
Let’s Read The Word

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Beauty Of A Heart

Beauty Of A Heart

Author:Miracle A. Sunday



From the unfolding scene of the book one can actually tell how bad Gbemisola feels about her sister as was told her by her parents. Though she never accepted the claim and would never want to create a peaceful relationship with the said sister Darasimi who happens to be the protagonist in the play. Darasimi on the other hand could only do her best just to keep her step sister very close to her hoping that one day she would return all her care with something very beautiful as of a heart. As the days went by, she could only imagine what the beauty of a heart could look like or rather how it feels to say one has the beauty of a heart. The thought of her being loved by someone who would be able to know only how to care for another was all she could wish for. Unknown to her, she had encountered such person but couldn't realize it until a turn of event took place. The situation was very bad and terrible that it seemed like nothing else could work things back in place again and for such reason she began to loose all hope. Her memory of the whole unfortunate scenario left her with no choice but to think it were all a dream. What could have given her a change of thought? Will her hopes finally come back to place or it would serve her right to remain in her unfavorable predicament? Well, the choice is yours to make as you unravel the twisted beauty of heart which I present to you. Read and enjoy a story you will always want to tell again and again.


[A room]

Gbemisola: And where did you think you are going dressed like that?


About leaving the room, stops


Gbemisola: are we more than two here?

Darasimi: Oops... you startled me... to school.



to School? I see



Darasimi: What?

Gbemisola: What?

Darasimi: You just eyed me and hissed. Are we quarrelling?

Gbemisola: don't you know. let it stick to your brain now.



. I wonder when you will do away with this behavior of yours.

Gbemisola: enn... and what does that suppose to mean?

Darasimi: I guess you have never wanted to speak with me so why the sudden concern about my dressing and whereabout?


clapping. Grins

. "Yenyenyenyenyen!" please leave the room if you don't have anything else to say. Your presence is obstructing the process of ventilation.

Darasimi: really, did I ask you to stop me in the first place? I hope you are not trying to get at me again this morning?

Gbemisola: ...what if I do?

Darasimi: hmm, I don't have your time anyway. You have always been this childish since day one

turns to leave



hitting her

. You idiot.


retaliate with a dirty slap

. Don't ever try to misbehave. What's your problem? Can't you just make peace for Christ sake.


holding her jaws

. You slapped me...


You despicable scombag.

Darasimi: You caused it. That must have hurt so much.. well.. am very sorry. You provoked me beyond control

helps to rub her jaw

. Am really sorry.


you can slap me back if you want

turns her face in return for a slap



without wasting much time, returns a thundering slap. Sighs

. No cheating now. You can get out of my sight.


staring at her with both hands holding her jaws. Turns to leave

. Next time might not work out this way, be very careful.

Enter Mom and Dad


Drops her hands and kneel

. Good morning Mom, good morning Dad.



. Good morning Dad, Good morning Mom.


observing the girls for a while

. What are you guys still doing at this time? And where did that noise came from like someone was slapped?

Darasimi: Slapped? No, not here Dad.

Dad: really, I was very sure it was so close by

to Mom

. You heard it too right?

Mom: I did.



. We never heard anything.


nod in support

. Yes Mom. We never heard anything. Or maybe because we've been too busy with our dressing we were not really focused to hear sounds outside except the rumbling sound of our bags and cracking of our Waldrop doors.



. Have you both turned into liars? When did that start? We were right at your door step when the noise was heard so how do you expect me to believe you both are not the ones who made it? Besides, you dropped your hands right down from your jaw as soon as you saw us came in Dara.

Gbemisola at this point begins to regret her actions. She stops looking up to avoid any eye contact with her mom


Darasimi: liars?... Mom! Nothing happened here am serious. You saw me dropped my hands because I just finished applying a pomade to my hair

showing her hair

. We were only dressing up nothing more.


looking at them suspiciously for while

. I hope so... that every thing you are telling me are the truth.


squeezing her face

. I see you still don't believe me right?

