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Cursed Luna

Cursed Luna

Author:Monet BR



My name is Danielle Miller, Omega of the Moonlight pack, my life has not been easy... Because... I have been rejected. Not just once or twice, three times! Three mates have rejected me! My heart has been shattered, completely crushed, I won't be able to take another rejection. I no longer want to try again with any other alpha. Soon I will be 18 and I can leave the pack, live my life as a simple human or join a new pack, far away from here where I can forget all these bad memories. It's a perfect plan, isn't it?

Danielle POV

I'll give you a brief introduction to the kind of shitty life I have.

‘Look how negative you are.’ I hear in my head.

“I'm not. I'm a realist.” I answer.

That one talking is my she-wolf, my friend, only companion and only family, her name, puff, she has many, heavy, unbearable, chatterbox.... but when she's a love and pays attention to me she's very nice, her name is Vivi.

‘Enchanted’ She present´s herself.

Well, let's go on, my name is Danielle, Danielle Miller, and in a few months I will be coming of age, I am looking forward to that moment because I will be able to talk to Jeff, the Alpha of our pack, and ask him for my wish, a tradition imposed by the Moon. For his 18th birthday, he asked the Alpha to make the dreams of those who turn 18 come true.

Vivi's and mine, or rather mine, is to leave here, as far away as possible. To find a place away from everything and live free. The reason? There are many reasons.

To make you understand me a little, my mother found her mate when she was pregnant with me. She used to call me by mistake, my biological father I never met him but I know he is a rouge. My adoptive father was the one who named me, he was a member of this pack and had a good relationship with the Alpha because even though he was a simple omega, his years of experience on the battlefield had made him a great strategist.

When I started school I had two great friends, Mike and Alice. We were inseparable until the day came when my gift became active. Yes, I have a gift, or rather a curse as I call it, it was given to me because my birth occurred during a lunar eclipse that dyed the moon blue.

What happened was that we were playing in the schoolyard and I don't remember very well how it happened, but Mike had an iron stuck in his belly. Alice was crying and screaming for help, I, on the other hand, approached, pulled the iron out, and put my hands on his belly, Mike was screaming a lot because of the pain but his wound began to close while in my belly began to appear a wound like his, more superficial, but just as painful, when his wound was completely closed I fainted.

I woke up in the infirmary hours later and realized that everything around me had changed. My friends stopped talking to me, they said I was cursed and more because my eyes changed, they were no longer dark brown, now they were one golden-colored and the other greenish-blue.

My mother was scared and I was even more scared because I didn't understand what had happened. But from that moment on I stopped having friends, Mike tried to approach me on some occasions but Alice prevented him from doing so.

Years passed and my father came back from the battlefield quite wounded, the doctor did not arrive and I wanted to help him as I once did with Mike, but it was completely impossible, I was too affected and my mother's cried for me to do something, but I could not. I did everything possible but still my father died in my hands.

His last words were: “it's ok, I'll be ok, it's my time, don't worry”

And so he left. From that moment on word spread that I was a murderer.

Now I was cursed and I was a murderer. But it doesn't end there, not even three months had passed since my father's death when my mother left home, overnight she abandoned me, left me alone. She left me money to be able to live and when people knew I was alone they called the orphanage of the herd to come and get me, what do you think happened? They didn't help me, they were afraid, they left my house like the devil takes the soul, and they left a box with food on the porch of my house once a month and always at night, so they could avoid me.

Years passed and high school began. New beginnings, I was excited to start fresh and then life reminded me again that I was not so lucky. I found my mate the day after my first transformation, hard enough as it is but being alone much more so. I thought that when I met my mate everything would change and happiness was knocking at my door, but as soon as we met the smile on my face vanished because he was rejecting me in front of the whole class. The reason, I was a poor, cursed, murderous, aberration of nature that even my mother had abandoned.

Now that I stop to think about that moment I don't know what hurt me more if his words or the pain that penetrated my heart as if a red-hot dagger were splitting it in two. After that moment both my wolf and I were very affected, we tried to go on with our lives but it was a little difficult. We were not only attacked at school but also on the way home and at night they broke our windows, painted graffiti on the facade, threw eggs, etc... It was a complicated time.

A year passed since our mate rejected us and we found out that he had moved pack because he found a new mate, from that moment on, the strange rumor spread that he had been my mate, and when he rejected me the Moon Goddess granted him a better mate. During that year everyone approached me with the hope of being the next lucky one and then it happened, a second mate rejected us. Vivi was quite hurt from the rejection, if in the first rejection we felt that our heart was divided by a dagger, in the second one it was worse, the rejection left an indelible mark on our chest, and near the heart we could see a pretty ugly scar.

Vivi became very weak, our energy was decreasing day by day, and our training was different because our resistance was lower.

They wanted to kick us out but we were determined to be part of the herd's army. All hope vanished thanks to my training partners, because when someone got hurt, as they were aware of my cursed gift, they would approach me, they would force me to touch their wound, and then their pain and hurt would be passed on to me. I wanted to die. My body was full of scars and we were tired, Vivi was asking me to take control but we didn't have the strength for it. I could only console myself in those moments.

After a few months, I presented my resignation to the recruitment committee, they didn't think twice before accepting. They were happy and satisfied that I was leaving. That night I cried like I hadn't cried in years, all our dreams were slowly fading away. There was no hope, no dreams, everything was in pieces. Summer vacation came and while Vivi in her wolf form was running around the edges of the pack we came across an abandoned cabin. At that moment I decided to leave the pack when I turned 18. We spent the whole summer fixing up that place and I have to admit that it was beautiful.

Unfortunately, the end of the summer came, and with it a new school year, there were only two years left to go and we wanted to pass as quickly as possible, but as always, when you think that life smiles at you, it does the trick, and so it is, yes dear friends, a new mate appeared in our life but neither Vivi nor I were happy. We braced ourselves for a new rejection.

What made this rejection different from the others? That he was a Beta, not just any Beta. He was the most popular in all of Zellar High School, popular after our future Alpha. He took very well to me being his mate. In fact for three days, yes, three fucking days he treated me very well only to then reject me with the most cruelty in the world, he did it during the homecoming dance, after throwing leftover drinks and food at me, publicly humiliating me and beating me up.

After that rejection I didn't hear from Vivi for months, my body wasn't mine, I was just a bag of bones with a fur dress over it. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I was really about to die in my house and nobody noticed. Why did she do it? Because that way I would find their ideal mate, because the more I suffered, the faster they found the mate they wanted. That was our last rejection. We couldn't allow one more.