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Dalliance Under the Skies

Dalliance Under the Skies

Author:Alexandra Wang



Eleanor was a picture of a perfect empress. She was born and raised to be one, after all. Her marriage to Frederick, the future Emperor of Hyperia, was like a dream come true. They were together since they were children, what could possibly go wrong with the marriage? Things started to fall apart when she learns that Frederick took a liking on some low-class courtesan and that the woman is pregnant with his child. Venice, the courtesan, moved into the Palace, and started to disturb her peaceful life. The broken Eleanor was looking for a temporary cure for her defeat. But who would have thought, that the warmth she has been longing for, would be in the arms of William, her husband's half-brother? Would she play the act of a good wife and the perfect empress, avoiding the scandal that the affair might cause, or would she endulge herself in William's affection?

  Eleanor has been raised to be the perfect princess she ought to be. As the only daughter of the Grand Duke Clementine and his wife Sofia, the closest to the Royal Family of Hyperian Empire, her life has already been written for her ages before she knew how to utter her first words. At the age of five, her father already taught her how to handle state affairs and how to entertain guests from across the continent. At the age of seven, Eleanor has already mastered various forms of art, embroidery and harp, up to the use of bow and arrow. And at the age of ten, her engagement to the future emperor of Hyperian Empire, Prince Frederick, has been announced to the public.

  They grew up together. Played together. Studied together. Duke Clementine and the Emperor thought that the marriage of their children were written on the stars. Sung by the angels. A divine fate from the All-Seeing Father.

  Eleanor was a trophy indeed worthy of praise of the people of Hyperia. Her blue eyes were like those of the ocean, deep and cold. Her tiny nose and red lips were every girl's to-die-for. The dark locks of her silky hair glows like obsidian under the sun's kiss. She was a perfect match to the handsome Frederick, with his shy smile and courteous gestures that won many hearts of his people, men and women alike.

  Their grandiose wedding was held after Eleanor's eighteenth birthday, where there was a five-day celebration held at the palace and in the streets where every member of the social classes were invited. The Emperor Francis of Hyperia, Prince Frederick's father, even granted pardon to six prisoners in line for execution, built additional schools for the poor, and hospitals for the in need to commemorate the holy union.

  But the joy did not last. A few months after the royal wedding, the Emperor and Empress of Hyperia was involved in a tragic sea accident, leaving the throne to Frederick and his young wife. The people of Hyperia were all open arms to accept their new ruler.

  Life seemed easy to the beautiful Eleanor, only if she is not the Empress, and if she is not pressured to bear children to her husband, when the Emperor himself did not want to consummate their marriage. He said she is too young to be a mother, too naive to raise children, let alone those who carry royal blood in them. And the young royal couple of the Hyperian Empire would rather read endless logs of the audit for this year's budget than to learn how to make a royal baby.

  "Good morning, Your Majesty," Lora, her lady-in-waiting, greeted her as she opened her eyes. The sun was already shining right at her smooth face, kissing every inch it lands on. Eleanor yawned as she sat up, stretching her arms. Lora smiled as she watched her. "Looks like you had a good night's sleep, Your Majesty."

  Eleanor softly laughed. "Good or not, it does not matter. What are the things on my list today, Lora?"

  "The breakfast table with His Majesty is already set at nine in the morning. The Duchess of Hesse asked for your presence for tea at noon, and the visit to the Royal Tailor after. At night, the dinner with His Majesty is set at eight in the evening. Nothing follows after, Your Majesty."

  She repeatedly nodded her head as she brushed her hair. Eleanor stood up, the silk nightgown rustling as her feet touched the floor. Lora quickly opened the door leading to the washroom, and gave her some privacy to let her do her morning routine. When she finished, Lora had already picked a royal blue lace gown embroidered with pearls around the low square neckline. The sleeves consisted of ruffled satin laces that went to cover her arms. Lora also picked a thick headwear adorned with pearls around the corners. Cosmetics were not much needed for her face, so her lady-in-waiting only applied a minimal amount of powder on her face and thin rouge on her curvy lips. Her hair was braided and the other lady-in-waitings inside the room could not help but to admire the beauty of the Empress.

  She set off to walk towards the Eastern Palace, where the dining room was. Frederick prefers to spend the meals with her, to discuss important matters of the State, and to share bits of information they need. Everyday was never an awkward situation for the young couple, since they both treat each other as best friends and closest confidante.

  "O, Empress, come, join me for breakfast," Frederick offered as he saw her lovely figure standing at the entrance of the dining hall. She was waiting for him to notice her presence, because it looked like he was already deep in thought. Eleanor gave a curtsy before sitting beside her husband. The servants quickly served her food, as she calmly watched them. At one quick move of the hand, she motioned them to give them some privacy before talking to Frederick.

  "Is there something bothering you, Your Majesty?"

  The creases on his forehead became more evident as he gently massaged his temple. "Nothing much, really. I stayed up late last night just to finish some tasks."

  "Then you should go get back to rest after eating, Your Majesty," she suggested.

  Frederick softly laughed. "Maybe you are right. How about you, My Empress? Did you get a good night's sleep?"

  Eleanor's lifeless eyes glanced at him before answering. "It never mattered to me, to be honest. I just needed sleep."

  The dining hall fell silent as the royal couple finished their food. Eleanor knew that sometimes, she can be very reserved and cold, probably because of her upbringing.

  "O, before I forgot," Frederick said, standing up from his chair. "I will be away the whole day. Please take care of the palace matters for me."

  "Where are you going, if it's alright to ask, Your Majesty?"

  The unease on Frederick's face was clear as the day. He quickly darted his glance away before answering. "It is a matter you do not need to concern yourself about, My Empress."