
Let’s Read The Word

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Billionaire's true Love

Billionaire's true Love




“Amelia Wilson its your name right?” “Yes” “So you want to get married to me” “Yes” “Have read the condition mentioned in the letter which I have send it to you along my details” “Yes I did” “Why are your answers so short? ”I think I have to be on point I don't want to talk what is not only reason to come here is to get married to you” “So desperate to get married to me? Aanh” “Do you know that you will remained married to me for two years and you will be my wife just in name … we will perform our deeds as an husband wife to produce a heir for my lineage” “Yes I have read all the details, I just want to sign the contract with you...but in return I want something” “That's good you are to the point", Liam take out the his phone fill some details and ask her the amount to be filled in it. “How much amount do you want?” “Mr. Taylor I don't need your money I said I want you to do something in return", Liam was puzzled “Don't want money...then what do you want?” “I want you to adopt my sister, protect her and take care of her entire education and health for lifetime even we are divorced” “Aanh...addopt your sister...what made you think that I would say yes to to your condition? “You have no choice Mr. Taylor, You send the details to say around 50 girls out of which 30 of them rejected you and rest 19 have been rejected by you for their unpreceded demands like some of them wanted your half of the property in return once divorced” “you have researched me Ms. Amelia ?” “I have to...after all I am staking my entire life “ “Hmm smart enough” “You have 5 days remaining Mr. Taylor to get married and I think I am the girl who can fulfill all your requirements with little in return", Liam gave a thought on what Amelia said and he then said “Ok Ms. Amelia I think you have a you will be sent a contract for signing. If you want to make any changes in it please let me know it I will be there to discuss it with you and make the changes” “That's okk Mr. Taylor lets meet you after you send me the contract”, saying this Amelia got up from the chair and started walking out of the Liam's private chamber in his Office building “See you seen Ms. Amelia” ,David who was present there in their entire discussion was stunned he couldn't imagine his heartless boss would say something like this to any women, he had always used women for s*x for one night and then forget them, he would never asked them to come again , at least around hundred girls were hurt because of him. On the other hand Liam himself didn't knew why did he had said that to if he was under some spell casted by her, he was feeling something which was unknown to him, he wanted to see Amelia again for no reason

At the 90th floor of Taylor Group of Industries which is a 100 storey building,Each floor above 90th floor is attached to private lift as all the floors are for Liam's Personal room,wardrobe,Bedroom ,swimming parking area,gym and separate kitchen,study room,Office etc.

In a huge wide cabin decorated with timber wood flooring and cream white wall ,to the centre there is S shape table of the cabin with an executive brown leatherette chair.,and straight to the centre table of the cabin is floor length window where Liam has placed his hand on the left end of the window and the other hand is in his trouser pockets.

KNOCK KNOCK "Boss" David Liam's Personal Secretary cun friend comes in

“Boss this is the marriage contract your Father has asked you to signed it”,David place the contract on the Liam's table

“Hmmn...does he think I will do it as he says...NO NEVER”, saying this Liam came near his table ,took the contract and threw it on the floor

“Boss but Chairman has said if you don't signed the contract you won't get anything ,you will be kicked out of this Industry.. and”,David stopped for a moment as he was scared of his boss's scary look


“an...and will be no more the CEO of this Company as Chairman will transfer his own share to your cousin brother so his share will be more than you hence he will become new chairman plus you will also be kicked out of your Villa”

“THAT MAN IS CRAZZY..HAS HE GONE INSANE”,Liam became aggressive ,he would not let his cousin brother to takeover his Company he had worked hard to make this Company a world no. 1 Company, he hadn't slept for days to make this company reach to the top.

“B..Boss have no option as Chairman is hell bent on getting you married soon”

“NO...I won't sign the contract,”

“So get ready to loose everything my son”,Mark Taylor said it who was standing at the cabin's door and hearing their conversation.

“Ohh this man....can you not let me live my life Mr. Mark” Liam said annoyingly

“I think I am related to you my son”

“Mr. Mark I have no relationship with you”

“Then how come you own my Company”

“Your Company...let me remind you Mr. Mark this Company was handed over to you by my late mother...I have put all my efforts to place it at the top and would not let you ruined it.”

“Accepted”,Mr. Marked raised his hands and said

“Why don't you save it know if I transfer my shares to someone then you will be no longer the owner of this industry”


“Then signed the contract...and get married soon”

“Why are so eager to get married me so soon ?”

“I want heir so that nobody in future could take-over our industry”

“why should I get married for this...i would get you a heir without getting married”

“I want a legal heir...”

“The woman you will get married to should be from respectable family not one of your flings”

“Mr. Mark you have no right to rule or interfere in my life”

“Don't want to save your mother's last remainings”,Liam gave a thought over his father's point of view and after few minutes he replied to his father

“Okk..let's make a deal Mr. Mark”

“Once let me hear what's your deal is ...then I will agree to it”

“I will marry a woman of my choice...and it will be for two years based on contract... i think two year is enough for you to get a heir”

“No the woman will be of my choice...your choice will be one of your flings...I want the woman to be from respectable family”

“MR. MARK YOU ARE TOO MUCH”,Liam become aggressive on hearing this but he calm down himself and says

“Okk...but two years contract clause will remains unchanged”

“Do you think any woman from respectable family will be ready to get married to you for two years”

“Money will let any woman to do what I want it from her..after all every women are a gold digger”

“You mother was also a woman”

“MR. MARK SHE WASN'T LIKE OTHER WOMEN.”,Liam again calmed down himself by closing his eyes

“Mr. Mark my mother was a great lady which rarely exist in this universe”

“You are a gold digger and you have used my mother,you married her for her property”

“SON WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU KNOW NOTHING AND I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT ...LETS TALK ABOUT THE DEAL”,Mr. Mark got upset on his son's remark,he couldn't bear his son blaming him for deeds which he had not done”

“Mr. Mark even I don't feel like discussing anything on this topic...You just say that you agree this deal .”

“ok agreed ...I will send details of the girls which I have shortlisted for you,you will be given one month time to select one of them and get married.

“ONE MONTH!...”after pause of few seconds Liam agreed to his Dad 's proposal


After hearing the affirmation from his son he started walking out of the cabin but then he stopped for a moment and asked

“Liam you won't get back from your words?”

“Mr. Mark I am a businessman I won't be back on my words thats a deal ”

“That's good”saying this Mr. Mark left the office.