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A Secret Love Mr Arogant

A Secret Love Mr Arogant

Author:Lolita smith



Sarah never thought that she would become a prisoner of a mafia as well as a billionaire who was very famous for his wealth and cruelty. starting from Sarah who was walking after work, she accidentally saw the tragedy of a murder in a dead end alley near her company. The man realized that Sarah was an eyewitness to the murder that Marcelino Andreas committed, but Andreas didn't want to let Sarah go because he thought that the woman could open her mouth at any time. "Forgive me sir" Sarah pleaded with her lips trembling with fear Marcelino smirked. "I can't trust anyone including you, you have to be under my supervision until I'm sure that you won't do anything wrong" Since then, Sarah has lived in fear in Marcelino Andreas' luxurious Mansion. "You are too beautiful for me to throw away on the street, be my bed warmer, then you will live full of wealth" concluded Marcelino

"See you later" Sarah's voice sounded happy because she had just finished her assignment.

It's already 23.00

Sarah walked to the bus stop just a block from where she worked.

The night was getting late, it was drizzling a little but Sarah kept walking regardless of the drizzle falling on her hair.

"Fuck you, how dare you betray me" said someone from the darkness

Sarah tried not to care, but her curiosity peaked when she heard a scream that was so deafening.

Sarah looked for the source of the voice, her eyes immediately widened when she saw a man who still looked young enough to be beaten so badly that he even got hit by a beam on his head.

Seeing this incident, Sarah was only able to cover her mouth out of fear.

The man was crying hysterically and kneeling at the feet of a man wearing a black suit.

A kick made the man fall once more.

"You betrayed our clan, don't expect you to live long... Don't you already know the consequences if you betray me?"  say it

The man pulled out a gun and fired a bullet at him.

The man fell, he died in front of him.

There was a loud laughter from the man and his men,

Seeing this incident, his leg bones instantly went numb, he was scared and even cried hysterically even though he was restrained by his hands,

She didn't want to let the bad guys know that Sarah had seen the whole thing.

When she was about to take a step back, the girl fell because she slipped on a puddle of water.

Everyone who was there immediately turned their heads, even one of their club leaders immediately put a weapon and ordered his men to bring Sarah to him.

The woman screamed loudly as her five subordinates grabbed the girl's wrist and dragged her towards her boss.

While the rest of his men were busy loading the lifeless body into the car and leaving from there to eliminate traces.

The man who was standing in the darkness stepped forward towards Sarah who was standing under the glare of the streetlight.

Slowly, the man drew closer and Sarah could see his face directly.

His eyes widened, he didn't expect that the gunman was so young it didn't even look like he was a mobster or a delinquent.

Tan skin color, blue eyes and well-groomed hair and exclusive clothes.

Sarah swallowed her saliva looking at the man who was very handsome but had sharp and even terrifying eyes.

The man smirked, came closer to Sarah and grabbed her hair.

"You peeking at us miss?"  ask him

Sarah's body was shaking violently, she swallowed her saliva with a long sigh.

Her whole body was shaking violently, cold sweat began to emerge from the pores of her skin.

"I accidentally heard his screams, sir," she said, crying feeling the stinging on her scalp because of the man's rough pluck.

The man laughed out loud, but it sounded scary.

"You want to scream like him? Tell me... where do you want me to shoot? Let me free your life" he said

Sarah glared in fear, she cried louder and begged for mercy from the man in front of her,

She could only hiss in pain because the man didn't let go of his hand from her hair.

"Please don't kill me, sir. I really don't want to know your business, I beg of you to forgive and set me free" she pleaded fearfully.

The handsome man named Marcelino Andreas just laughed out loud at the woman's frightened face,

He let go of his hand from her hair.

"You think you can just run away from me? Don't expect it!"  Whisper

Sarah swallowed her saliva, would she feel the same way as the man just now?

No!  Sarah didn't want to just die, even she still has to pay off all her debts at the company.

Sarah shook her head pleadingly, but alas... Marcelino snapped his fingers and signaled his men to take Sarah to his Mansion.

Of course Sarah screamed loudly when some of her men took Sarah away from the scene of the murder.

Meanwhile Marcelino just laughed and stepped into his car.

"Are you sure you want to take the girl, sir?"  Peter asked curiously.

Marcelino nodded his head.

"Of course, I don't want to let her go because she could have leaked the murder to the authorities... I don't want that woman to mess things up," he said flatly.

Peter looked back at the road, here he was only as a personal assistant, so he preferred to remain silent on all the decisions Marcelino made.

Ragar starts the car engine and drives at a moderate speed towards the Mansion.

Halfway through, Peter asked again.

"What if the Astro clan is looking for Soni's whereabouts? We have killed one of his men who infiltrated our clan" he asked

Marcelino chuckled, his face looking calm even after he finished off someone.

"You think I will give up on the Astro clan? If James Strada is looking for him, you can say that I have killed that man" Marcelino said expressionlessly.

Peter was silent, he just let out a long breath.

He knew very well that if Marcelino had no fear at all, he was even quite cold yet ambitious.

The largest shareholder in Gyo entertainment and the owner of the most influential multinational and cannery company in Europe.

Who didn't know Marcelino Andreas, all businessmen were vying to work with this cool man.

They even called him the King of power,

Now the car that brought Marcelino had arrived at the courtyard of the super large luxury Mansion,

He stepped into the house and sat in the living room where the maids had prepared hot drinks to entertain their master who had just arrived.

"Where's the girl?"  Marcelino turned to Franky who was standing behind him.

"We kept her in the very end of the upper room, sir."  Answer slowly

Marcelino laughed out loud, he had to teach the girl a lesson for entering and interfering in her battle.

She even presumptuously saw something she shouldn't have seen.

that woman was really brave with her actions, which was why Marcelino wanted to teach her a proper lesson.