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Alpha Of Crystal Lake

Alpha Of Crystal Lake

Author:Abigail North



Krystal Walters is a tough woman and the daughter of an alpha. As she is informed of an important Alpha’s arrival to her pack for business with her father, she is dragged in to help with the preparations for his arrival. Just how important is this, Alpha? She soon finds out when he arrives and her wolf cries…MATE. Liam Adams the visiting Alpha-King of all packs steps out of his car only to be hit with a wonderful fragrance and his wolf all excited. When he spots a young woman standing next to her family and as they make eye contact his wolf shouts…MATE. The sad thing is Liam is a playboy who likes women. Even after mating and marking his mate he can’t seem to stop his sexual escapades. Krystal feels the betrayal pains and follows the scent of her mate to the servants’ quarters where she finds her mate banging a servant girl. With the mindset of two can play that game she calls a friend and meets him at a hotel and explains everything to him. Just as she did another pain hits letting her know he is at it again and her friend Jon, suggests they give her mate the same treatment. Pain for pain. Thus begins a story of a love-hate situation between a King and his new Queen. Can the two find their road to happiness together? Only time will tell.

Krystal POV


I am told by my father the alpha of the Silver Moon Pack that we will be having visitors in the next couple of days. An Alpha of the Crystal Lake pack is coming for a meeting with my father about rogue problems. My father has warned me he wants me at my best. He knows me too well. I can be a little wild at times and likes to party. But all in all, I am saving myself for my mate so that is one thing I take pride in. So, I don’t go sleeping around. Unlike my best friend who is the daughter of my father’s beta Jolie Meyers. She keeps trying to get me to give in, but I never do. The most I have done was kiss boys.

My father is making it sound as if this Alpha is something special. I wouldn’t know I never heard of him before. Liam Adams is his name. I have no idea what is so special about him. Oh, well. I promised my dad I will be good. After all this Liam sounds like a middle-aged alpha to me with the way my dad talks about him. Well, we will see.

As my father is Alpha James Walters, I am the youngest of two. I have an older brother who will one day take over for my dad. He is the responsible one at twenty. I just turned nineteen and usually by the time one reaches seventeen they find their mate. My brother had. He is mated to my friend's sister Kylie Meyers who is of the same age as my brother. Jolie happens to be a year younger than me, but we hit it off perfectly. Making her my best friend.

My brother Josh is at alpha training as he is expected to take up the mantle from dad in a year. My dad is looking forward to retiring with my mom. He deserves it. They both do. I am told I look most like my mom with chocolate brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I sound like a candy bar. But that is what I look like. I like my looks and am pleased with my body as I am fit and toned with curves. My mom has the same color hair and eyes as I do. As my dad and brother both have hazel eyes and dark blond hair. My mom Ruby is a great Luna and one day when I feel like settling down, I want to be like her.

I get to my room and get a call from Jolie wanting to go clubbing tonight.

“I am sorry Jols, I can’t tonight. My dad is having me help my mom with the planning for the visit from an important alpha in two days. He won’t let me out. Anndd…” I say the last word in a sing-song way. “I have to be on my best behavior.”

“Wow Krystal, he does sound important. Hey, how about sneaking out after you help your mom? You know like last time and they never knew.” She laughed and I joined in.

“Yeah, well maybe. I will let you know when I am done.”

“Ok, I am going to take that as a yes. I will see you at our special spot.” She said before hanging up.

I sighed and was already figuring on sneaking out. Jolie is the only one who gets me, and it could be because we both are so much alike. She too has not found her mate yet as she turned seventeen six months ago. So, she still has time.

A few hours later after helping my mom I went to my room and showered and changed into a red mini dress and a short black leather jacket after doing my hair and make-up I was ready to sneak out. Once I got outside, I met up with Jolie next to our special tree behind a large bush. It was a perfect meet-up spot, and it was near the road where she had her car hidden. I climbed in and we both laughed that we got away with sneaking out.

The clubs we go to are in a town on our territory that caters to only werewolves. Others from different packs come and visit these clubs in hopes of finding their mates. I just come for the drinking and dancing. I like feeling free and partying. Jolie is a lot like me except she is hoping to find her mate. For her sake, I hope she does.

