
Let’s Read The Word

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The Solitary Case Files

The Solitary Case Files




Felicia Crimson is a sexy, slender, and considerate detective. Her life is going nowhere until she meets Marcus Kier, a strong, pale man with a passion for playing with people’s minds. Felicia takes an instant dislike to Marcus and the ruthless and proud ways he learned during his years in England but she has to deal with it to catch the murderer.

“Let’s break up, Mike.” Felicia said as she twirled her curly and soft brown hair as she looked up to the sky which lit her hazel-colored eyes up.

“Wow, I guess the other guys never lied when they said that you act like a cow.”Mike said as he smirked.

This just infuriated her more, stirring up a hurricane within her.

“I’m sorry, I don’t speak ‘ass’ language,” she said with a warm, cunning yet loving smile with her posture straight.” You’re a snob, you should be ashamed of the fact that all you know is how to run after anything in pretty skirts”, she added on.

This was natural for her to have a demanding aura since she is the youngest detective in town who manipulated her suspects easily to get what she wanted from them. She was the only one that was willing to take the risks in everything and no one dared to challenge her.

 When she was younger she would easily read body language and manipulate people but at that time she didn’t understand the effect it had on others. She learned this while she was with her late stepfather since he was such a big influence on her.

She then woke up from her seat until she felt a tug on her hand. In anger, she pulled hard and strong, twisting the other hand that was tugging her to see her ex. She then punched his face so hard that anyone could see it red and throbbing. He went to grab her once more, this pissed her off but before she could react, a well-built arm stretched over her and grabbed his arm and broke it.

He was way taller than Felicia, so tall that she had to crane her neck back as her head leaned on his chest and his aroma filled her nostrils. Woody…smokey….spicy…all at once, she worked with a lot of men- especially in the office, but she was never so intoxicated like this before. Above all, his body was hard as a rock as she leaned her head back. He worked out…in fact…worked out extremely well!

“Why is there so much chaos here?”Marcus questioned nonchalantly with an aloof look on his face.

She could make out that he was rich, from the watch that shone a million dollars in her face to the black coal-polished shoes that he wore. This just irritated her more but she turned her anger into false tears as she grabbed his coat and started crying inside it. She was never the type to depend on a man, she also hated it when someone interferes with her business. The only difference was that she had to suck it up for this one time.

Felicia tugged lightly on the hem of Marcus’s shirt which was unnoticeable to people, he looked down at her for a split second and got the idea of what she wanted. Marcus could see that she wanted Mike the hell out of her territory, Marcus then signaled two men that looked like his private security as he nudged for them to take Mike away.

This cafe was marked as her own, this was because whenever she needed to dump someone- she would break up with them in the cafe. Marcus finally broke her house of cards when he entered her life.


“Morning detective, how was your leave ?”Frank asked as he kept up to her paste and handed her coffee to her.

Frank Moriarty is one of Felicia’s most trusted friends, they have known each other for years. He is always playful and quiet in the Department, but when it comes to his work-he tends to get too fierce.

“Boring, as usual, anyways-what do we have?”, she questioned as she took a taste of her coffee and walked to her desk.

“We have an ear that was cut, it’s the same case as before…”, Frank’s voice trailed on as he saw how she stopped in her tracks. “Do you really want to take his case? Just sit this one down-” 

“No. I’m doing this job that my uncle couldn’t complete, no matter what the cost is...We have to stop this psycho fast! ”

Just then, Moriarty’s cell phone started ringing,”  Detective Moriarty speaking. “…….. Yes…. okay, we’re on our way.”

“What is it?”, Felicia asked as she ran towards him.

“We have ourselves a witness,” Moriarty said as he smirked.

“This better be good!”, she said as she grabbed her coat that was hanging on her work chair.


“Who is the witness?!”Felicia shouted as she took off the jacket that reminded her that she must uphold, remembering what she had to fight for.

“Hey-You good?”, Moriarty asked as she could see the concerned expression on his face.

“Yeah, let’s dig in.”

Moriarty was the first one to enter the interrogation room and held the door for Felicia to enter as always. These two have been partners for eight years and are really in sync. Felicia passed his arm holding the door to take a look at the witness, in shock-she was left speechless to see that it was the same man from the cafe as the flashbacks of the incident happened. 

This time he looked different to her as if he was expecting her to walk past those doors. She could easily tell -because she is a criminal profiler, but so many questions ran to her head.

 {Why does it seem like the tables have turned today for the first time?! I can feel his eyes studying me from head to toe-like as if he was expecting me to walk through those doors?! I need to cover this up quickly before he sees I’m vulnerable!}

They then sat down, only to see an arrogant smirk on his face. She can’t get intimidated -not now, she thought to herself. So after a while, she slowly took an elastic band from my jeans pocket and placed it on her wrist slowly and quietly, Frank saw this as a sign so he decided to take the lead on this interrogation as he nudged her foot twice to say so.

{The only problem was that idiot never budged! Instead, he just looked at me like ‘Shouldn’t you be taking the lead on answering questions?’

It felt like he planned everything out in his mind and if his plans did not go as he wanted them- I’m dead meat for sure! Why the hell can he read me and see right through me?! Is it because he knows the state I was in that morning? Or am I overthinking?}

SIGH-It shouldn’t hurt to take the lead on this case, right?

I landed my hand on Moriarty’s well-built muscled thigh and it tensed automatically but he knew what I wanted to do, he let me ask the questions. I decided to leave my seat to sit at the desk closer to Marcus and started asking questions.

“What happened at the crime scene?”, I asked as I leaned closer.

“Well, that depends-how is your boyfriend holding up? I feel so sorry for him, especially when he just lost someone so beautiful and unique...too bad he couldn’t see it as I do.”, he said with a wide grin on his face.

“I’m sure you never meant to seem so arrogant, right?”, she asked with a polite and warm smile on her face, in her department, one of her best traits was being sarcastic and having the best comebacks, so this was nothing for her.

He got shocked at her statement wondering if she knew who he was because almost ‘every’ girl in town wanted to catch a ride to his home, she could easily see it as his lower jaw dropped half a centimeter down, his arms that were once crossed became looser and last but not least - the bottom part of his eyelids, opposite his tear duct cringed up.

“Now-back to my question… What happened at the crime scene”, she peered down and open his profile while giving him the chance to talk and her eyes widened.

HE IS MARCUS KIER?! The rich millionaire who studied abroad?!Welp… another reason to lose my job, right? But I couldn’t give a damn about who he is.

I gathered my thoughts back together within a split second as he started to explain his story. But when I laid my eyes back on him, he knew I would be shocked.

“Well, I don’t know what murder you guys are talking about”