
Let’s Read The Word

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OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet




“It all started with one, then two and now all six of them are in love with me." Welcome to the Salvatore Academy, popularly known as a school for the rich so if you don't have money, don't bother applying. Here you can find different classification of students; The nerds, geeks, badass bitches, bad boys and let's not forget the popular FAMICS. Who are they? We'll find out in the story. Now meet Sebastian Daniero. His parents are not really popular or wealthy but raised him to be a genius. He succeeded in getting into the Salvatore Academy on full scholarship as long as he's GPA remains high. Let's just say he's part of the nerds. Always being bullied by the bad boys since his family has no high status. What happens when the FAMICS decides to turn Sebastian from a nobody to a popular genius? That's not all, what happens when all six of them fall in love with Sebastian? What happens when they take a bet to see who would get him? Will it ruin their friendship? Who will win the bet? Who will Sebastian fall for?


Fiona groaned as the alarm clock kept buzzing, interrupting her sleep. She stretches her hand, searching for the damn clock to stop it's annoying buzz.

The moment she turns off the alarm, she heard her mother's voice calling from downstairs.

“Fiona you've got visitors!" Caroline called. She just finished preparing breakfast.

Fiona knowing who her univited guests are, reluctantly got off the bed, rushing into the bathroom. She came out minutes later, still drying her hair when her room door came open, revealing angry looking faces.

“Do you really have to wake up so late everyday? We have other things to do than waiting for miss princess to get dressed you know." Anna complained, falling heavily on the bed.

“I'm sorry, I don't remember inviting you to my room." Fiona rolled her eyes.

“Seriously Fiona, you need to set your alarm early, I can't be late on the first day of resumption. It's bad impression you know." Ivory said folding her arms across her chest.

“Just give me a minute and I'll be done." Fiona said, sitting infront of the dresser. Maeve walked towards her closest to select her clothes for the day. That's their normal routine. Fiona always being the last to get ready and Maeve always picking out her outfit as Fiona had a bad fashion sense.

“Here, try this." Maeve said, placing a lacy white short skirt and blue turtle neck on the bed.

“I prefer the black leather skirt for this turtle neck, Maeve don't you think?" Chrystal said frowning at the combination.

“I think the white is okay, I'll wear it." Fiona said winking at Maeve. Chrystal scoffed, sitting on the bed beside Anna.

“Where's Swayer?" Fiona asked while combing her hair.

“She is with your mom. Speaking of which I heard we got a new student coming in today. Wonder who it may be." Ivory said, checking her makeup with her small mirror.

“Probably another billionaire's kid." Chrystal rolled her eyes.

“I hope it's a guy this time, we need fresh meat." Anna chuckled.

“Whatever, I just wanna get going so could you please princess up so we can get going already." Maeve said leaving the room.

“What's with her?" Fiona asked putting on the turtle neck.

“I heard Kyle broke up with her. She's been moody ever since last week." Anna muttered

“That is actually good news. I never liked that guy anyways. She should just move on." Fiona smiled checking herself out.


“Is she done yet?" Swayer asked on seeing Maeve.

Maeve shook her head, falling on the couch.

Mrs Crownstar placed a tray of pancakes on the side stool along with a glass of milk.

“Oh no thank you Mrs Caroline, I already ate breakfast." Swayer said nicely.

“Well it won't hurt to eat more and besides you're all skinny." Caroline said frowning at Swayer. Swayer took her lips in before nodding. She's the only skinny one amongst the six of them. They all complain she eats less and keep on teasing her about her small frame which she doesn't mind because they are still her good friends...more like sisters from different mother's.

Fiona finally got out of the room along with Ivory, Chrystal and Anna.

“Hey, you look hot today princess." Swayer winked at her.

Fiona simply ignored her and went for the pancakes.

“It wouldn't kill you to say hi you know." Swayer scoffed.

“Hi." Fiona muffled trying to swallow the pancake she had stuffed into her mouth.

“You should really go on a diet Fiona, you are getting fat." Swayer joked and the rest laughed.

“And you should eat more miss skinny jeans." Fiona retorted with a smirk.

“Alright before this turns into a tug of war I think we should get going." Maeve said heading towards the door.

Fiona grabbed the tray of pancakes while Swayer and Anna collected the milk glass. They went into the kitchen and placed them on the counter before joining the rest outside.

“Whose car is this?" Fiona asked, pointing at the red Lamborghini Aventador SV.

“Who else." Chrystal scoffed, getting into her own car.

Ivory winked at Fiona before getting into the car.

“Must you always show off?" Fiona asked getting into her own car. Anna and Swayer were the only ones who refused to buy wheels so they usually ride with Maeve.



The environment is crowded as students are coming in and getting themselves settled in. Some are boarders while other are day students. As for the FAMICS, they have their own private hostel and can leave whenever they like.