Mom: of course. Do you think I can't tell the sound of a slap. I knew both of you must have been quarreling... if not fighting.


looks at Gbemisola who was just staring blankly

. We are not mom. Let me explain, the sound was made because I kept slapping my face to dry my moisty hand which was covered with the pomade. It just a squish made out of the slapping at a point.


still doubting but overlooks the matter

. Ok then... If that is the case, I guess that was why you guys spent over an hour in the room right?

Pulling her eye glass downward a bit towards her nose tip


Gbemisola: Mom! It's not up to an hour at all.

Darasimi: Yes Mom, we haven't spent up to an hour yet, even now.

Looks at Gbemisola who looked away immediately



checks her wrist watch

. Anyway, there is no time for anymore discussions. You both should go take your brake fast and hurry up to school.

Both girls:

in unison

. yes Mom

Exit room



placing her hands on Dad's shoulders as she drew close anough for him to rap his hands around her warmly

. I hope they are going to like each other.


staring outside a window

. Why are you hoping so?



I'm not sure but... It feels like things are not going on well between them.

Dad: probably, I also felt so too. They seemed to dislike each other.

Mom: exactly... I knew they must have quarreled with each other this morning. I still don't believe Dara was telling the truth.

Dad: why?

Mom: I just find it too hard to believe. She must really be hiding something.

Dad: why did you say so?

Mom: because... Gbemi didn't say anything when I was questioning them. She was too lost in her thought all along till I mentioned them using up an hour for dressing alone. Do you know what that means?

Dad: what?

Mom: she wanted to leave the room at that point as quickly as possible. Because she cannot deny the fact. There must really be something going on here.

Dad: hmm! Well, if that is the case, then we should look into it when they come's back from school

looking at her with a smiling face



smiles back

. I will have to talk to them first... As a mother.

Dad: why? Can't we do it at once together.

Mom: What do you know, are you not a man.

Dad: And so, are we different? Does it even matters?

Mom: look at you... just leave the girls matter with me okay. Take care of the boys.



.I see, no problem then. I guess we have no boy yet so it's pretty easy



Mom: What?


stroking her hair

to stay out of the girls matter. I wonder what's always special about ladies. You people love to talk things... Almost every thing in secret. Why?

Mom: I can't say for sure. maybe that's just how we are... Very special I guess.

Dad: so we guys are not right?

Mom: I didn't say that... Our food is getting colder, we have to go join them now.


opening the door

. Don't change the topic, why do you think ladies are...

Mom covers his mouth with her palm and pulls him out


Mom: you talk too much.

Both exit room





eating alone at the dinning


[Entered Mom and Dad looking surprised as they took their sit].

Dad: Gbemisola !

Gbemisola: Yes daddy

rasing her head


Dad: Why are you alone here, where is your sister?

Gbemisola: My sister daddy? Do I have a sister?

Dad and Mom:

looked at each other in shock



Yes of course. Darasimi is your cousin, she's also your sister. You are both part of this family.

looked at Dad


not pleased

Alright then. I think she had left about ten minutes ago.



. And why did you not go with her, are the both of you not in the same school?



. Sure we are but, I don't know if it were to school that she left.


surprised. Looks at Dad

. What do you mean?

Gbemisola: She hurried away just as we left our room without touching her food and I could not meet up with her if I don't eat. that is why I'm the only one here. Maybe she got somewhere to go first before school I can't tell.

Dad: are you for real or.. nevermind, hurry up and meet me at the car garage so I can drop you at school.

to Mom

sweet heart, I would be leaving now.

Mom: ok dear,

kiss him

. Take care and come back save. I love you.

Dad: I love you too



to Mom

. See you later Mom, I love you.

Exit with Dad

Mom: Don't be late baby I love you too Mua.

Blew her a kiss





[Royals High Academy].

A class room

Lecturer: Good morning students. We would be having an impromptu test this morning and I will like you all to get ready in two minutes

students begins to murmur

. Be quiet please, silence.

[After two minutes]

Lecturer: two minutes is past now, I hope you are all ready?

Some Students: We are not ready sir.

