Erskine 0922



After discovering that her best friend Megan Francis kissed her fiancèè, Anthony Rhones, at their engagement party, Stevie Carter called it off, never looked back, and disappeared into thin air. Anthony, being the arrogant, cocky, and evil CEO of a company, finds himself swept up in Megan's charm when she begins working for him out of desperation. But their courtship was filled with lies, betrayal, and secrets, for Anthony has a dark past.

Megan POV


Finally, a successful interview, stepping out of the cab looking at the main entrance at G.L.O.S.H, I sighed. I've been searching 1 year now for a job, after moving from my hometown to the city of Florida, I need to help my parents back home; mom is in debt because of dad's capability of not staying out of jail, but never did I want to work here, I don't want to work at the place my ex-best friend fiancée owns, ever since last Christmas, she hasn't spoken to me and last I heard, she did call off the engagement, but it isn't my fault he kissed me, right?




“Girl he fucking proposed!” Stevie yelled in my face flashing her diamond ring, causing nearby shoppers to turn heads,


 “OMG! Stevie this is great, I can't fucking believe it! I'm going to be a bridesmaid.” We were there yelling screaming with excitement,


 “Girl and guess what the engagement party is tomorrow! I can't wait to see the look on Brad's face when news breaks out am engaged to a millionaire,” she smirked.


I chuckled back; “Yeah but why the rush plus you know Stevie you should be genuine to Anthony he seems like a good man, I haven't met him... yet and though you showed me like one picture I can barely see, I like him so don't use him to hurt Brad because Brad hurt y...”


 “Oh c'mon Megan lightened up, you know I'm kidding,” faking her laugh, “C'mon let's go get dresses and accessories, don't worry I'm using Anthony's credit card to purchase all our accessories,” I gave her a disapproving look, while she waved the card around, she rolled her eyes and grab me by the hand, causing me to tug behind her,


 “Alright, Stevie whatever you say.”


I arrived at the engagement party, and wow... crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and counters, a minibar, pieces of furniture I've never seen before, like damn how rich was this guy. I've never met him face to face, but I've seen a picture, I can hardly make out his face but because he makes my friend happy, I approve of him. I walked around, grabbed glasses of champagne from the trays, glancing at each guest here, they sure looked rich still haven't seen anyone I know, lost in my thoughts of how sad I was in reality, always remembering my parents back home changes my mood for the worse every time, since coming to Florida, all I did was use up my savings to survive daily, Stevie always suggests I come live with her and her boyfriend but I always declined, I know me; am a procrastinator, once I'm too comfortable I'll just give up, two months searching for a job and still had no luck, but I was happy for my best friend, she deserved it, we are best friends ever since diaper days, yeah we go way back, drinking my fourth glass of champagne I was looking at my friendship bracelet and began to smile to my self, I have one and Stevie has the other, speaking of her; where is she, as I was about to leave the bar, a man approached me.

This man had bright chocolate eyes, facial features of a model, his hair was as dark as the devil's soul, he had rose lips, leaving his face my eyes traveled to his torso, his pure white suit cling to his body, wow he was beautiful as the sunset.



 “Well hello beautiful, trusting you're having a wonderful night,” his voice so deep, enriched with calmness, it steadies my waves of troubles, having me forget my problems.


 “Indeed, and though I still haven't seen my friend, I would say this evening is getting interesting,” giving him the broadest smile while attempting to be sexy. He chuckled.


“Well then beautiful if you don't mind me telling you, you got lipstick on your teeth,” He leaned forward and whispered in my ears, hiding my embarrassment with a laugh, I took my mini mirror out and wiped it off with my tongue,


 “Aye much better, a girl can't be showing off her pearly whites without fear that her lipstick might ruin her smile” drinking my last sip of champagne, I watched him carefully, he watches me right back. He said nothing, he just stood there, he moved closer and closer, I gulped down the anxiousness that kept rising to my throat, keeping my eyes fit on the tempting man lips, oh I want to know what they taste like, he made the first move and our lips met, we were kissing. No, this isn't who I am, it must be the champagne. But I found myself kissing back, filled with passion, I hungrily kiss back this stranger, and he kissed me, craving me like I was his drug.


“Well... Well... Well” we stopped kissing and noticing everybody looking at us at the bar, and Stevie was holding a mic,


“Goodnight everybody but sorry to say there isn't going to be an engagement party since my slut of a best friend decided to kiss my douchebag of a fiancée, enjoy your evening though,” she finished off with a devilish smirk, I was shocked, so shocked I didn't even realize, the man already dashed off after Stevie, that was Anthony, that was him! I kissed Anthony, my best friend's fiancée.


Grabbing my purse from the counter, I parted through the crowd as they gave me ugly glances, damn I was embarrassed, but it wasn't my fault, he kissed me. Finding the couple outside in a heated argument, I made several attempts to turn around and go back inside but I also want to explain myself, but Stevie glanced at me before I could gather my thoughts and decide on my actions,

 "YOU! You're such a fucking slut” I felt my cheeks warmed up, realizing she slapped me.


“Take this back! I want no bitch as my best friend,” she took her friendship bracelet off and threw it at me, and she stormed off, Anthony running after her not even noticing me, stood there shocked, with tears running down my face, I ran to my crap of a car, wow this was supposed to be a lovely evening .