
Let’s Read The Word

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Author:Titin Jihan



Septi Adelia, such a pretty, quiet girl. He had a boyfriend named Gerry Yohanes who loved her dearly and was willing to do anything for her happiness. Indeed, Septi's life looks so perfect and she was so happy. But that perfection and happiness were short-lived. When her parents decided unilaterally. She was promised to a man she had never met, Adipati Prawira for a reason of debts. Septi was forced to comply with her parent's wishes. She was forced to end her relationship with Gerry, even though her boyfriend wouldn't let that. The wedding between Septi and Adipati was carried out promptly, and Septi's suffering goes with that. A suffering that was created by Adipati. Her husband purposeful married another woman named Sonya Aurella right in front of her after their wedding party is over. Can Septi endure her agonizing marriage? Or does Septi choose to go and return to her lover?

"Septi Adelia! Where the hell have you been? Didn't I always say that you, as a girl shouldn't come home up late at night!"

The shout came from a middle-aged man--Adam, her biological father welcomed her in anger. Septi just kept herself quiet. She had been tired enough, didn't want to join the debate.

"I'm tired, Dad, wanna take a rest first." Septi intends to head into her room. She just wants to take a bath and sleep as soon as possible so that she can relieve her exhaustion.

"Septi! I haven't finished yet. Come sit over there!" yelled Adam as he pointed to the wooden chair that getting brittle. He busted into anger because Septi ignored him.

"What now? I'm tired," complaint Septi. Then she sat down at that chair as her father told her even though she was perforce to.

"Where the hell have you been?" Adam repeated his question. He throws a death glare towards Septi, his hand on his hip.

"Worked, Dad, Work! How many times do I have to tell you that all I do is just work! And again, have you forgotten that I should do that because of you ... because of your debt that might take over this house," answered Septi wordy. She just had enough now. As if her father didn't realize the reason she always comes home late at night is because of her father's debt that makes her struggle like all the time she has just for work.

Septi hates if she has to remember his father's debt that always stressed her up.

Honestly, Septi didn't want to lose the house that was filled with such memories.

Especially the memories with her late mother. Her mom who had always loved her, just not like her father. That was Septi's mind.

"All you say just work, work, and work! You always make an excuse over my debts. Don't you think I don't know that you spare your damn time just to date with that useless man out there!" pointed Adam without even aware of his daughter's feeling.


Suddenly her heart stopped. Her father just went too much for accusing her like that. All her hard work was unappreciated. It was so devastating for Septi to have a father who never appreciated the hard work she did in protecting their home.

"Accuse me as much as you wish. I don't care anymore! But one thing you should remember. That useless man you said is the person who always helps me to pay your fucking debts!" Septi confides with anger. She just can't take it when her father despised her boyfriend, Gerry Yohannes, a man that willing to do anything and relieve her family's difficulties.

Septi has no idea. How dare her dad says that all the time she has just for a date outside. Is that because she worked at her boyfriend's place? Even it can say they both too busy with their works that they didn't have time together to be on a date. Instead, they just killing time together to run up their clothing business that was just started by Gerry to rebuild his wrecked business caused by irresponsible people.

"There, I'm sick of you standing up for that man. He and his family indeed became useless since they go broke down and had nothing left. What's so good be wealthy through corrupt!" scoffed Adam makes Septi's ear heated.

"Stop it, Dad. That's all only an aspersion," admits Septi defending Gerry.

"Enough is enough, don't bring this anymore. I'm so sick of it!" said Adam. "There is something I want to talk to you about. I have found a way to pay out my debts toward Mr. Andreas so that you didn't need to feel pressure anymore. We have a chance to keep this house filled with memories about your mother belonging to us, Septi!" state Adam full of beans. "But, of course, on one condition," continued him with a gloomy face all of sudden.

"What is that?" Septi became curious. There was a suspicion in her heart.

"The one condition Mr. Andreas gave for my debts to be settled up is ... you need to marry his son," said Adam without any doubt. "And you know what? I have agreed to that. So one week later, after Mr. Andrews's son returns to this town, you two will get married immediately," explained Adam without even thought her daughter's feelings.

Adam thought the most important thing from now on is to pay out his debts and live peacefully. Fuck with his daughter's feelings. He believed that a moment after Septi get married, her life will be better.

"Dad, I don't want to!" rejected Septi full of anger. She had no idea with her father's mind.

"I don't need your permission, Septi! My word is made up. You will marry Mr. Andreas's son!" Adam spoke firmly.

"How dare you trade me for your debts?" asked Septi. Her eyes began to fill with tears. She was so hurt.

"Of course. I need to do this so that our life is not engulfed in debts anymore!" said Adam with no demands.

"Dad, I believe that someday I can pay off your debts without marrying Mr. Andreas's son!" admits Septi with her confidence. Septi can't imagine what might Gerry think if he knows that Septi was arranged with Mr. Andreas's son in exchange for her father's debts.

"That's my decision. Liked it or not you had to accept!" said Adam that no one can beat him.

"I'm in a relationship with Gerry, Dad! So don't force me to marry a man I had never known. Why don't you try to understand me and Gerry's feelings first!" Septi can't help but burst into tears.

Her father definitely is too much arranged her just as an exchange with his debts. How worthless is she in her father's eyes? Septi is so damn disappointed with that middle-aged man that made her forget the feeling of happiness.

"Fuck that useless man, Septi! All Ido is for you and of course for myself. After you married Mr. Andreas's son, we don't need to suffer again. Do you understand?" Adam tried to explain to Septi about the way of life without any rocks after she married the son of the one wealthiest person in the city.

"It's not for me, Dad! No one but just for yourself. Why the hell are you so selfish!" Septi blurted out through her tears. She felt so damn hurt right on her chest, enduring an inner pain her father gave.

"Whatever. My mind and words had made up. You'll get married to Mr. Andreas son next week. They had prepared anything. So, just break up your damn relationship with that man quickly. Don't you dare to embarrass me. Understand?" warned Adam. Adam doesn't give any concern to Septi's feelings. Done what he wanted, that middle-aged man headed out the house, forsaking Septi and her sadness. He wants to celebrate his life after getting rid of the debts that made him can't take a peaceful sleep this far.

"Mom! Daddy is a bad guy! I hate him!" yelled Septi to throw out the tightness in her chest. Septi covered her eyes over her palms because her father's decision made her couldn't stop crying.

To be continued...