
Let’s Read The Word

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The Lost Alpha( Book One Of The Alianka Chronicles)

The Lost Alpha( Book One Of The Alianka Chronicles)




War led to a painful tragedy between the moon pack and raven pack. The leader of the moon pack knew what the outcome will be so he took his only son, the next alpha away from the pack through a hidden gateway that leads to the human world. He kept him hidden in the human world until he was old enough to return back to his pack. After the death of the alpha, his brother took over as the next alpha destroying the balance between werewolves and other supernatural creatures. Amani, a young witch and a werewolf hunter, under the protection of her grandmother and brother wanted to explore the world . She was warned never to interact with the werewolves or become an outcast as they see them as threats to other creatures. After twenty years, the rightful leader of the moon pack returned when he accidentally stumbled upon a portal and falls into the hands of the werewolf hunter. What happens when she finds out her mate was a werewolf, an alpha who does not know what he was. Will she help to maintain the balance between werewolves and other creatures and help him find himself or will she see them as threats that must be removed?

" Mommy come on, we are going to be late to the park", little Dylan whined as he bounced happily on his chair. His hair was gelled perfectly and his clothes was neatly ironed. Dylan adjusted his furry coat with his chubby hands.

He could not stop ranting about going late to the carnival. His mother sighed, she looked her son dress in his ceremonial wears.

" Dylan, it is just a carnival not a ceremony", said his mother.

Dylan stomped his foot, his nose flared up.

" I want to look best in the carnival", he huffed.

Dylan's mother, Rachel rubbed her creased forehead. How could she explain to her son that he would not be comfortable in that when they get there?

" Look Dylan, I know you are very excited for this but you can not go like this", she spoke softly to her nine years old son.

" Dylan you heard me, I said you........"

Bang. Bang!

What was that sound?

The sound went on until they heard a shrill cry of a woman.

Her husband dashed into the room, his claws were elongated as blood dripped from it. He quickly shut the door.

Rachel stared at him wide eyed, she could smell the scent of his blood mixed with an enemy's blood.

" The raven pack are here, they are killing our people", he said harshly.

The noises outside got louder, Dylan hid behind his mother's leg.

" Take the boy with you and hide somewhere in the secret passage"

" What about you?", Rachel asked, she was feeling scared and concerned.

" Just do as I say, now"

" Please be safe"

Dylan and his mother ran to the secret passage that lead to the forest.

She clutched her son tightly in her arms, praying for God's mercy.

" Mommy, what is going on?", Dylan cried. He was trembling like a leaf beside his mother. She held her son with her hands, cradling him to her chest.

" Shhhhh, everything is fine", she hushed him.

After some moments of silence, Rachel stood up carefully.

" Dylan wait here, let me go and find your father", said Rachel.

" Mom please don't leave me here alone", Dylan begged.

" Do you remember the story I told you about the brave king?", His mother asked as she pulled her son closer to her.

" Yes mommy, the king was very brave that he slayed the evil dragon", Dylan grinned, he flexed his skinny arms to which his mother laughed.

" I want you to be brave like the king, okay?"

Dylan nodded, his mother handed him his favourite story book about the brave king. " Keep this with you and remember my darling, be brave because one day, you will become the alpha of this pack."

" I will be back but if daddy or mommy does not come back for you, you run okay? "

Dylan nodded his head, he crouched down behind the wall hoping for his parents to come back soon.

After some minutes, his father came and he was covered in blood.

" Daddy you are here", Dylan smiled. " Where is mommy?"

His father, alpha Drew eyes rimmed red, he quickly cleaned his face as a lone tear fell.

" Father where is mommy?", Dylan asked again. The young boy knew there was something wrong.

" Come on son, we have to leave this place", Drew dragged his son out of where he hid.

" No, no daddy I want mommy."

Drew stopped immediately that his son almost crashed into him. He had no time to explain to his son that his mother is dead, even if he had, would his little one understand?

When Dylan kept on crying for his mother, Alpha Drew sighed harshly.

" Don't you get it, your mother is dead, she is never coming back", he roared. He should not have said that to the poor boy.

"No!", Dylan cried.

" Come on son"

" No, I want mommy", Dylan cried.

Drew carried his son far away from his pack, he ran as fast as he could with an inhumane speed to get his son to the hidden gateway.

When he got there, he let Dylan stand on his feet, Drew look around to be sure they were not followed.

He had to do it, his son was the only treasure he has left, he could not afford to lose that too. The Raven pack already killed his mother.

" Drink this Dylan", Drew handed a bottle to his son which he reluctantly took.

He drank the liquid, scrunching his face at how bitter it was.

Suddenly, Dylan became drowsy, he wobbled towards his father.

" Father", the little boy whispered.

" I am so sorry son, I have to do this", Drew cried.

He watched as he son fell asleep in his arms.

The portion he gave his son was to make him forget everything about what happened and who he was, it was given to him by the pack witch to protect him from the alpha of the raven pack and to hide his scent.

Drew brought out a pendant, he slit his hand open with his elongated teeth, pouring the blood on it.

The pendant vibrated in his hands, it glowed brightly, vibrating profusely.

A red light shown between a twin tree, it was a portal to the human world. Only the true Alphas can access the portal.

He carried his son gently, disappearing with the red light.

Drew roamed around the human world with his son in his arms. He looked for a perfect place to leave Dylan.

He came across a big house, it was very high and big. Drew has never seen something like that before.

Human world will always remain a mystery to him, they have so many metal carriages carrying the human and was too colorful for his eyes.

Drew dropped his son in front of a tall building, he removed the necklace from his neck and attached the pendant to it before placing it on Dylan's neck.

" You will be safe here", drew whispered. He knew immediately he go back to his world, he will be executed.

" Keep this safe, it will be useful for you when you turn twenty", placing a gentle kiss on Dylan's cheek, he cried silently.

No time to waste, Alpha Drew ran back to his world before the portal closed.

This was the beginning of his son's fate.