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The Scarred Knight

The Scarred Knight

Author:K. Jarsdell



Bella Di Martino has been tied up in a toxic marriage to play her duty as a mafia princess. Her situation turned worst after her twin sister ran away from home and she despised her for that. Despite her loathe for this life she had to be obedient to protect her mother. Since childhood Bella just wished for a day, she would spend her life with free will which never came. However, in the mafia world, it always says that Your most cherished dream will come true but with a price to pay. And Bella also got a chance to live her only wish one day, which led her to spend a blissful night with a gorgeous stranger. It was supposed to be a secret one night of her life and what could go wrong, right? However, for Bella, that one blissful night turned out as her everyday nightmare as that stranger now wanted her whole. And the worst part was, he is none other than Nicholas Vitiello, one of the deadliest and most powerful money laundering mafia leaders of his time, who was nothing but a tremor and Bella couldn't get him out of her system! And the last thing Bella wanted to catch the attention of a Vitiello, her family's sworn enemy! The perfect combination of love, emotion, crime, and war, with the touch of dark and sultry sensations. The story of a broken girl and a ruthless leader caught up in forbidden flames of desire, where roads were covered with dirty politics and blood, leads to the whole other level of sexy adventure, raising a question along, Would a never-ending hatred melt under a touch of love.

Authors Note:  This book is simply a work of fiction. Everything described in the city without countries and cities other things like, islands, organizations, law enforcement issues, underworld issues, and political issues are all my imagination. No characters or incidents have any connection with reality. Still, if anyone finds any kind of similarity

which shouldn't be

then that's a complete coincidence.

It's a character-developing story. The story has mature and some explicit scenes with sensitive content. You can choose to skip those parts. You have been warned strictly.

P.S - The thoughts of the characters would be in


and the dialogues would be in


. Hope this would not cause any confusion. Also added Italian language in their dialogues to add some intensity because the story is situated there. I am not Italian nor I know the language and use the translation app. If there is anything wrong you find with words, please watch it with forgiven eyes.

Welcome to the world of my imagination. Now, let's dive into the story.


Bella was standing near the glass window of her room, under the dim light, only wearing her white bathrobe. Her rare ivory-blue eyes were staring at the unknown.

"Madame Diablo." She heard her maid call from behind. When she came into the room, Bella didn't know. Well, that's how every woman needs to be to survive in these capo families. Silent and obedient.

Without turning to her, She knew she was standing for her reply. "What is it, Margaret?"

"Your new bodyguard & driver arrived in the mansion. Sir Diablo asked you to confirm." Margaret informed politely.

A subconscious sigh slipped out of her soft plumpy lips. 'And here it goes again. I am tired of this every time shit, yet, still bound to do it.'

"Yeah, I am coming. You go first." A few seconds later she heard the door close behind her, which means she left.

'It's the ninth bodyguard in just eighteen months of my thirteen months of marriage. Because past guards were all killed by my 'beloved' husband believe it or not, as he thought they were trying to be close to his property. Yes, for him, I am his property but a wife. That's how these Capos work.'

In mafia families, women are seen as property. For men, wives are to birth their heir, be a show-doll to take in events and whores are to fuck. Women's works are clearer and simpler than learning A B C's.

Looking down at herself Bella bit down her lips, just came out from the shower a moment ago. Changing into a dress she went down to the hall, where the new guard suppose to be. And there he is, standing straight, back facing her and talking to Nero, her so-called husband Elliott's assistant. His all black suit was hugging his tight muscles.

'But, wait... Why I am getting the known vibe from him? He seems somewhat familiar. Do I know him from before?' We'll see.

Walking down right behind him, she stopped. "Are you the new bodyguard?" Bella asked, curious to see his face. For a slight moment, his back seemed to get tensed for a second as he straightened up more and turned around.

'FUCK!' That's the only thing she could yell in her mind as her whole body froze up at his sight. Now she knew why he seemed familiar! She knew him! The gorgeous stranger she had spent a night with a month ago on the night of her first marriage anniversary! 


One month earlier...

'Goodness! My feet are killing me! Well, standing all day in a five inch heel with an uncomfortable slitted gown, while plastering a fake smile on my sorry face all along was very much exhausting on its own, and top of that, those creepy hungry gazes.' 

But, who would care for a girl, when she was meant to be a show-doll to feed those hungry eyes around her? Yes, you get it right, no one.

'Just a few more times, Bella. Hold it.' She tried to relax herself as her eyes trailed to her husband and there he is, talking with another woman who was almost rubbing her boobs on his arm on his first freaking marriage anniversary with his wife on the set!

'Fucking Bastard!' She cursed. 'Well, what could I expect more from these men?'

The answer is loud and clear. NOTHING. Even this party is not out of love and joy, but because it's important to extend his business and show off the wealth only.

She withdrew her eyes. She did not want to sigh but it escaped from her anyway. "And here it goes again."

Bella wasn't loud though immediately heard a female voice snapping at her from the side, "And for the love of God you need to loosen up, woman."

"Shut it." She snapped at Laurel, keeping her voice low only to earn a 'fuck you' glare from her. But, Bella doesn't mind. After all, she's the only person who cares for her and she could rely on. Her only best friend, Laurel Brancaccio.

"Now stop rolling your pretty but sorry eyes on me and follow me!" And before Bella could know what she was up to, she almost dragged her to her husband's direction!

'What the fuck are you doing!" Bella whisper yelled only to get ignored in answer. 

"Happy anniversary, Mr. Diablo." Laurel congratulated written fakeness all over her face and eyed the woman beside him.

'Oh God, please do not start Laurel, not to-night!' Bella shouted in mind. She loves everything about her but not that mouth of hers which is bitchy all the time!

And for the love of God, she did not. Maybe, decided to let them go for the night and Bella couldn't be more thankful for that!

Elliott only smiled once and nodded a bit, just showing off. He practically hated Laurel but because of her brother who was a hot shot in the underworld for his white business, he always ignored this spoiled bitch. And why not? Laurel never lived up to the so-called 'mafia princess' title, unlike her. 

And by her face, she didn't give a damn about his reaction, as she proceed with her words, "I have prepared a gift for Bella, so I am taking her for the night, okay?"

'Oh no, what!?' No, Bella did not expect this to come!

She looked at her husband who didn't say a word but clenched his jaw tight. 'I am doomed now by the look on Elliott's face.' Bella started counting her seconds but to her surprise, he gave a slow nod! ! A reluctant one, but that's a yes!

'D..did he just nod? Oh My Lord!' She could not believe her eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Diablo." Laurel did not bother to wait for a second and dragged stunned Bella with her. She followed her like a robot and only came back to her senses after processing the whole situation. "What the hell just happened!?"

Laurel smirked, dancing her perfect brows "Thank me later, honey. Just enjoy the night you have gotten."

This time Bella turned to her in seriousness. "I just don't understand. How come he let me go!?" Still in a daze. She never really understand how on earth that egoistic bastard just agreed. 

"Well honey, your husband has loads of insecurities in business when it comes to Vitiello's, so he had to practically beg Leo

her brother

for the 'white' protection and money. And I am the price that comes along!" She shrugged dramatically. "So, either way, he has no option other than listening to me." And then suddenly she sat straight with a serious look. "But, only for to-night. Leo has strictly asked me to stay out of his business associates. So, I only could manage one..."

This time, Bella didn't even let her finish and jumped on her to engulf her in a tight hug. "I love you, Laurel. And I am not lying at all!" She broke the hug, grinning from ear to ear "Thank you so much! One night is enough without expectation!" It really is, at least for a caged bird like her.