
Let’s Read The Word

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Now He is the brightest star in the sky that everyone dreams of reaching him. He owns a multinational company. He is a leading young billionaire businessman in the country. And because of their past, now she is just a living corpse that no one can give her life. "What's the relationship between the two of you?" Arnav grabbed her arm tightly in bitterness. it was so tight that if someone else was in Ritika's place, she wouldn't be able to bear the pain. But she was just staring at him. her gaze made him even more annoyed. He wants to saw her reaction but she was just emotionless. Suddenly he pushed her against the wall.

Ritika took a deep breath and stared at the tall building in front of her.

Today is her first day here.

Ritika slowly walked inside the company.

" Excuse me,"


"Today is my first day here, where should I go first?" She asked at the reception.

"Which department have you been selected for?"

"Finance "replied Ritika.

"You have to meet with Mr Rabin on the second floor, "The receptionist said showing the way.

" Thank you"

Ritika walked towards where the receptionist Point. She entered the elevator and went to the second floor.

She got out of the elevator and looked around. The place was too big for her to figure out where to go.

She walked a few steps. She was shocked to see the atmosphere there. This was the first time she had come to such a big company.

Everyone was busy with their work. Everyone was in a hurry to get their work done. She remained confused for a while.

Luckily she saw two people coming towards her. She approached them.

"excuse me, Can you tell me where is Mr Robin's office?"

They glared at Ritika for a second and pointed to the office " you can meet him there"

"Thank you" Ritika walked towards Mr Robin's office.

she reached outside the office and knocked on the door.

"come in" she heard a voice from inside and opened the door and slowly entered.

"Good Morning sir"

"Good Morning",

" you arrive " He looked at Ritika.

"Come with me, I'll show you your working place."

He got up from his chair and walked towards the door. Ritika followed him.

He showed Ritika her working place from now on and told her about her responsibilities.

He introduced her to everyone who worked in this department.

Ritika got a job as an assistant in the Finance department.

At the top of the building.

Inside the CEO office.

someone is busy typing on the computer.

He looked like an oil painting on a wall that was painted by an extraordinary artist.

His charm was no less than that of the Greek God.

He was wearing a grey shirt and leather shoes with black pants. He had his shirt tucked up a little. His coat was placed behind the chair.

"Arnav" Suddenly, someone opened the office door and entered. with the sound of high heels, she walked towards him.

"what's the matter?" he spoke in a cold and indifferent voice. Instantly, the bright smile on her beautiful face disappeared when she heard his voice.

"I came to see you because today I am going...... "

"How many times I have to tell you, You don't have to tell me everything about you. You can go wherever you like." He stared at her annoyingly.

"I just..." She could not find the words to speak. After standing for a while she said

" Okay, I'm leaving, I will come back after a week" even he didn't want to hear her, she wants to let him know. With that, She came out with a gloomy face. From the outside, they look like a perfect couple. Everyone admires this couple. but no one knows about their inner relationship. Arnav has never looked at Kritika with warmth. He was always behaving cold and indifferent with her.

Kritika's miserable face could not affect him not even a little bit.

This relationship lasted only because of Kritika and his family.

His family want Kritika as their future daughter in law.

It was already evening.

Even though it was the first day of work, today was a very busy day for her. Ritika left the office and walked towards the bus stop.

She got on the bus and headed for her room. In a few minutes, She reached the room, opened the door and went inside.

There weren't many things in her room.

She only lives in one room. Inside the room were only a few kitchen utensils and a bed.

She doesn't need anything else, she can't buy it even if she needs it.

She put her bag on the side of the bed and took out her medicine and swallowed it with water.

She changed her clothes and lay down on the bed.

She woke up with the rays of the sun falling on the room. She looked at her mobile screen and it was eight o'clock in the morning.

She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. After taking a bath, she made some food for herself and went to work.

Every day room to work and work to room. This is how her days are passing peacefully.

She didn't care about anyone, nor did she have anyone to care for her.

It has been a month since she started working here.

As usual, she left after work. But today the weather was bad or let's say that from today the storm was coming into her life once again.

It was raining. She was standing a few meters away from the company building. She was thinking of walking after the rain stopped. It's was getting late. It already seven. It was the end of November and the weather is cold.

Her body was already very weak because of this it's being even worse.

The driver opened the car door and Arnav got into the car.

" Drop me at the hotel and you can go," said Arnav, checking emails on his mobile.


The driver drove the car slowly on the road. Arnav raised his head and looked out of the car. As it was raining, the view from outside the car was not clear.

Suddenly his eyes fell on Ritika, who was standing against the wall, she was trying to avoid the rain. First, he didn't believe his eyes and moved to another side. But when he looked back at her he was stunned. his heart starts beating rapidly.

"Stop the car" he shouted.

"But sir..."The driver looked at Arnav in confusion.

" I said stop the car"

Arnav became even furious. The driver stopped the car on the side of the road in a panic. Arnav got out of the car ignoring the rain and ran towards Ritika.

But suddenly his steps stopped.

Because someone came close to Ritika and without any delay, Ritika got into his car.

He burst into a bitter laugh.

"she is still the same "

"Sir? What's wrong?" Seeing his face drive was surprised. The driver was standing next to him with an umbrella

"Did you know, some people never changed" Arnav still laughing crazily.

The driver has been working with Arnav for more than four years but to this day he has never seen the slightest smile on Arnav's face. But today he is laughing, a smile that did not fit on his precise face at all. It seemed to be taunting him.

"Let's go" within minutes the smile on his face gradually disappeared. And He walked towards the car.