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After Rejecting the Billionaire, He Gave Me A Sweet Revenge

After Rejecting the Billionaire, He Gave Me A Sweet Revenge

Author:Gracia Bonifacio



I moaned. Warm and wet lips were trailing the side of my neck. My back arched when they reached one of my rosy tips. " Oh yes honey!" I opened my eyes when I involuntarily uttered the endearment Trevor used for me in the past. "NO!" I protested. The man on top of me stopped what he was doing and raised his head. My eyes widened. Trevor had a knowing smile as his dark eyes glinted. "You are finally Christina..." he said in a throaty voice before raising his body upwards so our eyes would be in the same level. My hands gripped his arms. I caught my breath. He was really very good-looking. He didn't have his glasses on and he was hotter. I wished he looked like this nine years ago. My mouth turned dry when I felt how hard his biceps were. "You taste so damn good and it's time for me to possess you. It is more fun when you're awake," he said before his lips went to mine. **************************** I said yes to becoming Trevor’s girlfriend on a dare. He was geeky and so besotted with me which was a major turn-off. I broke his heart but soon I regretted what I did but it was too late because he was gone. After several years, we met again. There was no trace of the old Trevor because he became a good-looking hunky millionaire. Unfortunately, karma caught up with me. My used-to-be smitten and devoted ex only wanted one thing from me now, revenge. But I wondered if he could stick to his plan or if everything would backfire on him.

Nine years ago

"Oh God Chrissy! I think what you did was too much! Why did you slap Mr. Geeky? You already told him the truth and broke up with him, wasn’t that enough? “Alice asked me as she stared at Trevor’s back.

When she and Gel were sure that he would no longer turn his head to look at us, they went out of their hiding place which was behind a tall tree a few feet away. I didn't know what to say so I just nipped my lower lip.

"Did you record everything?" Gel asked Alice before she excitedly took her phone.

"Of course! Take a look!"

Alice pulled me so I could watch the recording too.


"I am sorry Trevor," I said with my face and eyes lowered. I was holding the flowers in my left hand while the box of chocolate was in my right one. They were both from him.

"B-but why? W-what did I do?" He asked in a slightly trembling voice.

He removed his eyeglasses to wipe the moisture from them and put them back again with trembling fingers . I noticed that was his habit when he was nervous or something was bothering him. His sad eyes which looked puzzled were on me again.

I just shook my head before I raised my face and eyes. He was very tall which was the only good thing about his appearance. If he had muscles instead of being lanky, he would at least have passable looks. He could have been in the basketball team but he moved awkwardly. He was eight years older than me. He was in college and he was graduating while I was still in junior high school.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I am sorry. I just realized that I can’t do this. My friends just dared me to make you my boyfriend since you obviously likes me a lot. Anyway, thanks for everything especially the gifts.”

He furrowed his brows, “Tell me that you’re just joking. Please honey..." He tried to touch my arm but I grunted and glared at him as I took a few steps back.

"Of course I am serious! This is not a joke so please stop calling me honey okay? I hate it! We aren’t a match! I mean look at you!” I said and ran my eyes from his head to his leather shoes then they went up again, “and then look at me!” I put my hands on either side of my waist and jutted my chin at him.

I raised a brown when I noticed that he seemed to be teary-eyed. He removed his glasses to wipe his eyes with the back of his hand then with trembling fingers, wore them back on. I made a sound of disgust. His thick glasses added to his geeky looks which was why he had no friends. I sometimes see one of his classmates, Reiner talked to him but obviously he had an ulterior motive. My friends and I discovered that Trevor was making his thesis.

I sighed. "Just go Trevor. My friends and I had our fun already so you and I are done! I hope you will stay away from me from now on!” I expected him to just turn the other way and leave.

"I was so stupid to think that you are different. Sadly you are like most women. Aside from you pretty face, everything about you is shallow. You don’t deserved to be loved. You will make a perfect trophy wife in the future, " he said in a very cold voice.

My hand automatically went up to slap him hard. His glasses fell. I felt a cold hand touched my heart when I saw his mixed expression. His eyes looked confused, sad, regretful and of course very angry.

I was about to say sorry but he turned to walk away. I didn’t have the strength to move and follow him so I just stared at his back. I felt a lump in my throat. I lowered my eyes to the ground and saw his glasses. I picked them up and bit my bottom lip when I discovered that they were broken beyond repair. That was the last time I saw him. I felt guilty and wanted to say sorry but he was already gone. I knew he truly loved me but due to my stupidity, I lost him. It was too late for regrets.

End of Flashback

I was at the office I shared with my cousin Homer who was also my business partner. We opened a hardware store more than a year ago.

"I think selling the business will be wiser."

I shook my head in disbelief, “Why do you want to give up easily? We’re only in our first year that’s why we’re still in a rocky stage.”

"Have you looked at our sales cousin? If we don’t close this now, you would be in debt up to your eyeballs. We both know how much money you owe the bank. Anyway, I talked to another businessman. Teejay is interested to buy us out. If you want, you can talk to him. Instead of buying all our shares, maybe he would let you keep yours and you two can work together. I on the other hand want out. My best buddy Keanne and I are planning to open a promising business.”

I sighed then turned around to look out the window while I hugged myself. Since my parents died three years ago from a vehicular accident, I focused my energy and emotions in finishing my studies for a bright future. I was glad that Homer wanted to help me achieved my dreams after graduation. He agreed to open Build Up together. I had to apply for a loan in a bank where Gel was working since I didn’t have the money to start even a small business. Making Build Up successful was my ultimate dream because this was all I had. Unfortunately, my cousin was right. It would take a miracle to revive it without any outside help. We just didn’t have the money to even stay afloat.

