
Let’s Read The Word

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Dominating CEO Takes Charge

Dominating CEO Takes Charge



Xia Qiuxi was set up by her best friend. She thought she would be ruined by a gang of hooligans, but unexpectedly, while escaping, Xia Qiuxi accidentally entered a strange room and was thoroughly devoured by a man with a cold face. She thought this incident would pass, but unexpectedly, she got into the sights of the domineering CEO, “Woman, you have to take responsibility for what you have done..." Xia Qiuxi was utterly confused, bothered about who really got the better end of the stick!!

As soon as Xia Qixi drove up to the bustling bar, a feisty girl, impatience stenciled all over her face, ran up to her. Her makeup-caked face pouted in complaint: “Look here Qixi! What’s the big deal? You said you’d be here at eight! Look at me, the chilly wind’s been buffeting me around for more than half an hour!”

The stylish girl in question was named Ye Zixin, a close friend of Xia Qixi. Today was her birthday, and she'd chosen this bar especially for her birthday party.

Looking harrowed, Xia Qixi apologized, “I didn't mean to be late, but I got tied up with some urgent matters."

Just as Ye Zixin was about to complain further, Xia Qixi hastily thrust a gift box into her hands. "Happy birthday, happy birthday!" Sizing up the gift box appeased Ye Zixin enough to stop her complaints.

“Let’s go, we need to hurry up, my pals are waiting for us!” Initially, Xia Qixi had intended to leave as soon as she'd given her gift, but before she could voice her intention, Ye Zixin tugged her into the bar.

The garish lights and the unruly clamor hit Xia Qixi instantly, making her frown uncomfortably. Any words of refusal were drowned by the cacophony…

Ye Zixin dragged Xia Qixi straight into one of the private rooms, where the outer noise was muted. However, upon entering, Xia Qixi felt like fleeing, for she was greeted by a group of young men who looked akin to gangsters, swigging drinks and puffing on cigarettes.

As they spotted Xia Qixi, they appraised her with lascivious, greedy gazes. Seeing Xia Qixi’s discomfort, Ye Zixin shot a look at a man sporting a horseshoe mustache.

He snapped out of his daze and chastised his companions. “Damn it, you guys! Don’t scare the girl off with your faces!”

Their lewd grins vanished at his rebuke, replaced by awkward smiles. Quickly interceding, Ye Zixin introduced Xia Qixi to them, “Brother Cheng! This is the lady I’ve been telling you about, the stunning beauty, Xia Qixi!”

Following Ye Zixin’s revelation, Brother Cheng, previously engrossed in his horseshoe mustache, lit up and put down his bottle in fascination. “Wow, a real stunner! Ha-ha-ha…” The others joined him in laughter.

Xia Qixi deserved every bit of this title, with her alluring body shape accentuated by her white fringed T-shirt and black casual pants. A Swarovski Dakhia global collection puzzle bracelet graced her wrist, and around her neck was a unique crescent moon chain that discreetly shielded a heart-shaped clasp from view. Her raven hair was tied up naturally, giving a refreshing and attractive allure, while her expression was calm with a hint of chill.

The boorish demeanor of the men repulsed her. Xia Qixi could not bear it any longer. With a furrowed brow, she turned to Ye Zixin and said, “Zixin, I still have some urgent matters to address. I’ll take my leave first, enjoy your party.”

"Hey! Don't leave! How can you just come and go! Are we not friends here?!" Ye Zixi saw her wanting to leave, which she couldn't approve, and she held onto her, not letting her go.

"Hey, beautiful, why the rush? Are you, by any chance, afraid we're going to eat you?" Big Brother Cheng pulled out a cigarette, and his bro beside him swiftly lit it for him.

The strong pungent smell from the smoke made Xia Qixi even more uncomfortable. She had never been to this kind of place nor met these kinds of people. Seeing Xia Qixi's gloomy face not saying a word,

Ye Zixi awkwardly tried to lighten the atmosphere, "Alright, alright. How about this? You were late, so it's only fair that you pay with a few drinks, right?"

Ye Zixi shot a meaningful look at Big Brother Cheng, he lightly laughed, his beard fluttering wildly with his laughter. Then he poured a glass of wine from the table, stood up, and strode towards Xia Qixi.

"I don't drink!" Xia Qixi's icy face and indifferent voice rang out, which caught Ye Zixi off guard. She scolded Xia Qixi, forcing a smile, "You heartless girl came late and won't even drink my wine. Aren't we friends?"

Xia Qixi glanced at Ye Zixi and admitted reluctantly, "I really can't tolerate alcohol, I'd get drunk immediately..."

"No problem, this is fruit wine, it doesn't get you drunk..." Big Brother Cheng, after spitting out a puff of smoke, chimed in.

When the wine was passed to her, Xia Qixi frowned at Big Brother Cheng, who wore a roguish grin. Taking advantage of the moment, Ye Zixi hurriedly added, "Hey, Qixi, give me some face, just one glass! Drink it, and I'll send you home!"

After hesitating for a bit, Xia Qixi took the glass and drained it without a second thought. Seeing her drink the wine, Ye Zixi's eyes hidden in the dim light suddenly sparkled. A satisfied smile played around her mouth...

