
Let’s Read The Word

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A Deal With The Devil In Disguise

A Deal With The Devil In Disguise




After being thrown in jail and crucified for a crime she didn't commit, Amelia lost her only family and her ability to ever show her damaged face in public while the people who caused her misery lived happily ever after. Her life was turned upside-down by the people she called family and also got killed for it but got saved by the least expected man. Lucius Quinn had her entire appearance altered and helped her rebuild her life and accepted to help her bring down everyone involved in her nightmares in return she'd to be his wife on paper.


“Get off me, freaks!” I screamed out in fear as I was getting cornered by the inmates in the bathroom.

“ You think you're tough huh?” one of them grabbed hold of my hair and shoved me aside roughly making me groan in pain.

“ Somebody help me, please!” I screamed out hoping that the warden was going to come to my rescue. But to my surprise he simply locked the door giving the ladies a go ahead to do whatever they wanted.

“ You can keep shouting for as long as you want but no one is going to come to your rescue.” the one who seemed to be the leader of the other prisoners said as she scrunched down in front of me and held my chin roughly..

“ Let me go, please.. I didn't do anything.” I began pleading as hot tears rolled down my cheeks but she simply slapped me hard across the face.

“ You're never going to get out of here alive, love so hang in there.” She chuckled softly as she grabbed hold of my hair and dragged me up with her while I winced in pain.

She shoved me against the bathroom wet floor which was disgusting by the way and her minions began attacking me while she watched in excitement.

My face was pinned against the dirty bathroom floor which had so many gross things left by other inmates on the floor.

I groveled and begged for my life as I was tortured by the inmates until I couldn't feel my bones anymore only then did they let me go.

“ That was just one of the messages from Mr. Feng, there's more where that came from so hang in there and watch as your life is slowly taken away from you in the worst way possible.” She spat on me before walking away with her minions, leaving me on the floor.

I whimpered as I spat blood while holding onto my stomach.

No doubt my bones had been broken but unfortunately I needed to bear it a little longer and I would be out soon. I felt dizzy as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

The bathroom door opened and two guards walked towards where I was and dragged me like a bag of tomatoes out of the bathroom and took me back to my cell and threw Me in there without any care in the world.

I hissed in pain as I heard the cell doors closed and held onto something for support as I tried to get off the floor.

It's been a week since I got arrested for a crime I didn't commit and those days have been nothing but hell as Chairman Feng would stop at nothing to make sure I don't get out of here alive.

I coughed violently and glanced down on my palm to find blood.

“ Hang in there, Amelia. Mr Stillenski is going to get you out soon.” I kept assuring myself as I got on my bed and Curled up into a ball as I felt excruciating pain from all over my body.

It felt like I'd been runned over by a truck and could barely lift a finger.

A banging on the metal door made me flinch in fear and u fluttered my eyes open to find a guard standing right there with a stern expression.

“ You have a visitor, 5479.”He announced and immediately knew who that visitor was and I definitely wouldn't be accepting to see anyone.

“ I won't be accepting any visitors .” I managed to voice out and the guard walked away.

I burst into hot tears once he was gone as everything came dawning on me.

My mom had been paying me visits and all this while I'd refused to see her.

I didn't want her to see me in such a mess which I'd brought upon myself.

It all started on the night of Mr Stillenski’s daughter's engagement party a week ago.


“ You look so beautiful in your dress, Hannah.” I complimented my best friend who was about to get engaged while I adjusted her neck piece.

“ I'm a nervous Reck Right now, I cannot believe I'm finally getting engaged to the man of my dreams.” She happily mentioned while staring at her reflection and I smiled.

“ Calm down Missy, you'll do just fine.” I assured her and she pulled me into a tight hug.

Hannah and I had been best friends since we were kids. My mom had moved to Luxembourg to work as a maid for the Stillenski's when I was a kid and eventually I became friends with their daughter.

The Stillenski's treated us as family and our bond grew stronger.

Hannah was the only friend I'd growing up with and I was ready to do whatever it takes to make my friend happy.

“ Kyle would definitely not gonna be able to handle this amount of beauty.” I complimented her and she blushed heavily.

“ Stop it silly.” She said and we both burst out laughing.

A knock landed on the door and Kyle walked in and I saw that it was my que to excuse the two love birds.

“ Oops I guess this is my que to leave.” I jokingly said and smiled at Kyle before excusing myself and went out of the room to help mom with serving the guests.

A few minutes later the lovebirds were still not out and Mr Stillenski was becoming impatient.