"I know how important this is for you Chrissy but get real. Maybe this isn’t for you yet. You need more experience. I guess it’s best if you accept the offer of Alice’s cousin.”

Alice’s cousin was a business man too. He fancied me and offered me to be his assistant with a high salary.

I shook my head. "This is what I want to do. I just need more money to continue," I said with a light laugh to hide the bitterness in my voice.

“Well just talk to Teejay then. Even if he will not agree to be your business partner he could make you his assistant. You could still gain more experience.”

I nodded. I was ready to do anything for Build Up.

Then we heard two knocks. Irma, our secretary announced, "Mr. Samaniego is here.”

I gasped. Trevor’s family name was Samaniego. I turned my eyes at my cousin to confirm when we heard a voice.

"Good afternoon Homer... and Christina..." drawled a baritone voice.

I swallowed. It was him. His voice became deeper and had developed a certain twang but I knew he was my ex.

"Hi Teejay!" Homer greeted him and rose from his chair to do a handshake.

I on the other hand , didn’t want to look behind me where Trevor was. My cousin took my arm and turned my body. I felt my throat turned dry since I didn’t have any choice but to face him. I did a double take when my eyes went to my geeky ex. He looked very different. He appeared to be even taller than I remembered and his body which was on a suit, seemed to had become hunky. He was still wearing his glasses but somehow they added to his good looks. His appearance was the exact opposite of the old Trevor. The new one looked really confident. He was hot as hell so he gained confidence which he lacked nine years ago.

Trevor's POV

I didn't have much sleep last night because I was finally going to see the reason why I came back. I did my best to forget her but it was difficult. Each time I saw a photo or a video of her, my desire to show her the new me was almost consuming me. When I started to become successful in Australia, I hired a female bodyguard to watch over her. I wanted to know what was happening to her and who were the people she was with. I prepared myself not only physically but also financially and emotionally for our meeting. I smiled with satisfaction when I saw how shocked she looked now that I was in front of her.

"We meet again...Christina..." I said with an Australian drawl.

I had to stop myself from pulling her and kissed her savagely. I had been dreaming of doing a lot of things to her including f*cking her until she was senseless. She broke me and until now I hadn't totally mended.

Damn you Christina! I cursed inside my head.

I was mad at her but I was having lustful thoughts at the moment. She had become more alluring. Her body was fully developed and she was sexy as hell. I was having a boner by just looking at her. I remembered to deal with one of the a*sholes who was wooing her. Alice’s cousin Robbie. Alma, the female bodyguard I hired told me about him of course. Now that I was back to the country, I wouldn't let any scumbags get close to her. I was going to claim what was mine.

"You know each other?" Homer asked looking puzzled.

"Maybe," I replied without taking my eyes off Christina.

"That's good. I will leave you two to talk. Thank you and good luck Teejay!"

He tapped my shoulder as he nodded at me but my eyes narrowed when he turned to Christina and ruffled her hair before pinching her cheeks playfully. I didn’t like it.

"Best of luck cousin!" he told her.


I just nodded at Homer but my forehead creased when I witnessed the expression on Trevor's eyes. He seemed to not like what he saw. When my cousin closed the door behind him, I mustered all the courage I have.

"Teejay...?" I mumbled in a small voice and I could hardly keep the eye contact.

He smirked. "It just shows how little you know your ex. I am also called Teejay," he said with a hint of coldness and a little amusement.

I wanted to ask him a lot of questions but I didn't know where to start.

"W-why?" was all I could ask.

His smirk disappeared. His eyes were like slits as they went to my lips. "Why I'm here?" he asked in a very cold voice.

I swallowed when I saw how his eyes glinted. A small part of me was excited but the bigger part was scared as hell.

"I came back for you my Christina and this time I am not going anywhere and neither are you," he said in a croaky voice. His lips broke into a panty-ripping smile as his dark eyes ran down my body then back to my face.


I called my friends and we went to a bar. Even for a few hours, I wanted to forget seeing Trevor again.

"Oh my gosh! Enough alcohol Chrissy!" Gel advised strongly.

"Let her drink and have fun," said Alice who was sipping tequila.

Hiccupping, I raised my glass before gulping some more booze.

"How dared he say that he didn't want to make me his partner because I am inexperienced and I could only be his assistant!"

"Well he is probably still bitter with what happened years ago," Alice said with a giggle.

I nodded, "For sure! With that nasty attitude of his I won't be surprised if no female wants to be with him! He is so condescending! He might look different now but he is still the geeky man I dumped!"

"Err...Chrissy...." Gel was looking behind me.

Alice was frowning as she followed with her eyes what Gel was staring at.

"He is a beast and a monster! I won't work for him even if Build-Up is my baby! I would rather accept Robbie's offer than work for that...that..." I wasn't able to say the last part because everything went black.


I moaned. Warm and wet lips were trailing the side of my neck. My back arched when they reached one of my rosy tips.

" Oh yes honey!" I opened my eyes when I involuntarily uttered the endearment Trevor used for me in the past.

"NO!" I protested.

The man on top of me stopped what he was doing and raised his head. My eyes widened. Trevor had a knowing smile as his dark eyes glinted.

"You are finally Christina..." he said in a throaty voice before raising his body upwards so our eyes would be in the same level. My hands gripped his arms.

I caught my breath. He was really very good-looking. He didn't have his glasses on and he was hotter. I wished he looked like this nine years ago. My mouth turned dry when I felt how hard his biceps were.

"You taste so damn good and it's time for me to possess you. It is more fun when you're awake," he said before his lips went to mine.