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Mated To A Mafia Lord

Mated To A Mafia Lord

Author:Veracruze ❤️



Mira Lucy ran as fast as she could, even though it was dark, she could still see from the lights on the streets. Mira Lucy tripped and fell so hard on the floor, she hit her head so hard on the floor and she started bleeding. The three thugs that were chasing her finally came to her to take their revenge on her for making them run so fast. Once they were about to molest her, she was saved by a guy she doesn't know at all. to show her appreciation, she have to marry him. But would she be able to marry a cold Mafia Lord let's check out in this fascinating love story.

*This book will be written in different point of views, so please read carefully. Thanks*

Mira Lucy's POV

" It's almost 07:00 pm and my boss isn't ready to let me off." I murmured when refilling some goods on the shelf. Normally I do go home once it's 06:00 pm.

My name is Mira Lucy, and I'm 21 years old. I live with my best friend called Jassy wade, she is also 21 years old. Wr have been best friend since my highschool till date. We both studied in the most popular university in my state.

Unfortunately, every hospital and clinics around have been occupied with workers. Now we decided that we would work in small shops and supermarket to help us raise some money and travel out of the state to find a new job in another state.

I have a little sister called Grace Lucy. Grace lives with my parents at another country, she is 17 years old and she will soon be done with her highschool.

As soon as I was done keeping all the chips on the shelf from the shopping cart, I heard my name.

" Mira come here" My boss said in her bossy voice. I immediately walked towards her even though I was so tired. When I was close to her, I could see her face was deeply frowned. oh no, who made Mrs Kate this angry? That person must be in really great trouble.

"Yes ma'am you called me" I said in a low voice. I bowed my head in respect not to offend her.

" It is getting late, I think it's time for you to go home. Make sure you come back early tomorrow morning. Do you understand? " she said in her bossy voice.

I could only nod my head in response. "Understood ma'am " With that, she closed the door behind her as she walked inside the office.

Finally I'm really free. I immediately took the shopping cart to where the rest were. I rushed towards the changing room, I removed my Apron, arrange my cloths and repacked my hair into a ponytail.

I rushed to my table and got my purse and immediately rushed out of the grocery store. Once I was out, I immediately walked towards the end of the street to get a taxi.

On my way, I felt a presence behind me, but when I looked back, I could see anyone but the empty street. The feeling of uneasiness came and I couldn't deny it, someone or something was following me. Out of reflex, I immediately made my steps to be larg strides so I could walk out of the lonely street.

When I looked behind me again, I saw a guy walking towards me. My heart skipped a beat and a shiver ran down my spine. I immediately started walking fast , gosh, I was almost at the end of the street where I could be able to get into a taxi.

When I turned back again, My heart almost jumped out of its rib cage, the guy was extremely close to me but not at arm length. Immediately my survival instinct kicked in, and I ran as fat as possible until I got to the end of the street.

I immediately flaged a taxi and told him my location. I hopped into the car a BD he took off. When I looked back, I saw the man looking intently at the taxi I entered. 'Gosh, who the hell was that ? he looks scary '


when I got home, my friend Jassy was already at home. I couldn't see her in the living room, so I guessed that she was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Hey Jassy I'm home" I said to make sure that she was really aware of me returning.

"Hey what the hell happened to you? why are you coming home by this time?" she said pouting her lips.

" Hey it's not my fault okay, it was my boss. she got really angry today and punished me by letting me work till this time." I retorted immediately.

" Well you should have called me and told me that you would be coming home late." Jassy said. she was still holding her spatula, seems she was frying something for dinner.

"I'm sorry I couldn't even touch my phone" I said after a sigh.

"Well go get changed, and come for dinner I am done cooking." After that she walked towards the kitchen. I sighed in relief that I am finally home, and I feel so tired too.


When I came down after getting refreshed, I joined Jassy in the dinning table. I dishes out some food for myself in my plate and started eating. My mind immediately flushed back to the event that happened few hours ago while coming back.

" Jassy guess what" I said before putting food into my mouth. Jassy looked up at me after raising her face up from the food she was eating.

". huh, what's up" She asked after swallowing.

" sigh, I have stalker Jassy. And he is so scary" I said in a shaky voice. The experience was still making me scared. I have this feeling that someone has a bad plan or ill intention for me. I don't know he he was, I didn't care to know because I was too scared of him.

"Huh, what do you mean?, who is stalking you?" she asked with a wide eye. her ears were wide open to know who it was.

" sigh, I don't know too. he kept following me until I got into the taxi that brought me home. Now I'm so scared to walk there at night." I said to her.

She sighed before saying" No, you just have to be more careful when you walk okay? Maybe I think he was after your purse" she said. That made a little sense, maybe he was just a thief that was after my purse. Why didn't I think of it? Well no one knew what he was after.

After dinner, we both went to our rooms to get some rest for the night, I was so tired as well. The night was going to be a short one, because I will wake up so early tomorrow morning. Once I was on my bed, I covered my self with the blanket and then few minutes later I fell asleep.