
Let’s Read The Word

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How does it feel waking up certain day to find out you're destined to become something? To find out that the world is dangerous place as demons are finding their way back to find out that your absentee father was a demon hunter who died trying to stop them . That was the story of nick robert ,the inquisitive high school student who must now take the legacy of his acenstors to stop the coming crisis, desperate to find out the mysteries of his best friends arrogant sister leading to a shocking revelation,and that was the beginning of an unending hunt

A man in late 30s could be seen hammering hot metal on anviles as he whistles loudly

Dad I'm off to school!".a voice came from inside the building.

"When did I become your father nick?".he asked and continued hammering.the door soon opened and a teen boy stepped out.

"Since you raised me as your child".he said.

That was nick Robert ,the son of a mysterious man who appears and vanishes like a ghost and his occupation,only few knows of.nick grew up with his uncle ,harry who was a blacksmith.

He always wandered why his father never had time for him and could only be seen twice a month .

Harry raised him like his son and took all responsibility to sponsor him even though he wasn't married,talk less of having a child of his own .

"Stop it nick,I'm not your father,okay?"

Really? A father who doesn't give a damn about me ,where is he?huh".he said all most shouting .

"He's nick that's the reason".he replied and used his tong to pick a hot meat.

"Busy doing what?,what's more important than his son?".nick raged.

"your father is doing the best he can for you,so don't think he doesn't remember you".he answered and dropped it into the water.

Nick hugged him tightly from behind"uncle,please just tell me where he goes every time".nick begged.

"When its time you'll know nick? Nick walked away from him with no actual emotion on his face.

" is that an answer?"

" of course" harry replied .

" I'm off to school then".he informed and walked away.

"stay out of trouble don't join bad kids to do bad things". Harry warned as nick approached his bicycle.

" why trouble my self to be a bad a bad kid when I'm the boss of the bad kid",nick said with a funny smile.

" what you say?". harry asked and the hot iron on the tong fell of that he had to jumped back so it wouldn't fall on his feet

" just kidding uncle bye " he replied and climbed his bicycle before riding away.

It was about a five minutes ride to school.

He got down and adjusted his bag before walking towards the building.

Nick was amazed by the new structure of the school he watched in awe,walking with his head raised turning occasionally.

He bumped into someone and her books fell from her hand scattering over the ground.

" oh my God ,I'm so sorry". He apologized squatting to pick them when he head a voice behind.

"if it had been me,I'm a hundred percent,sure you'll walk away".

Nick paused and a smile escaped out from his lips