
Let’s Read The Word

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Cutie Baby, Loving Mommy

Cutie Baby, Loving Mommy



Five years ago, I was locked in a villa for ten months and forced to have two kids. That was my half-sister's scheme! She robbed my kids so that she could keep her status at the Hawkins Family. After I had babies, she ordered servants to kill me. Thank god, I was finally survived. Now I was back. I had two missions. To get my kids back and find the man who made me pregnant. To kill my half-sis and everyone involved in this scheme! As a successful chairwoman, I'm sure I could complete them. However, the only thing out of my expectation was, I fell in love with the man who made pregnant five years ago...

"Ah! It hurts! My abdomen hurts!"

Georgina Patel put one hand on the wall and rested her other hand on her swollen stomach. Crouching down slowly, she sat on the cold floor. The pain in her abdomen was killing her.

Her due date was coming up.

At the sound of her cry, the servant ran over. Georgina was sitting on the floor, her face as pale as a sheet. Her hands clung to the hem of her dress, and she looked miserable.

"Miss Patel, I think your baby is coming. Come on, let me put you to bed, and then I'm gonna call the doctor."

Georgina stared at the servant, pushed her away, and sat on the floor stubbornly. She was filled with boiling anger.

"I'm not having this baby until you get your boss here."

The servant was in a dilemma.

"Miss Patel, please don't make things difficult for me. Think about the child. It's a life, isn't it? Are you sure you don't want to see what he looks like? I mean, it's your child."

Georgina laughed like crazy.

Her child?

She didn't even want this child!

Ten months ago, at a college reunion, Georgina had a few drinks, got really dizzy and passed out. When she woke up, she found that she was locked up in this villa.

What surprised her the most was that she was pregnant. She was getting big, but she had no idea who the father was. She'd rather die than have this baby.

"Fine, if I can't see your boss, I'm gonna kill myself right here! I guess your boss won't let you off the hook if I'm dead."

Georgina pointed the scissors at her neck. It could cut her throat at any moment.

"Miss Patel, why are you doing this? All you have to do is have this baby and you'll be free..." The servant frowned.

"Go and make a phone call. Go! Do you really want to see me kill myself and the child?" Georgina screamed like a lunatic.

The servant had no choice but to do as she said.

Half an hour later.

A woman rushed in in high heels. Georgina stood up against the wall in pain. When she saw the woman, she wanted to stab herself in the eye.

"Elsie? You did this to me?"

Elsie Patel was the daughter of Georgina's stepmother, Bella Chambers. Elsie married into a wealthy family three years ago, but never got pregnant. Because of this, her in-laws weren't too happy with her.

Georgina had never thought that Elsie was the one behind this.

"Get her on the bed! If the baby's gone, you're all going to hell!" Elsie shouted.

The servants and the doctor immediately surrounded Georgina and then carried her to the bed.

"Elsie, you son of a b*tch! You're gonna burn in hell! I know what you're gonna do with this baby, and I will die before I let you!"

Georgina was uncooperative and struggled wildly on the bed. Neither the servants nor the doctor could hold her. She was going into labor, and if she kept moving like this, the baby could suffocate in her womb.


Elsie took a doctor's overall and walked up to Georgina. Then, she put an anaesthetic in Georgina's arm. Georgina struggled for a moment before passing out.

"Come and help me give her a c-section," Elsie said.

Half an hour later, a boy and a girl were born. A servant wrapped the two babies in blankets and took good care of them.

Elsie finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since she started her plan, she had lived in constant fear that anything would go wrong. Now, she could finally take the pillow off her belly.

With these two babies, she no longer had to worry about anything. She would always be Mrs. Hawkins and no one would call her sterile again.

"Mrs. Hawkins, what are we gonna do with her?" A servant pointed to Georgina, who was lying on the bed.

What a poor woman! It was a rough birth, and her babies were about to become someone else's. Judging by the cuts on her belly, Elsie was a terrible doctor.

"Make sure I'll never see her again, if you know what I mean." Elsie said coldly.

She had to kill Georgina, or it would be only a matter of time before this got out.


The servant didn't want to do it. After all, Georgina had just given birth and was in the weakest state.

"What, you sympathize with her?" Elsie's fierce eyes fell on the servant, making her tremble.

Of course, the servant did not dare to go against Elsie. She and the other servant picked Georgina up, put her in the trunk, and drove into the suburbs. A few hours later, the car stopped.

It was at night, and the rain poured down.

The two servants dragged Georgina out of the car. The blood on Georgina was immediately washed away by the rain and followed it into the soil. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. In this dark, gloomy wilderness, only the headlights were on. The two servants broke into a cold sweat on their backs.


Thunder cracked in the sky. They were so frightened that they threw Georgina heavily to the ground. The heavy rain kept washing over her.

One of the servants took out a fruit knife from the car, her hands trembling. Not everyone could be a murderer. After repeated hesitation, she handed the knife to the other servant.

"Why don't you do it? Go and give her a few stabs," she said.

The other servant was also scared out of her wits. She didn't dare to take the knife at all. "No, I can't. My daughter-in-law just had a baby, and I believe in good and evil. I can't kill her. You do it!"

Neither of them wanted to be a murderer.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thunder was getting louder and lightning swept across the right sky. The servant was so nervous that her knife fell to the ground. Both of their faces were pale with fright. It was scary out there in the wild.

"Maybe we should just leave her here. Look, no one's around, and she's still bleeding. She'll barely survive even if we don't kill her. She can't even move!" A servant suggested.

"Then what are we gonna tell Mrs. Hawkins?"

"Just tell her we killed this woman."

"Sounds great."

Boom! Boom! Thunder boomed in the sky overhead, like a rebuke. Frightened, they immediately got into the car and drove away.

A long time later.

In the pouring rain, Georgina's fingers began to move. She gradually regained a modicum of consciousness, and she started recalling what had happened.

Her child... Elsie...

Georgina touched her belly. Her swollen belly was now perfectly flat, but the pain was still there.

What the hell was this place?

It was dark everywhere, and even the wind seemed to come from hell. Georgina shouted a few times, but no one answered her. There was nothing but birdsong in this godforsaken place.

She sneered. Was Elsie trying to leave her here to rot? Now that the universe had kept her alive, she must cherish it.

It was not until this moment that she realized the whole thing was Elsie's trap. Elsie couldn't get pregnant, and she didn't want to divorce her husband, so she decided to steal someone else's baby.

"This isn't over! Elsie, one day I will expose you in front of everyone and make you lose everything you love!" Georgina swore.

She crawled forward bit by bit through the pain in her abdomen. She felt as if her whole body were about to be torn apart. There was blood everywhere she crawled, but it was soon washed away by the rain.