
Let’s Read The Word

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Darrell after the death of his parents when he was just 8, was taken away from Monaserus for his safety by his uncle Jack. Jack teleported him to Los Angeles to live in an orphanage home, where Darrell was until he was brought back to Monaserus. Darrell has the destiny to fulfill which is to safe Monaserus from the claws of the evilly determined Norma Elspeth, who also is the killer of Darrell's parents. Darrell has to save Monaserus and also avenge his parents' death. How far will Darrell go? And do you think he will be able to defeat Norma Elspeth? Alyssa in the search of her true identity falls in love with Darrell and their encounter awakens the secrets of the magical land of Monaserus. It's all about adventure, magic, love, and passion. check it out and awaken your soul to the magical mole.:) _________________**________________ This story is still under editing so in case you bump into confusing words just bear with me but in case u find anything good enough to improve my story don't hesitate to let me know. I always try to make updates on this story so follow me so you won't miss a thing. Love you guys.


  Monaserus: A long time ago..

  The huge golden door, of the palace entrance, creaked in the wind, swinging back and forth, on its hinges, it got unsteady and lapped lightly against the marble-tiled wall, a rhythmic tapping sound begun and it echoed around in the looming silence. A strong icy breeze swirled into the high-pitched palace through the gap and engulfed the body of the palace guards.

  "She is here, I can feel her," One of the guards said and ran with speed, towards the king's chambers, as fast as his legs could carry him.

  The king and queen were settled on their throne which is composed of pure gold, and the floor is cast with the finest of marbles, giving it, a taste of heaven-like features, each throne is formed of gold, the footstool beneath each of the throne was designed with gold and diamond, the king and queen were clad in their royal garbs, the king has a glorious crown on his head, is holding a shining staff and wore a golden ring on his middle finger. He was communicating with his wife when suddenly the guard stumbled into the king's palace through the twin curtains; the king immediately stood up startled by his entry and stared straight to his eyes in awe.

  "What happened?" The king inquired curiously with his heart beating unsteadily.

  "She is here," the guard replied panting rapidly.

  "Who is here?" The queen asked

  "Elspeth!" the guard replied unsteadily.

  The Queen stands up immediately and looks at the king, they both gaped at each other with fear written all over their faces.

  "Get the guardians ready!" The king ordered with a hoarse voice...


  Monaserus: A few years later...

  It's a chilly night, the sky is starry, the moon is out and complete, A young boy named Darrell is outside gazing at the moon like it is calling out to him.

  "Are you still outside?" Asked a man, waking Darrell out from his thoughts. He had a white-grey hair, and an even wrinkled face, with a broad mustache on his upper lip, he is in his sixties, his presently putting on a blue and red striped shirt and a pair of black jeans.

  Gently approaching a callow teenage boy, who was just sitting close to the back door near the garden.

  "Well, I am just getting used to the moonlight of Monaserus," Darrell retorted. He had a smile on his face.

  "Oh my boy," Jack whispered and inhaled deeply.

  "Well that's all I can see apart from the grasses, "Darrell said with a smirk. Darrell is a regular six feet tall teenage lad, though he is just nineteen he was taller than his uncle Jack, he had an oval-molded face with a pointed nose, a set of two blue eyes, and a pink lip-shaped like a heart, and whenever he smiles his cheeks always reveals a well-dotted dimple making him more cuter than his usual self. Presently he is putting on a yellow long sleeve top with a blue short.

  Your regular heart charmer.

  "You should try and adjust, I am sure soon you will forget." Jack an old man spoke, now close to the boy tapping him on his shoulder.

  "You mean everything, even her?" Darrell asked in a low tune and looked at Jack with sorrowful eyes.

  "Well, soon you will have to forget about your past and that's the only way you can breach the future" Jack asserted to Darrell he would do anything to make Darrell forget about his past.

  A smile appears on Darrell's face as they both looked up at the sky.

  The breeze of the night filled their body, the echoes of some nocturnal animals are been heard from around the hidden shadows of the thick bushes.

  "I think it's time we head to bed, it's really getting cold out here."

  Said Jack to Darrell as he slightly massages him on his shoulder.

  "Yes Uncle Jack, off we go"

  Darrell replied with a smirk.

  Darrell has a huge sense of humour he always finds a way to make people around him laugh.

  "Haha haha" they both laughed.

  They both walked to the door and it was shut behind them.

  Up above the sky, the stars shines brighter than before and then reveals a shape like an octagon.


  "Alyssa! Alyssa!! Alyssa!!!"

  Called a woman who just came out from a room close to a big bookshelf. She was holding a silver paper wrapped with a red ribbon.

  Norma Elspeth is in her late thirties, but her skin still looked serene and spot-free, her mild face is always decorated with wild makeup.

  "Yes ma'am! yes ma'am!" Alyssa an inexperienced teenage girl of seventeen raced out panting rapidly, she is clad in a white long gown, her long black hair looked totally messed up and her long white gown looked old and worn out.

  "Where were you?" Norma Elspeth asked angrily in a harsh low tune.

  Norma Elspeth is one of the wealthy indigenes in Monaserus, she is always at the top in the fashion clan. Presently she is clad in a skin-tight red robe which is slightly above her knees from the front view, but it's touching the ceramic-tiled floor from the back view, exposing her fine figure, she also wore a golden bracelet on her left arm.

  "I was in my room, mom." Alyssa replied avoiding Norma Elspeth's eyes. Alyssa is a very charming young lady with a round molded face, a thin small pointed nose two sets of brown eyes, and a pink lip with a dot slightly above her jaw. She is five feet tall, her skin is dry and rough with a little number of freckles on her face.

  "Sweating like that, what were you doing?" Norma Elspeth asked searching into Alyssa's brown hazel eyes.

  "I was just sleeping before you called me mother" Alyssa replied with a yawn.

  "I hope you are not lying to me," The woman asked with a sneer. Norma Elspeth has never liked Alyssa she always suspects her every move with the fear that she will find out something that could ruin her, cause she had a lot of dark secrets.

  "No ma'am, I am not lying,"

  Alyssa replied with a nod and bowed down her head.

  "Well then are you through with all your chores," Norma Elspeth asked.

  "Yes mother, I am." Alyssa replied still with her head bowed down.

  "What about the baker, have you seen him?" Norma Elspeth asked.

  "I went to look for him but he wasn't around" Alyssa replied.

  "Ok then later you should go search for him and make sure you give him my message"

  "Ok ma'am" Alyssa let out as she bows respectfully. Alyssa has always been a very calm, sweet, and respectful young lady though Norma Elspeth has never treated her nicely she never reciprocated Norma Elspeth harsh treatment towards her.

  "Very good then, go to bed and be ready for tomorrow," The woman which is Norma Elspeth said to Alyssa, and then she heads to her library.

  "Good night ma'am," Alyssa replied. Then, she moves away slowly to her room and shut the door behind her.




  The first episode is always the trickiest but please you guys should bear with me. Please leave your comments on the comment section and please don't use nasty words as you will hurt my feelings, and lastly don't forget to vote. Love you guys...