
Let’s Read The Word

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Julianne Morgan FBI agent was married to the rich CEO Mr Stanley Morgan but she got kidnapped by a man who said that she Julianne Morgan was his mate, Julianne knows nothing about mate or werewolf, a demon was also lurking around in the woods near Julianne's house for the same purpose. What will happen when Julianne was bundled up and brought down to a cave that the shape shifters called, ' park house' will she leaves her husband and marry the wolf or the dangerously handsome demon Find out

Los Angeles police headquarter

Julianne's POV

I walked dejectedly towards the garage where my car was parked. Today was a very hectic day for me. I have been working my brains out for the past 21 hours on a very deadly murder case.

That was what I was trained for. My eyelids felt very heavy I want nothing more than to just get home already and plunge myself on the bed.

Maybe it's just me but I think I felt someone or something staring at me but I couldn't detect where that was coming from, whenever I looked around I would not see any thing.

This have been going on for a while now and it was beginning to get creepy, but I didn't let that get to me. I shrugged it off and continue towards my car.

I am not going to let anything or anyone stop me from going directly to my bed, creepy or not I am going home and that's final.

I stopped when I got to the parking lot.

In front of me was my new black Bugatti Veyron, for a moment I thought I saw someone leaning on it but there was no proof so I ignored the thought and opened the back door dumping my gold laced handbag on the backseat.

I pushed the door close and hopped in, I pushed my car keys inside where it is supposed to be and turned it.

The engine revved to life and I reversed out of the parking lot. I turned on the radio and started tuning.

No music! All the radio stations were saying was: how I single handedly bursted two deadly criminal in just one week, 

I changed it to Bluetooth and connect it with my phone tapping the shuffle button in the process 

Ed Sheeran's 'perfect' blasted through the stereo system causing a wince of pain out of my lips,

this is definitely a bad idea, the idea of a music was gone and I switched the stereo off zooming off immediately.


Somewhere in the world.

Damien's POV

I watched in disgust as the foolish human drove the knife into his brother's back.

He had lured his brother into the bush because he felt like his dad would split his property amongst the two of them.

He didn't want to share, he wants all the wealth of his father to be his alone.

All this was my dad's fault he had whispered the aborminable words into the young human's ear.

I would have loved to torment this fool but dad have suspended me because I pitied a human girl.

The young human pulled out the knife from his brother's back as blood pumped out of the wound.

" Brother... Why?" Said the half dead human as he doubled over and collapse on the ground.

" It's not his fault," I said to the human who cannot hear me. " It's my dad's fault."

The young man seems to have come back to his senses because his expression changed.

" Brian please wake up, please I am sorry I am very sorry I didn't know what I was doing. Please..." I blocked out his words from reaching my ears but I couldn't stop myself from doing the only thing my Dad hates.

I healed his brother!

Dad would be very pissed with me.

But grandpa and uncle Jesus would be greatly pleased with me.

Sometimes I use to wonder if this man called Lucifer is really my dad.

He is very wicked!

I am really the opposite of him Except for the stunningly dangerous never aging face that we shared

I was coming back from the police station because my dad ordered me to go check on his agent who was arrested yesterday. That's how I landed here.

I met a human girl on the way... I don't know why I am saying this but there seems to be something mysterious about her...

I like the way she walked and carried herself like the queen of the earth

She is very beautiful...

" Dad wants to see you," Jane said as she trudge down to where I was sitting.

" Why what happened?" I asked her.

" He is pissed at you for healing that human," she nodded towards the two human boys that were now hugging each other and shedding tears.

" Who told him?" I asked as my temper started rising.

" Calm down boyfriend I didn't tell him, Lucy did."


Morgan's apartment.

I drove into my husband's compound after the gate have been opened for me, I got a call from him on my way home saying that he wants to see me urgently.

It seems like he noticed that the spark we were feeling before we got married has gone,

I am just guessing don't get it twisted.

I came down from my car immediately I parked, I didn't even get the chance to lock my car door.

I left my car keys in the car shouting orders at the security guard there to take care of it for me.

I am beginning to loose control of my body and it hurts a lot. Climbing the stairs was a third world war for me. if I don't lay my head down, any moment From now I might faint.

I walked into his small study leaving the door wide open which he hate more than anything.

"Please close the door behind you honey, I don't like it when..." Morgan start rambling but I cut him off with a very unique tactics that only me had the ability to do.

After he had forgotten about the door

which was still wide open

I asked " you said you wanted to see me urgently?"

" Yes, it is about the childless issue, my mom brought it up again insinuating that she wants to see her grandchildren before she will die," he said casually, I know how he was feeling, it is really hard for a man when he wants a child more than anything and his wife is not ready to have one.

" You are not saying anything?" He said when I didn't respond to him. I don't know what he really wants me to say.

" We could adopt?" I suggested, " like a big little son..." I kept quiet when he glared at me.

He sighed in resignation, " my mom said he want a child from his son and not some random person's child." 

I sighed not in frustration but it was due to the tiredness that I was feeling,  " Stanley you have used that line since like forever aren't you going to get tired of it? " I questioned I was not myself right now.

" You think I am lying?" You don't believe me any more huh? You don't even trust me anymore?" Said Morgan.

I rolled my eyes mentally, here we go again Stanley is always trying to blackmail me each time we had an argument.

" I will think about it but right now I need a nap," I rushed out of the office never looking back at him.

I was going to go home but I decided against it when my legs began to give me away, I went inside my room in Morgan's house.

Dusting the dirt off the unused bed, I have never slept on this bed before, this was going to be my first time, the room wasn't quite tidy so I went upstairs to Morgan's room locking the door tightly after writing: 'DONT DISTURB' on the wooden door.

I have barely settled down to sleep when I got a call from a private number. I groaned angrily, what have I landed myself into?

" When are this people going to let me sleep and who on earth hide their Id to call someone in this modern world." I mumbled before answering the call.

" Hello,  this is Julianne Morgan, how may I help you," I said sluggishly, yawning in the process.

I covered my body with the duvet and waited for the person on the other line to say something, I could here clattering sounds from the other end the caller was probably organizing their stuff, is this a video call?. It was an audio so why is he or she taking all day to respond.

Looks like the person was not expecting me to pick up this quickly maybe I should just end the call...

" Hello " the voice said the person was probably using a voice enhancer.

"Julianne Morgan how may I help you?" 

"I figured that I should call you and tell you that... You have a stalker." I smiled,

" This is not the time for prank Nels I need a nap I have not been able to get one so, just get out of my phone I will call you back later. " I ended the call and pulled myself into the bed drifting off immediately but that was after I heard the voice said that they are not Nels.

So who are they?




To be continued...

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