Lecturer: That's not necessary, you might as well start to sleep to show for it. Here are the questions on the board

writing on the board

Ten questions answer all. Your time starts now,"30 minutes". I hope you find the questions very cheap because they are really cheap questions if you know what you are doing.

[While some Students are writing, some are not writing, some are pretending to be writing, some are busy waiting to be giving answers, while some are looking up and down in confusion over some questions. About 20 minutes after a boy begins to talk to Darasimi]

Boy: Hey!




taps her shoulder and begins to whisper

. Please help me out with number six and seven, Just those two.



. Why? Who are you? I can't do that now, this is a test.



. I'm very sorry to disturb... You can just tell me the points, I will finish the rest.



. Please face your work and stop disgracing yourself.


gosh, who is this for god sake.



. I'm really sorry but, how about if you can only help me with number six and seven. I will really appreciate, please.


begins to walk around

. No side talking, please take note of that or else you will have to face the disciplinary department if I get you.


not giving up

. Please, am begging. Just six and seven that's all.


frustrated, Raise a hand

. Excuse me sir.


panics. To himself

. What now? It is finished as usual.


to Darasimi

. What is it?

Darasimi: I want to change my seat sir? Please

rubbing her palms together



relieved. Clutching his hands tightly together

. Woops, I thought she would report me, I guess she's not like the rest.


comes to her

. Why?


stylishly looks around

. Nothing much. I just don't want to sit here

whispers to lecturer



following her eyes movement. looks at her sourounding

. I see

Points at the boys




. Exactly sir.


points to an empty sit at the back of the class room

. Go there.

To the boys

, I must not hear you whisper to yourselves or turn your heads. Do you hear me?


in unison

. yes sir.

Lecturer: no more words till after the test.

Checks his watch

, be preparing to submit now it almost time. You have less than a minute left.



. At least better than Alice and her group. They could have gotten me punished with all gladness

Looks at Darasimi

. WelI, I will still have to submit unfinished anyway, it makes no difference. However, I think she's even nicer

stand up to submit



checks his watch

ok guys your time is up, pleases stop writing and submit now

students begins to submit




[Another class room].

Alice: girls! Have anyone seen copycat today?

Anike: yeah, I saw him heading towards the general class area. Maybe he has a general class this morning.

Alice: really! Did you see any bandage around his hands or legs?

Anike: no, I didn't.


to her right

. But you said he was bandaged hand and leg?

Anike: who?

Alice: Adura.

Adura: that was what I heard not what I said.

Anike: really? what happened?

Adura: I don't know.

Alice: that boy can ask a dead body for answers in the examination. I wondered how he managed to pass.

Anike: I swears. But, Adura are you sure of what you said.

Adura: truth, I don't know what happened. I just overhead people discussing it at school over yesterday.

Enter's Gbemisola

Gbemisola: hi girls!

Alice: where have you been?

Gbemisola: me? At the head office.

Anike: that must be a joke, you of all people. What did you go to do there?

Gbemisola: gosh, to see the form registerer.

Alice: form registerer? To fill which form?

Gbemisola: a contest form haha.



. which contest is that?

Gbemisola: goodness me, so you guys haven't heard. Common, you girls have disappointed me. Anyway, it's titled " Face of RAH" Royal High Academy.

Alice: face of RHA! What is it about?

Gbemisola: an academically, socially and morally, program that will determine the next academic alumni or how am I to put it? Whatever.



. Wait, Was that why the registry unit placed posters around the school today?

To others

, I noticed posters around the light poles within the school when I was coming this morning, no wonder.



So what are you contesting for Gbemi?

Gbemisola: I don't know yet, we are only allowed to fill the forms for now.


I really want to have my face appear on everything that represent the school. Banners, posters, sign boards and the rest. And you know what? A free scholarship to the US to further education for the ones that performs best.

to Alice

How do you see this Alice?

Alice: of course interesting, what do you expect?

Gbemisola: I hope that we all made it to that top guys so, am expecting you all to go and register too.

Adura and Anike: of course baby.


checks her watch

it's lunch time girls, let go eat something. I'm very hungry now.

Anike: same here. "Heyshing" bad bad.

They all exit class room.
