
Let’s Read The Word

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A Knights Oath

A Knights Oath

Author:Carl Nicholson



Hanz Ulricht, a knight that has turned sell word. After receiving a letter from an old friend, Hanz returns to the town of Wolfsdenz, in the heartlands of Skoenavia. Shortly after arriving he is thrusted into the middle of a conspiracy to exterminate the races of Elves, Dwarves and the like who are treated with up most disgust as humans remain the dominant species on the continent of Erelon. Hanz must move quickly against the forces that will see him fail. Friend become foe, Hanz must tread carefully as to who he should trust. But grabbing the boy is only half of the task, getting him back to safety will prove just as challenging, maybe more. Hanz will soon face the reality that all of us, are a slave to the Oath’s we make.

Hanz rides up to a very large house here in town. In fact, the neighbouring houses all were quite large. It was easy to tell that this was the better half of the town as it seemed tidier. The smell was not so intense, than it was earlier in the streets near the cottages that Hanz passed on his way here. He tied his horse up at the pitch outside and approached the door. He gave three loud knocks. The door slowly creaked open, only slightly. Not revealing the one behind the door. “Who is it” called a voice. “Who do you think Lucius?” The door fully opens revealing an older man, very well dressed. Hanz instantly notices the sword he is holding. “Hanz Ulricht” Lucius exclaims. “Come, come quickly inside away from prying eyes”. Lucius ushers Hanz inside. They go into the living room and Lucius whistles. A maid comes out of the back room with mugs and a pitcher of ale, keeping her head low as to not make eye contact with her master's guest. Hanz’s follows her with his eyes as she moves around the table. She places the mugs and pitcher on the table and gently but subtly, lightly strokes Lucius’ arm as she walks past. Just as she entered, the young girl quickly and quietly leaves the room so the two men could talk more freely. “Sorry my dear Hanz, never know who’s watching”. Hanz sits at the table and pours himself a drink. “Yes, I believe that was very subtle. Always thought answering a door with a sword in hand was the best way to dismiss any notion of suspicious activity”. Lucius frowns. “Come now, I would have thought such mockery beneath you”. “No, truly. I shall answer doors with a blade more often in the hopes that one day, I shall be as subtle as you” says Hanz trying hard to conceal the smirk that has taken hold.

Hanz lifts his drink to his mouth and takes another swig of his mug. “How is Cynthia?” He asks. Lucius takes a sip of his ale. A long pause of silence fills the room. Unsure how to truly answer such a question, Lucius sighs deeply. “Truth be told, I have not heard from her. I used to write to Wayshire Monastery all the time, though I never got a reply. Even rode on horseback once or twice to visit her. But her fellow sister nuns informed me that she had no desire to see me, nor will she ever have such desire. Twenty-three years it's been since she took up the cloth. Ever since I returned home with a child, another womans child, my child. It tore her to pieces finding out she was never going to bare any children. In my moment of weakness, I gave into my primal urges. Thus, sealing the fate of our marriage.” Explains Lucius. “Then, instead of helping your lover raise said child you handed her a pouch of coin and sent her on her merry way. Yes, I have heard your noble story countless times, usually over a mug of wine too.” Hanz interrupts. Lucius slams his hand on the table so hard that it rattled the mugs and pitcher. “What would you have done in my stead?” He asks. “Cannot say, have yet to find myself in a compromising position such as that.” Lucius finishes his drink and pours another. He offers Hanz another and pulls his mug over and fills it to the brim. The young maid, who looked no older than twenty-one, possibly twenty-two, comes through the door again. This time holding a wooden platter with sliced bread and cheese. She quickly places it on the table, gives Lucius a friendly and yet suggestive smile. She turns to Hanz bowing slightly, her hazel green eyes meeting the blues of Hanz’s only briefly before she leaves the room. “Quite pretty” Hanz exclaims. “Isn’t she?” replies Lucius his gaze set upon the door which the maid had gone through. “How long, may I ask has that been going on?” Asks Ulricht. “I haven’t the slightest notion as to what you are suggesting.” Now it was Hanz’s turn to frown. “Come on old man, do not take me as a fool.” “What business is it of yours Hanz? Who I bed, who I wed, does not concern you.” “Forgive me old friend. What you speak is true. It is no business of mine.”

