
Let’s Read The Word

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Atrocious Hunter

Atrocious Hunter

Author:Black Schist



In a world infested by zombies, humans will unite in order to survive and fight the zombies, but what will you do if the humans you trusted became your enemies? Liam Grayson who works in a computer company as a tech personnel suddenly finds himself doing the things he can to survive and doing the thing he didn't expect in his lifetime, fighting zombies and... humans.

I woke up as my alarm clock keeps ringing, turning it off as I get up with a sigh. I set it to alarm at 7 am so I could make some breakfast before going to work. I watched some news while eating a sandwich.

I'm not picky when it comes to my food since I grew up in a village and was raised by my grandparents. I was taught to be thankful on what is on the table. Even though I earn 30,000 a month I don't usually spend more than half of my salary since I'm saving to buy a house when I decided to have a family.

I opened my handy bag and checked my tools as I finish my sandwich. As a tech personnel I can't afford to lose a tool since my boss would get mad at me.

Assembling computer parts is fun if there is no one shouting at you for losing a tool. In spite of the fact that I have a scary boss my co-workers are friendly and we often go to a karaoke bar and sing our frustrations towards our boss.

I got on the bus with my backpack that held my laptop and tools for fixing computers. I glanced at my watch, it says 8:30 am, “Not bad” I said to myself.

I look at the busy people opening their stores and setting up some displays on the sidewalk as I wait for the bus to arrive at the next bus stop.

Upon arriving at the company I smiled at the man looking at me with disbelief. “You're 15 minutes early today,” said Mike as he opens the door for me.

“Thanks, I'm going to visit my grandparents tonight and I will be spending the weekends with them,” I replied happily before entering the building.

“I need to finish my work early so I could take the last bus going to my hometown,” I thought as I wait for the elevator. I plan to take the bus that will depart at 6 pm so I will be at my grandparents’ house early in the morning. I pressed 3rd floor button where the computer room is located.

I finished packing my clothes and hurriedly walked out of my apartment to catch the last bus. I usually don’t care about the time but when it comes to my grandparents every minute I could spend with them is worth it.

I reached the bus terminal breathing heavily. I sat beside the window after putting my bags in the compartment.

“Are you okay?” a lady asked me as I do some breathing exercises.

I look at her and said, “Yeah, I'm just doing some breathing exercise.”

“I see” she replied as she sat beside.

I calmed down after a few minutes. I glanced at her and noticed that she was still looking at me. “Is something wrong?” I asked her with a confused expression.

She smiled at me, “Sorry, I used to work as a nurse that’s why I'm concerned about you.”

I nodded thoughtfully and replied sheepishly, “If you don’t mind me asking what happened to your last job? You still look young to consider retiring.”

She chuckled, “I don’t mind, I'm 31 years old and just taking a break from the big cities and just curious what it feels like to work in a small town with easy-going people.”

“I’m Liam by the way.” I smiled at her and offered a handshake.

“I’m Samantha but you can call me Sam.” She shook my hand. Well at least my seatmate is not an old man that snores when sleeping. I don’t know why but this woman’s carefree and outgoing attitude seems to ease me and her friendly manner makes me feel like we were old friends.

“What are you expecting about the town where you are going to work?” I inquired. “One of my co-workers was from that village and she said that the people there are easy-going and are close to each other.” She replied with a thoughtful expression.

“How about you? I assume you are also going to one of the provinces? Sam asked. “Yeah, I plan to visit my parents and spend the weekends at their house.” I said.

“What kind of grandparents are they?” Sam asked like an interested kid eager to listen to a bedtime story. I guess being a nurse is one of the reasons. “They are both kind, my grandma always spoils me by baking me some cookies or cupcakes and she also loves to plant, while my grandpa keep bugging me about how to properly do the chores as a man and he also helps my grandma to plant in their backyard.” I said.

“Oh they must be wonderful grandparents!” Sam giggled and I grinned at her. “So what about you? What’s your story?” I asked. “I’ve been working at the hospital in the city for six years and I decided that a change of pace will be good. My co-worker suggested that the village she came from have easy-going people and also less stress since only old people often need some medications.” She said as the bus started to depart.