“ Lia, dear could you please check up on Hannah and Kyle, please?” Mr Stillenski walked up to me and I Nodded in understanding before rushing upstairs to go check up on him when I heard a commotion coming from her room.

The door was slightly open so I could see clearly what was going on.

Hannah and Kyle were having an argument about something I didn't understand and he tried to force himself on her but something horrifying happened.

“ Get off me, you beast!” She screamed as she pushed him off her with all her might but he didn't back off and in the heat of defending herself, She picked up the bedside lamp and smashed it hard against his head cracking his skull open and he fell to the ground.

I covered my mouth as a shiver ran through my spine.

I stood there motionlessly as I watched the whole thing unfold.

Is he dead?

My first instinct was to run and get help but seeing how Hannah was hyperventilating, I suddenly walked inside the room with trembling hands.

“ Kyle..” my voice trembled as my eyes fell on the blood gushing out of his head.

Hannah threw herself on me as she weeped heavily.

“ I killed him, Lia… I Killed Kyle.” I cried hysterically while I kept staring at the dead body.

My face was as pale as a sheet.

“ Calm down please..” I finally found my voice even though I was shaking with fear inside.

“ I didn't…I didn't mean to hit him.. I was only defending myself…” she cried harder as she clinched onto me.

“ I know…. Calm down, let's figure something out.” I tried to calm her down as I gently patted her back.

“ I can't afford to go to jail! I can't go to jail! Daddy is going to die, please help me!” she held my hands in his and began pleading and I knew what she was saying was true.

Mr Stillenski had lost his wife when Hannah was born and he'd given his all just to see her grow into a young woman.

He would die if his only daughter was sent to jail for murdering her fiance.

I took a deep breath after thinking about everything and already knew what she was asking me for.

“ Hannah, I can't.” I shook my head as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

I thought about my mom and what she would have to go through if I'd gone through with her plan.

“ Please, Lia! You're all I've got! I promise daddy is going to help you!” She cried harder as she clinched onto me and soon I heard footsteps from outside so I pushed her off me and away from Kyle while I stood in front of him right before the door opened and Hannah's Dad walked into the scene.

“ What happened here?” He asked with a terrified expression while Hannah rushed towards her father.

“ I Killed Kyle…I Killed him, daddy! Please help me. I don't want to go to jail!” She cried like a baby as she held on her dad and they both glanced over at me and I already knew what they wanted.

“ I can't…my mother wouldn't be able to take it.” My voice trembled as I spoke and Mr Stillenski held my hand.

“ I know I'm being selfish right now but you have to help me. Chairman Feng is a Congressman. He would swallow my business whole if you don't help us.” He tried to persuade me.

“ I promise I'm going to take good care of your mother and I'm also going to get you out of there without going to trial, please do this for Hannah.” He'd barely finished when we heard another footsteps and he immediately let go of me and turned around with a look of disappointment as

Kyle’s mother walked into the horrible scene of her son's lifeless body on the ground and screamed out in terror while I closed my eyes preparing myself for what's going to happen next.

The rest of the family came rushing upstairs as soon as they heard her scream and I could feel my bones trembling as they all rushed inside Hannah's room including Kyle's dad and my mom.

Chairman Feng hurriedly checked his son's pulse and looked at me with bloodshot eyes.

“ What did you do to my son!” Chairman Feng yelled angrily.

Hannah was about to say something when I suddenly spoke.

“ I killed him.” I said with my head hung low and Chairman Feng charged towards and grabbed hold of my neck trying to strangle the life out of me while Mr Stillenski tried to get him off me.

“ How dare you!” I could barely breathe as he tightened his grip around my neck and from the corner of my eyes I could see mom standing right there with a pale expression.

They managed to get the chairman off me but it was far from over.

I gasped for air as he finally let go of me.

“ Why? Tell me why you would do that to my son?” Mrs Feng asked as she broke down in tears while clutching onto the body of her son.

“ He tried to force himself on me and I tried to defend myself.” I muttered as I glanced over at Hannah who was currently hiding behind her father.

But before I could understand what was going on I'd received a resounding slap across the face.

Someone had already called the cops and I instantly knew my life was over.

The cops walked over and began cuffing me while mom rushed over trying to stop them.

“ No! Tell them you didn't do it please! It was all a misunderstanding right?” Mom shouted as she tried to Shield me from the police but unfortunately I'd braced myself.

“ There's no point, mom. I Killed him and I don't regret it.” I blurted out while trying to keep a straight face.

The cops dragged me away while Mom tried to stop them.