The two men both take a swig of their ale, Hanz almost knocks back the entire mug. “So, let us speak of the business that does concern me and thus, has brought back to Wolfsdenz and here to you.” Hanz suggests. He finishes off his drink, wipes his mouth and pushes the mug away from himself. “I honestly did not believe that you would come. What has been, four years? Since I first found you in that horribly constructed camp just outside of Wolfsdenz. How old were you then, thirty-three? Thirty-four?” “Thirty-two” Hanz interjects. “Thirty-two, indeed. I’m sorry but I find it ironic that you have sat here calling me old, when even from here I can see silver white strands amongst your short dark brown hair. Before you know it you too, shall bare the title of old.” Lucius says chuckling away to himself. “Well, when I do get to the stage where whatever white hairs I have left and wrinkles line the entirety of my face then, may the divine god grant me the strength and willpower to stay on topic during a conversation.” Replies Hanz. “Pray all you like, it won’t help. However, if it pleases you, shortly after you get to that stage where you lead off topic you will simply just, no longer care. As I was saying, I did not think my letter would reach you.” “In my letter to you I named the general goods store that I frequent in Aswaard, Bugrounia. That the owner there was a friend and that he would pass on any messages to me if you were to write.” Hanz explains. “That is true, yes. Do you remember what the letter said?” Lucius asks. “Only that you requested to see me urgently, that is was a matter of life and death. That the very kingdoms were on the brink of collapse. Though I suppose any letter sent out these days usually means calamity and death.” Replies Hanz. “Hanz, I believe I have uncovered a plot that will severely weaken this last bastion we call Skoevania. Yes, the Knights Oath have a presence here in the country but they do not have any real power, not alike Carindor or Bugrouznia. No doubt you would have noticed the number of non-humans trying to make a living here in this very town. Or the small encampments up and down the countryside. They are fleeing my boy. I went to the Sunday service at the Wolfsdenz Cathedral of the Divine as I always do, like the good godly man that I am. I saw Bishop Heinrich meeting with a few more men of the cloth, along with a few unsavoury characters and a hulking tower of a man in full Knights Oath plate armour. His armour also adorned small cloth with scriptures written that were nailed to his pauldrons and chest plate. Now I know what you are thinking, why does this seem odd? It is known that the Knights Oath obey the Church of the Divine, yes, it's true. It is also known that men of the cloth who travel tend to purchase mercenaries to accompany them. But before they disappeared to the room in the back, a messenger came running in and fell. Parchments flew into the air and some had landed at my very feet. As the gentlemen that I am, I knelt down to help pick them up. That is when I saw it. Writings, no, orders from the Holy Office of the Inquisitors in Bugrounia. Non-humans, even mages be them human or not are being considered for, removal I believe it said. I also believe that if this were to pass then those that are branded heretic, human or otherwise would be rounded up here in Skoevania and sent back. Hanz, they are calling it, the great holy purge. If they can get King Novack to sign the letters of acceptance, then the Knights Oath will have complete authority to capture, question, torture and kill any who they deem a heretic. That includes you and I also.”