“Do you smell that?” She asks the moment we walk through the door of the second club we visited that night.

The first club was a dud. This one showed more promise.

“Smell what?” I asked watching her expression.

“It smells of freshly mowed grass and mint. So yummy.” She sniffed the air and looked at me. “You really don’t smell it?”

“No. I don’t...” Just as I was still talking this handsome man came running up and grabbed Jolie spinning her around while they both cried “Mate!”

‘Well, at least the mystery is solved.’ Sky my wolf says about the scene before us as Jolie and her mate continue making out hot and heavy making me feel awkward.

“Um. Well… um, don’t mind me. I will just sit over here.” I say to the couple pointing at a free table.

Just then Jolie remembered me and tossed me the keys to her car before running out the door with her mate. I guess I won’t see her for the rest of the night. Anyways I ordered myself a drink when this really cute guy came over and asked if he could join me. I smiled and said yes.

“So, why is a beautiful woman like you doing at a place like this all alone?” He begins.

“I was with my best friend, but it so happened that she found her mate.”

“Yeah, that would be Kevin my younger brother. He just about freaked out when he smelled his mate.” he smiled at me. “I am Jon by the way. Jon Marker.”

“I am Andrea.” I never give out my real name.

“Nice to meet you, Andrea.” He looked around signaling a waitress and ordering a drink for himself. Then he looked back at me. “Care to dance since we both got stood up?”

I laughed and nodded, “Sure, I would love to.”

The night ended on a good note after all with Jon giving me his number and saying he would like to see me again. Then he walked me to Jolie’s car as she took off with Kevin. And before I climbed in Jon kissed me. It was pleasant and sweet. He knew how to kiss. I agreed I would love to meet up with him again and maybe we can do this with the two that deserted us.

I got home leaving Jolie’s car in our special spot hiding the key in a small hole in the tree where we usually hide it and walked home. After sneaking back in I showered to get the club's scent off of me and put on my tee and shorts I like to sleep in and climbed into bed.

The next morning, I woke to a banging on my door. “What the hell?” I said walking over and opening it to a beaming Jolie.

I let her in, and she was just about to jump in happiness. Then she bent her head and that is when I noticed she was marked.

“Oh. My. Goddess. You did it so soon?” I asked her.

She hugged me tightly. “Yeah, I am so excited. Kevin is perfect and he too is a beta from The Blood moon pack next to our borders. He plans to come back today to speak with my dad.”

“So that means his brother Jon is a beta too?” I asked.

“You met Jon?”

“Well, you two sort of left us at the club so yeah we spoke,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Oh, yeah, Sorry about that. But since his brother Jon is Beta for their pack this could be the answer for my dad so he can step down when your brother takes over as alpha.”

“Yeah, I guess. After all, Josh could use a beta. He was planning on keeping your dad on until he found one, but this could be the answer. How old is Kevin?”

“Almost nineteen in three months.”

“I nod, Ok. All my best to you both and I really am happy for you.” I say giving her another hug.

Two days later. It seems Jolie’s dad Wayne really liked Kevin and introduced him to my dad. It seems like it just may work out with him becoming our beta. He is making plans to move in here in a week and Jolie is beside herself with joy.

So today is the day the so-called important alpha is supposed to arrive. Oh, Joy, I can’t wait. I think to myself sarcastically. We got his and his warriors' rooms ready as he is bringing six along with his beta. Why he needs six warrior guards is beyond me. But we also planned on a banquet for him for tonight.

I have never seen my dad so excited over a visit before. This man really must be important. My dad comes down the stairs from his office shouting. “Ruby, Krystal. Quick he is here.”

My dad leads us outside to stand on the steps as is custom for visiting alpha and we see several black SUVs pulling into the pack house drive and stop. I counted three vehicles. The men in the front SUV got out and surrounded the one in the middle. The passenger door opened when I caught my breath. The most wonderful smell hits me making my mouth water. Just as the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life steps out and freezes, staring at me.

“Mate.” We both say at the same time.