
Let’s Read The Word

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Dead Zone

Dead Zone

Author:Bobby da vinci



Dead zone is about a group of soilders who were sent to an unknown island to recover government properties but unknown to them . Things had gone wrong . The island it self changed . Inside had become a kill zone. Life seems to be going great for Nick Lawson until himself and his teammates were assigned to retrive government property from an island. Not only must he be brave but also courageous . To fight against the new inhabitants of the island , which seeks to swallow them and the untold truth kept hidden by the government alive .

dead zone  Synopsis.

Phone ringing,

continuing ringing then stops .

This is Nick Lawson , delta 5 regent . leave a message after the beep _  a huge voice speaks from the other end .

' hey it's me Joe . we are needed at the base , get your ass off that bed soldier . don't make me come get you . 

I sat up on my bed . heavy as stone . my back ached , my head hurt .

I try adjusting my eyes to my surroundings .

It was dark , cold .

I picked my phone up .. 04 : 7 . it displays . 

The message from Joe replayed . I switch on the light .

immediately the room came alive .

I was in the sink , facing the mirror in my bathroom . cold water dripped from my face .

I stare at my eyes _ tired blue eyes . I needed to sleep but my body wouldn't now . 

not after the message I just heard ..

within minutes . I was outside my house . my jacket with me , car keys too .

didn't bother to kiss my daughter goodbye , nor tell my mother I was off .

she would object as she always did .

a cold breeze blew outside . I could feel it trying to lead me back to sleep .

I was having a good dream , it was often I get those or even dream at all .

I cursed Joe under my breath . I stare at my house once more before entering the car .

 The engine came alive and as it moved out of my neighborhood , I wonder what's so important that they call at this time. 

looking back now , at myself driving toward the base . I consider having a time machine .

Go back in time and stop me from going that night . stopping everyone else because after I went everything changed .

None of us knew this would happen . Nobody did . 

Chapter 1

The sun is rising now _ from the East . I kept watching it . my mind raced with the wind . It was obvious I was tired, weak .

Just the other day we were sent to Iraq as duplicate soldiers to fight for their country .

a mission i thought I would not come back from .

I heard my phone ring ..  " hey.  I said weakly.

" Nick. 'Where the hell are you , we are all waiting for you.

I adjusted in my chair , sensing the urgency in his voice.

*What's going on Joe ?"

" We have been ordered to visit the central house .

"What ! who?" I asked, sure of the answer to receive.

"The General that's who." hurry man ,  He hollered before cutting the call .

The central house is a building in the base where the general and other prestigious militant forces reside .

no one ever goes there without invitation and the only ones who received this invite were captains , Sargent's , coperals .

 I increase the speed of the car . it's engine roared powerfully ..

I didn't know the strength that engulfed me  as I ran into the base . Everyone was in the same place as me . 

moving with files , creating crates , loading boxes _ something wasn't right .

even the white lights in the base were blinking .

It was a struggle but I made it through the frenzy of the crowd .  

The narrow passage led me to unit 8 .

as Soon as I entered .

I saw them all .

Joe , Hellen , Sarah , Tobi , zachaus ,adurey and our captain .

Their stares said it all . I was in trouble .

" Where have you been boy? " a  voice yelled . Mr David, our captain, stepped forward from a dark corner .

" am sorry sir ,  I overslept." I answer 

" tha hell you did . '' What am I supposed to do with all of you?

He stares at the rest..

"you're not even in uniform."

I did not bother to look down at myself. I knew it to be true.

" meet me at 5." all of you. ' He hollers before walking past me .  

my breath was ragged. I had to hold it for a while.

"damn you Nick , don't we all need sleep. it was Joe , his eyes pinned mine.

" I'm sorry , guys. I was tired .

Joe tosses a uniform towards me .

I pull off my jeans and put on the trousers .

adurey came close . I smelt her fragrance .

"you ok Nick ?" her face held worry .

" I am." Just tired, that's all.

" we got bruv." Zach came in . " I feel like crap too.

" Yeah, right." you are." Hellen said mockingly.  

Zach eyed her." what's that supposed to mean.

I faced up , adurey was standing close . her eyes pinned mine.

" I am." I say knowing she wouldn't budge .

" get off his ass Audrey." Tobi yells

" shut up bitch." everyone laughs.

"Let's go , let's go _ Joe ran out and we followed .

It was a short ride to the central house . trees lined to the end of the compound . The sun was out now .  It's heat melting the cold .

the car stops

everyone jumps down

our captain was to the first to start jogging toward the large building ..we followed 

" what's going on?" I ask .

"The general wants to address us all."

questions popped in my head .  

" what does he want?

" I think it's another mission." said Sarah . "why else would he call us if not for that."

" yes yes . I can't wait to shoot someone in the head."  said Tobi as he increased his speed , a wild smile on his face.

another mission. the words didn't appeal to me like it did to the others .

audrey must have noticed cuz her eyes kept trailing me . 

" I can't wait." yelled Tobi .

our captain stood in the large hall with us , his face bemused with worry.

He turned towards us.

"Look, all of you." he began . This is important. 

" you need to behave , as you remember." We are meeting the general . Do you understand?"

"yes sir ' I yell.

"good." replied the cap

a lady in the army informed us .

 "they are ready for y'all."

the captain stares at us all , his brows tight , lips sealed , eyes firm. we understood .

The female sergeant led the way . We followed . our capp in front .

inside this building was dark,Deserted. like no one lived here . 

None of us has ever been to the central house except for our captain.

Joe's face was frowned up, he walked with Will and power.

Hellen his wife walked an inch from him.her face wasn't as frowned up as his.

They have 3 children. 2 boys and a girl who I loved.

Sometimes I wonder how they cope.

My daughter Lydia always stresses me out .if not for my mom who stays with me . I don't know how I would have coped with it . 

Audry was calm . too calm to be true. I knew it was just an act.

She always appeared calm but deep down were seas of emotions. Only a few know this.

zachaus eyes glinted of excitement. he didn't need to smile for me to know .

. Tobi rarely smiles. I didn't expect any from him. The only times he did was when we were in the field or when he snipes enemies in the head.

He's an orphan. Everyone knows this but no one judges.

the sergeant stops by a room. " go in." she ordered.

our captain saluted.we all did _ before going in.

I had thought the building was dark but I was clearly mistaken. This room was much darker. I hardly saw faces , the light from the big TV's screens were the only source of light . a huge fat man stepped forward  to meet us .

"General." we all saluted.

Captain David rod , it's good to see u again." They both shook hands .

"Good. "you are here now Let's begin."