Ye Zixi and the equally strangely smiling Big Brother Cheng exchanged a glance. After Xia Qixi finished her drink, her face suddenly flushed, coughing due to the strong pungent fruit wine.

After Xia Qixi returned the glass to Big Brother Cheng, she intended to say goodbye to Ye Zixi; suddenly, she felt a wave of dizziness, and her body became weak. Things worsened when a strong heat rushed through her, and her already flushed cheeks began to get hotter, like they were scalded.

"You... you..." Xia Qixi hastily shook her head, trying to shake off the dizziness, but it only intensified...

"Heh... Xia Qixi, aren't you feeling dizzy and hot..." Seeing Xia Qixi in this state, Ye Zixi couldn't help but reveal a openly mocking and triumphant smile.

"Zixi... you... what did you give me to drink..." Xia Qixi's vision blurred, and she was tormented by the intense dizziness and heat.

Ye Zixin sneered coldly, gripping the slightly wavering hand of Xia Qixi harshly. "Humph! Do you know? The thing I fed you is... an aphrodisiac... Do you even know what that is? No matter if you don't, soon, all these people here will instruct you, hehehe..."

"Zi... Zi Xin... Why... Why would you... do such a thing to me..." Xia Qixi's face flushed red, biting her lip hard, trying to maintain her consciousness.

"Why? You're asking me why!! Xia Qixi! Do you even know how much I hate you! Why! Why does everyone's attention is always on you! Wherever you go, you are the center of attention! When I'm beside you, I'm always just a foil!"

Ye Zixin viciously pushed Xia Qixi away, her face full of ferocity. Xia Qixi staggered backwards, hitting hard against the wall. Ye Zixin was like a volcano suddenly erupting, gripping Xia Qixi's collar.

She continued venomously: "Just because you are the child of a wealthy family, a lady of high status, you can easily snatch away everything that should have belonged to me? Pah! Let me tell you, Xia Qixi! I've never treated you as a sister from the beginning!"

"The most hateful thing is, my long-adored god of a man, even pretended to get close to me. You know how ecstatic I was? But in the end, he was only getting close to me in order to understand your preferences and to get your contact details!!"

"I’m sick of it, Xia Qixi, do you even know how loathsome you are! Everything revolves around you! Everything is because of you! I, the motherfucker, have lived so humbly! So worthless!!"

"Beside you, I've always been a clown! A clown that only highlights your brilliance!!" Ye Zixin became more and more furious as she spoke, and a glimpse of triumphant, cunning laughter surfaced on her increasingly fierce face.

"Ye Zixin... Is that how you think! So, you approached me, because of my wealth too! Could it be, all the nice things you did for me daily were all acts?"

Xia Qixi's desolate voice caused Ye Zixin to pause momentarily, her heart thumped hard. But the devilish voice in her mind didn't stop. Ye Zixin suddenly tossed Xia Qixi into Cheng Ge's arms.

"Heh... I'll let you taste the feeling of being despised! Hahaha..."

After giving a cold smile and signaling Cheng Ge, Ye Zixin spun around, leaving with a triumphant laugh, without any reluctance...

The consciousness of Xia Qixi became increasingly blurry. She used up all her strength trying to break free from Cheng Ge's grip, but he held her tighter instead. "Tsk tsk, such a fine piece is a rare treat. Fellows, we're in for a treat today..."

The rest of the men smirked wickedly at each other. In order to keep herself awake, Xia Qixi bit her lip so hard that a trace of blood emerged.

Their sleazy laughter echoed persistently in her mind, causing a wave of nausea to hit Xia Qixi. Ye Zixin! How dare you do this to me!

Cheng Ge suddenly flung Xia Qixi onto a liquor-covered table. He lunged at her whole body while she struggled violently, but the drug was too potent and rendered her unable to muster the slightest strength.

"Let... let me go..."

"Don't resist, beautiful. Enjoy the pleasure, huh? HAHAHA..." Being a man, Cheng Ge's strength was naturally great. Xia Qixi's top was torn open by him, revealing her sensual collar bone.

In her panic, Xia Qixi grasped at anything within her reach, using all of her strength, and in her daze, she ferociously flung it at Cheng Ge's head.



Accompanied by the sound of shattering glass and Cheng Ge's scream, the others who originally enjoyed the scene certainly did not expect this outcome.

"Boss Cheng..."

"Boss Cheng..."

The remaining people anxiously approached, attempting to help Cheng Ge, whose head was now gushing blood. Xia Qixi, still somewhat conscious while her mind whirled and her body burning hotly, bit her lips hard and clumsily stumbled towards the door.

Seeing Xia Qixi actually fleeing by pushing open the door, Cheng Ge abruptly came to his senses.

"Damn it! Why aren’t you chasing after that bitch! Motherf... Argghh…" Cheng Ge abruptly kicked one of his lackeys beside him, cussing as a reminder, but his movement was too big and the pain from his wound forced him to crouch back down.

The other men quickly left Cheng Ge and dashed after Xia Qixi...