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Second Semester:Tale Of Bonds

Second Semester:Tale Of Bonds




This is the second book of Glow-Up:Tale of Friendship Bonds. What makes a bond between two peoples strong?Sharing difficulties with each other?Having someone to count on? This tackles the continuation of Jerelca Steffania's journey studying senior high school where rich students studies.In this book there will be revealations,answers and new bonds.


Second Semester: Tale of Bonds

Jerelca's Point of View

It has been two weeks since our vacation started but It feels like It's 2 years. I just miss my classmates especially those noisy ones.


My noisy alarm clock makes me awake very early. Today is our first day of school for the second semester so I set the alarm clock as early as I want. I don't expect too much because I know that this semester is different from before.

I'm just sitting on my bed because it's 3:40 in the morning. The outside is still dark so I decided to wait until the time turns 4. I opened my social media account and search for my classmates' names. They are all having fun. So do I.

I forgot all the problems I brought here from the school, Karl and Glyza. My apprentice also made me so happy because she already knew some chef techniques. It wasn't hard teaching her for she is a fast learner. Just like me. It makes me realize that I don't have any reason to quit studying at that expensive high school. Even though Glyza will hate me her whole life, she's not very worthy to become a reason.

"Baby! Are you awake?" my mother shouts from downstairs.


She never gets tired of calling me, baby. She always does that but I want her to call me in another way. It's like they're seeing me as an infant.

"Come downstairs we have a gift for you!" she shouts so I keep my phone and stand up.

I fix my t-shirt for a while and get out of my room. I go downstairs and I quickly see them holding a box.

"What is that for?"I ask them.

"This gift is supposedly for your birthday but it came late so we'll just give this to you now"my father answers.

I can't wait to open it. I'm too glad that they give their best and lots of effort just for my birthday.

I smiled and about to cry."Thanks but next time, I want you to keep your money for emergency purposes"

"Yeah, we haven't forgotten about that thing. It's just our income is big.CNUnited is a big help" says my mother so I approach and hug her.

I'm so blessed to have them as parents but I can't forget that they want me to marry Karl Astral.

"Open your gift now," says my mother and hands me the box.

I doubtlessly open it. I peel the wrap off and know that this is a phone.

"A phone? I still have the old one"I ask because of curiosity. I haven't asked them to buy this.

"Yes, your phone is already four years old so we guess that you need something new." my mother answers.

"Thank you. I love you, ma and pa" I said.

They hug each other because they know I'm really happy and astonished with everything that's happening. Though they all don't sink in my big brain, I know that they love me and that's enough.

"You're welcome, baby" my mother replies.

My father doesn't talk a lot but I know he's happy for me deep inside him. I have friends that care for me. I have a family that supports me. That's what makes me special in the eyes of others.

"Go back to your room and let us take care of you," says my father.

"No, I'm doing nothing so I want to help you than observing the clock" I complained so they nod.

I put the new phone on the table and walk to the kitchen. Becoming a chef is my dream so I want to cook something fishy for us. My mother is also here because she's cooking mushroom soup.

"You want to become a chef?" she asks while slicing the onions.

"Yes, we have large farms so I'm more inspired to become a chef"

.....After few minutes.....

We have finished cooking and my normal fried fish with a twist is done.

"Breakfast is ready!" my mother calls father so he quickly runs towards us and takes a sit.

I put some food on my plate and start to eat.

"Have you noticed, dear? Our daughter is getting older. She's going to leave us for another four months" she says so I smile at them.

"Yes, so I wish you won't let yourself become a mother so early," my father says.

He's getting more serious as time passed. I don't know what's going on in his mind but it's making my atmosphere more pressured.

"You can count on me, "I said and my smile slowly fades.

Maybe, he's too disappointed that I don't want to marry Karl.

....After having breakfast, we suddenly fix ourselves. I have to prepare my things for our On the Job Training


. I don't know if I have a classmate with the same course but whatever will happen I must pass.