Hanz sits back in his chair and rests his chin on his hand. He stares at the wooden floor boards with a frown then lifts his eyes to meet that of Lucius’ with a face of complete seriousness. “Forgive my arrogance, but what does that have to do with us? You say that it includes you and I, and yet from where I sit, I truly do not see how? Yes, I myself are a magic wielder, a warrior mage, a castor, as they commonly refer to magic folk as. My sword blade bares the gold engravings from the order that I once belonged to before you took me in. The large bright blue gem on the pummel is also enchanted with magic. But I am also a skilled swordsman. I do not wish to seem brash but over the last four years since you and I parted, I have sold my blade out for coin. Hunted horrific nightmarish creatures that stalk the lands at night, protected caravans from bandits who some, clearly had not met a skilled opponent before. I was not kind, neither to the bandits nor the creatures that I hunted. No one cared that I used my command of the elements or my protective barriers. No one cared how many limbs I could cut off in one swing. They only cared that I got the job done and I, the coin for the job. Their suffering was none of my concern. I am a knight no longer, so I ask you my old friend to do the same. Just keep your head low, do not involve yourself. Let the suffering of others be no concern of yours, allow this all blow over and you shall not have any trouble I assure you.” Hanz notices the door of which the maid was entering and leaving was slightly cracked open. “And yet, was it not you who showed a certain kindness to a dwarf in the markets?” Asked Lucius. “That I did. However, if he was on the verge of being slain then and there, I would have not intervened. All I may have done is prevent the inevitable, he’ll probably be killed within the week. I Also supplied a small bread to a homeless woman and child as I journeyed through town. Do you think she will survive another few more cold nights and mornings like this? Do you think her child will? I show some kindness here and there but ultimately, I know the truth. Horrible things will happen, can’t do a damn thing about it, so why worry?”

Lucius just stares at Hanz with a harsh cold look, barely blinking. “You have become a tough-skinned man, Hanz. A right bastard if I must say so. “Let the suffering of others be no concern of yours?” That there, is not the man I allowed into my home four years ago. That there, is not the man I wrote to in order to come to me in my dire need, and that is most definitely not the man I had hoped help me save one of the last few things I cherish most in this world. Yes Hanz, I speak of Nicolas my bastard son. You thought I had no interest in him? You were wrong. I send him coin whenever I can, it is I who helped him gain entry into the Acadamy of Alchemy after learning his interest in potions and elixirs.” Hanz’s face lights up with surprise. “Did the mother know?” he asks. “Of course. It was she who received my letters and coin. Oh, take that look off your face. Just because I never revealed this to you before in previous conversations does not mean it did not happen. I sacrificed a life with him so I may continue my life with Cynthia. That did not mean I did not love him, nor his mother. I made a choice. As did she when she left me to join the nuns at Wayshire. As for my bastard's mother, from the letters I received from her it would seem he has grown into a fine young man. If anything, a little too stuck up. Unfortunately, up until two years ago I had stopped hearing from her.” “How have you been able to continue assisting the two of them then?” Hanz asks. “Well, I continue sending my letters to the same place and as far as I know they’re are being collected. But and this is why I sent for you.” Lucius pulls out a hand written parchment, one with the stamp of the Church of the Divine on the corner of the page. “What is that?” Hanz asks. “One of the pages that the messenger dropped in the Cathedral. I knew that if I was right something needed to be done. So, I quickly and subtly placed two of the parchments into my bag. I made copies and now I feel as if I am being watched.” Hanz leaps out of his chair in a rage. “You stupid old fool. Do you understand what this means? You could be branded as a conspirator, a spy for the King Novac. The Church and the Knights Oath would very likely place you as a person of interest. Lucius, it could very well be you that they cart off to Bugrouznia and as you so plainly put it, be questioned, tortured and killed.” Lucius opens his mouth but is immediately cut off with more of Hanz’s rantings. “Tell me that is a forgery? Tell me that you have not placed yourself in a position that could end disastrous for not only yourself, but since you have sent for me and thus, I have now been seen entering your residence. Surely now, the Knights Oath and the holy Inquisition will take an interest in me.” Lucius stands firmly. Keep your voice down. It is not a forgery. I have sent my findings to Nikolad, hopefully he could make sense of it all, he’s a bright boy after all.” Hanz rubs his forehead. “Wait a moment. You, sent evidence of your involvement to your bastard son? Placing him in the very danger that you yourself are now in? Have you completely gone mad?” “Please Hanz, listen. This is why I requested your help. You once swore an oath. I am asking for you to keep that oath. You say you are no longer a knight; well, you were definitely one when you swore this oath and despite its name being sullied over the years, I still believe that a knight's oath should always be honoured.”