
Let’s Read The Word

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Battle Survivors

Battle Survivors




Life is a continuous battle, either you win or lose it, it's sufficient to know that you fight, learn and survive. Ace is a hybrid, a hybrid that has been living for over a century looking for his mate. While Hazel is a girl that always trust people who always end up breaking her trust. What hurts the most, is when the cause of your battle is the nearest people to you, but you have to remember that the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory will be. How would our characters survive their own battles? The answer is for you to find out.

  Ace's POV

  I was at the cafe buying my morning coffe, because I woke up late today so I wasn't able to have my coffe at the house.

  It didn't seem like my coffe would be ready anytime soon.

  The cafe was crowded.

  I wasn't able to contain my lust anymore.

  And Aaron was about to get mad.

  "Your coffe is ready, sir." the woman behind the counter said while handing me my coffee.


  I took my coffe from her hand, as I got out from the cafe, I headed to my black Mercedes.

  I don't like to be surrounded by people, I don't belong among them.

  I hopped in the car and started driving to the company while taking sips from my black coffee.

  I love drinking coffe at the morning it helps me pass my day without murdering anyone.

  When I entered the company, I was greeted by a wide smiles from my employes.

  Their smiles didn't mean that they were happy to see me.

  They don't like me.

  Actually no one likes me, Except my friend Landon.

  He seemes to be the only one who can tolerate my anger issues.

  I enterd my private elevator and pressed on the 41th floor.

  When I enterd my office I started checking my schedule. My secertary placed it on my desk earlier.

  I was checking some E-mails on the laptop, when I heard a knock on the door.

  "Enter." I said while looking at my laptob, I didn't need to look up to know that the person who was knocking is Mariz my secertary.

  Mariz is a nice employee, Usually I don't like my employes but she do her work professionally, and always minding her own buisness , so she is my personal secertary for a while now.

  "Mr. Hedrix, the meeting has to be reschedule-" before she could complete her sentence, I cut her off "why?" I said while I was still looking at my laptop.

  "Because the manager of the company we are doing the project with has an emergency so he called and cancelled the meeting."she explained quietly looking down.

  "Ok, you can go now." I told her. I started to get angry this man pissed me.

  What is the emergency?

  He really doesn't know who he is working with.

  He is working with Ace Hedrix. The owner of one of the biggest companies in the the world.

  The most powerfull buisness man.

  I had to calm down because I had too much work and I had to complete it .

  I didn't realise that I have been working for hours untill I looked at the phone, It was 7:37 PM, I have almost finished my work when the office's door opened.

  And I knew that it was no one except Landon. He is the only one who would dare to enter my office without permission.

  "There is something called knocking." I said looking at him.

  He entered and sat on the black leather sofa beside the desk.

  "And there is something called work hours after those hours they go out, sleep, eat, do anything else" He said.

  I rolled my eyes, "what do you want Landon?" I asked him looking back at my laptop.

  "Honestly, I am bored, so I came to your office, maybe we can hangout, I know that I came to the wrong person but c'mon man, there is a life outside this office, you have to live it."

  "You know that I don't like to go to puplic places. I don't know how you can handle being in crowded places?" I said looking back at him.

  "Okay let's have dinner at one of those fancy restauraunt you like to go because they are quiet" he said emphasizing at the last part of the sentence.

  "Okay." I said turning off my laptop.

  "Yes." He looked so happy that he was able to convince me by his stupid idea which I know I would regret later.

  Landon is the funny one, the one who knows how to live his life. He likes to hangout alot, go to clubs, and do everything funny and crazy, while I don't even like to be surrounded by people.

  I just do my work, eat , sleep, do workouts, of course I don't go to the gym to be surrounded by sweaty peoples. I have my own gym at the house.

  That is my life.

  So simple and also so boring but I got used to it.


  I am on my way to an Italian restaurant. I told Landon earlier to go first and I will meet him there.

  I had alot of things to check with my secretary before leaving.

  As you can see I am the type of people who work so hard, I love my work and actually I don't have anything else to occupy my time with.


  When I have arrived I entered the restauraunt , I kept looking for Landon until I noticed him sitting on a table at the corner.

  I walked to him, "Hey, you came! I thougt you are going to dump me and go to your house." He said raising his eyebrow.

  "You are talking too much, Landon, I said I am coming, so I am not going to dump you and go to the house." I told him while sitting.

  We ordered our dinner then talked about work until the waiter came with our orders.

  We started to eat our food in silence.

  "Happy birthday!" Landon said cutting the silence.

  I choked on my food as I rememberd the day I hate the most.

  Your birthday supposed to be a happy day which you celebrate every year with your friends and your family.

  But mine is different, it's the worst day on the year.

  In that day I always remember what happens a 100 years ago.

  I put on a blank face as I started to get emotional. Ace Hedrix never shows any emotion.

  "Thanks" I replied with a tight smile.

  "How old are you now, old man?" Landon asked me.

  "Don't call me old man." I said while glaring daggers at him.

  "Why? does it annoy you? Its the truth you have to accept it." He said with a stupid grin.

  He really had to shut up as he started to annoy me.

  "Atleast I am younger than you." I replied driely while continuing eating my food.

  "It is not by age bro, its by soul, so you are the old man here." He replied raising his eyebrow. I groan in reply.

  I am not going to win this argument!

  "Seriously how old are you Ace?" He asked me.

  "I turned 116 today." I replied as if it wasn't a big deal.

  He opened his mouth to make fun of my age but shut up immediately when I gave him the look 'don't you dare to open your mouth'.

  We complete our dinner talking about random topics, like companies we are hoping to cooperate with in the future, and some rumours about us that had been trending for the last two days, the Landon started talking about his mate.

  Landon has found his mate when we moved here three months ago, I am so happy for him, atleast one from us have found his mate.

  I never stopped thinking about my mate but sometimes I lose hope in finding her, but when Landon has found his mate that gave me a hope.

  But Aaron can't feel her wolf that make me think by a negativity, but I always push the negative thought about her being dead by thought like maybe her wolf isn't strong enough or maybe she is a human like Landon's mate.

  After we have finished the dinner, I drived back to my house.