The school has a welcome gathering at the hall so students were rushing to get front seats. The FAMICS took their time as they knew no one would dare occupy their special position in the front roll. The moment they entered the hall, students began muttering as usual.

“Fiona is looking so hot today."

“What's up with Maeve? She doesn't look so happy."

“Loving the new hairstyle Ivory."

“Swayer really needs to eat more."

Swayer pressed her lips into a thin line as she heard people talk about her physical appearance as usual. it's not her fault she's skinny, she eats a lot but for some reason she can't get fat.

“Okay students settle down." Principal Donald spoke into the microphone. The hall is really big so they use microphones for everyone to hear no matter the position.

“I want to welcome you all once more to another semester. As you all know, nothing has changed, the rules still remain stagnant..."

“Since when has anyone obeyed those dumb rules." Ivory muttered while chewing a gum.

“Last year, I heard a student killed himself." Anna whispered.

“That is just a sick rumor to scare the sh*t out of students. He did jump off the building but got saved." Maeve said carrying a deadpan expression.

“Do you know who did it?" Anna asked looking at Swayer.

“Mum didn't tell me as she knew you girls would want to know as well. Somethings are better left alone."

They all kept mute, turning their focus on Donald.

“Now you all know the drill, let get up and recite our morning chant." He said and all students rose from their seats..not without complaining of course.


“So what do you we do now? First days are always boring." Chrystal said after they had left the hall. Students were still roaming around the lobby, arranging their lockers and so on.

Before anyone could answer, a group of guys approached them.

“Hey ladies." Ethan smirked. He is one of the bad boys as they are called. They do whatever they want and still get away with it. They are popularly known for bullying new male students.

“Hey jerk, mind getting out of our way?" Ivory frowned.

“Just chill okay. Babe no hard feelings right?" Kyle said, smiling at Maeve. Maeve glared at him, turning around and walking away immediately.

“I can't believe you have the guts to show your face here." Anna glared at Kyle.

“I don't think it's fair to be mad at me over a breakup that's not with you. Besides, none of you even liked our relationship so you should be happy I'm doing you a favor." Kyle said folding his arm.

“True, but you still hurt Maeve. Now what do you want?" Fiona said.

“We are hosting a welcome party this weekend and would love for the FAMICS to attend." Ethan said.

“Not interested." Swayer said walking away as well.

“You should have invited us before breaking up with Maeve. Get lost!" Ivory glared at them, going after Swayer.

“So? I guess it's just you three?" Ethan asked smiling slightly.

“We will think about it." Chrystal said rolling her eyes.

“Well then, I'll be waiting for your response." Ethan said and starting walking away. The other guys followed as well.

“What an a*shole." Anna scoffed.

“But think about it, what are we going to be doing this weekend? A little fun won't hurt." Chrystal said folding her arms.

“You know we can't go without Maeve, just tell him no." Fiona said walking away.

“What if we get Maeve to agree." Chrystal smirked at Anna.

“What do you have in mind?"



Normally on the first day, there are no classes. This is to let students get settled in.

Sebastian just got out of the principals office. He saw students heading here and decided to follow them as well. On seeing the spacious cafeteria, his tommy made a loud grumble.

“Seems like someone needs attention." A girl chuckled as she walked past him.

“Excuse me," he called after her. “Is the food here free?" he asked giving her a friendly smile.

“Are you new here?" She asked instead and he gave a slight nod.

“Well in that case I'm Natasha and I'll be your Chaperon." Natasha said extending her hand for a handshake.

“Thank you but I'm not a young lady." Sebastian said accepting her hand.

“Whatever, same thing. Come on, let's get you something to eat."

The FAMICS just entered the cafeteria and all eyes were on them. They ignored everyone as usual, going to the counter to get their food.

Sebastian just stuffed his tray with burgers, fries and orange juice. Chrystal approached the burger joint, trying to grab a burger when he turned, bumping into her with his tray and staining her white top with his meal.

Everyone stopped talking and moving immediately, all eyes were on Chrystal and Sebastian.

Swayer knowing what would happen next, decided to move closer.

“Oh my, I'm so sorry..I didn't see y.." Sebastian trailed off as Chrystal's hand came landing on his cheek. Natasha widened her eyes in shock.

“Are you crazy! Do you know how much this designer top cost! How would you know? You look like you were picked from the dumbser!" Chrystal yelled and everyone burst into laughter.

Natasha moved closer to them as well.

“Can't you see that was an accident? How would you know when your head is always set high as you think you own this school!" Natasha yelled.

“And who are you? His mother?" Chrystal asked and everyone started laughing again.

Sebastian immediately excused himself from the cafeteria. Students were throwing food at him as he left, adding more salt to his wounds. He felt embarrassed already having being slapped that way by a girl just because she's from a wealthy family. He didn't want to cause any trouble here as he's scholarship depends on not only his GPA but his conduct as well.

Swayer went after him, leaving Natasha and Chrystal to deal with each other.