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The Adventure Of Lumina: Lost Village Arc

The Adventure Of Lumina: Lost Village Arc

Author:Ayana Lunama



You need to gather the 4 keys to enter the Lost village but where will you find it? Who will be the foe and who will be the allies? Time is in danger, the history is slowly changing. What would you do? Do you plan to ran away or find a way? We need to hurry! Now that you know it, you need to help us. No buts! You read it already so prepare yourself. If you didn't help we are all done. This is Lumina and I'm looking for companion to bring everything back to normal. Be one of us! Before it's too late.

I was sitting on a carpet grass when I saw a blue butterfly flying towards my direction, I stood up immediately before it get close.

I raised my right hand so the blue butterfly can land and it approached immediately. She's summoning me, so she's here after almost a year huh.

The butterfly flew away when it is done with its business, so I started to walk going to her house where I could possibly see her. I'm felt an excitement, it's been almost a year since I last saw her, after all.

"I wonder what is she up to" a lady murmured while I was passing by. I know that even if I don't look at her, her eyes are focused on me. Here we go again!

"Well she's a foreigner in our country, didn't she? So we didn't know what she would do." The other lady with her added, I just continue walking like I don't hear anything from them.

"I still don't get why they are letting that girl stay here in our island until now." Another girl uttered.

"No one has the guts to do it because we don't know, maybe she was cursed and had a black aura inside her. Our families lives are could be at risk." The first lady said again.

I am a bit far from where they are but I can still hear their conversations. I actually don't know if my listening skill are too strong or their mouths are totally loud. It always happened so I did what I usually do--- I will just pretend that I hear nothing.

I'm getting used to it, well it's always like this every time they saw me. I didn't do anything wrong for them to get mad, it just looks like that my presence is enough to provoke them. I don't really know their reasons or being a 'foreigner' like what they always said is such a big deal for all of them.

I am here for almost 2 years and I can do nothing but to stay here, because I don't have anywhere to go from the very start. I am here because I don't have a choice, gosh, talk about being hopeless!

I stopped when I could get away from the noisy town and found myself in a quieter place. I looked up at the sky and I ignored the heat hitting my face. My body is not affected because I'm wearing a cloak.

"Where did it all start?" I asked myself, I raised my hand to reach for the sky and looked at it, "Ah, right ... There in the dark place." I answered my own question while curving a bitter smile as the memory of that day gradually entered my mind.

I slowly open my eyes when I felt the movement of the place where I was. I saw a dark environment, I felt like I was sitting, maybe because the space is limited to fit my whole body, to take a different position.

I was slowly losing my breath, it seemed like I couldn’t take it any longer. What kind of place is this?

I have no idea where I am or how I ended up in the place like this. I tried to remember what really happened but my head hurt, nothing entered my brain. I grabbed my head as if it was going to break and that time I realized that I don't have any memories about what really happened and about everything.

I don't have a feeling of having one once, so maybe it's just me, maybe I really didn't have one before that's why I felt that I'm empty and I have no reason to know everything because what fot? It's just that ... I just ... Want to have some of it, some that I can at least live with to treasure.

I was alone and empty inside that darkness and when I was about to passed out, I saw a light that slowly scattered everywhere.

Someone suddenly opened up the place where I was, causing the light to come from the vertical sun. I was shocked, but I tried to stood up slowly, only then did I realize that I was in a wooden box. So it explained why it was dark and I can't breath properly.

I looked at the two men who had opened the box, fear painted on their faces as they trembled as they stood. I was about to say something like 'thank you' when they ran away from me.

I frowned at their reaction and I thought they were the only two who would be like that but I'm wrong. When I was roaming around for the first time in this island everyone was acting strange, totally strange.

Every person my eyes caught avoids or otherwise enters their house. I feel like I have a contagious disease that no matter what happens they have to avoid and I found it funny but totally sucks.

I tried to keep walking as I tried not to notice some whispers that I could not understand.

I stopped when I noticed a strange house in the distance. Its design is very old, dead in color and standing far away from many people, I could feel from where I am the strange aura that envelops it. Suddenly my legs trembled but I walked closer to that house for an inexplicable reason. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it open.

What am I doing? This place is dangerous, I have to stop. I have to get out of this place before it's too late.

Whatever I do to convince myself is as if someone is pushing me to enter. I felt a sudden chill when I saw someone inside at the same time my mind came back to the present time.

I stopped thinking as I lowered my hand, there was sand hitted my very face that I didn’t know where it came from. I rubbed it with my hand and then I gasped.

Not only do I hear words but my body always receives something from whom and where that I didn't know. I didn't bother to find it out, It's just a waste of time after all.

Some of the sand entered my eyes, I wiped it with my finger and it was quickly removed. I can't lose my mood right away, especially since I just received good news.

I continued walking until I saw the familiar weird house. To this day I can still feel its strange aura from afar even though this is not the first time I have been here. When I got in front of it I immediately opened the door.

"I'm her—" I couldn't continue what I about to say when I couldn't move from where I was standing. Same lame tricks but she always got me, damn it!

I can feel the magic circle at my feet, the reason why I can’t move my body right now.

"You're three seconds late, you dummy!" I mentally rolled my eyes when I heard her voice, when will she stop cursing? "Release!" She said and gradually lost the effect of the magic circle on the floor I was stepping on.

"Is this how you greet people you didn't see for a year, old lady?" He laughed suddenly because of my question. Just like her house, she's also weird. I went straight to the chair in front of him and immediately sat down, "so how was your mission?"

"Big bang!" She said uninterestedly, "let's set that aside for now, I summoned you using blue butterfly so you can come here immediately but you still came late," she said like I really need to felt guilty like duh, it's just 3 seconds.

"Okay fine, sorry for coming here 3 seconds late" I said sarcastically and I actually pressed '3 seconds' for her to feel, "so what is it?"

Suddenly she became silent, she put her tea down on the table then she looked straight and serious at me. Okay? Damn, she's creeping me out, what's with her?

"I have a mission for you that you need to accomplished in three days, this isn't going to be easy so better prepare yourself, Lumina."