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Bullied By My Four Mates

Bullied By My Four Mates

Author:Katherine Jaynara



Ava's wolf Artemis is special, and she is special. After a rough start in school, she starts to come into her own. She gets more confident, becomes more comfortable in herself, and even starts making friends and getting her flirt on. When it turns out that some of the wolves responsible for bullying her when she was younger are actually her mates... can she forgive them?

7 years ago…


I was a nobody, or at least that’s what they told me.

They told me I was a nobody and therefore worthless; I deserved to be bullied, because being bullied would make me stronger, more resilient. I know now that it was bullshit, but when you say that to a kid time and time again, they start to believe it.

All day everyday, the heirs to the pack and even a lot of the girls in school that were about my own age made a point of making my life miserable. To begin with, it was just verbal, but in my early teens, it became physical too. I had scars across the tops of my legs and the bottoms of my back that would never heal properly because they were from before I shifted for the first time.

I got my wolf early, but they didn’t know that. I never smelled like a wolf because my wolf, Artemis, could hide her scent. Even before they can shift, wolves have a distinctive smell that identifies them; all wolves smell like the woods, with their own unique scent overlaying that.

Whilst being able to hide my scent was a nifty trick that I was told would be great for my safety whilst out and about, especially when I was older, it did mean the girls at school assumed I was human and so would never have a wolf, which just made the bullying so much worse.

I’d been able to speak to Artemis since I was seven or eight, and she was a chatty wolf, and she knew a surprising amount about my birth family. Thanks to Artemis, I knew more about my birth family than most people would if they were adopted.

I knew that Artemis was special, and that I was heir to the Eclipse Mountain pack. I knew that my parents were killed trying to protect me, and that I’d been smuggled out for my own safety. I knew that one day, Artemis and I would have both a Lycan and a wolf form.

But even with all that, I wanted nothing more than to leave when I turned 18. The bullying made me miserable, and I never had the confidence to truly do anything about it. I just needed something to happen, something to be the catalyst to give me that boost, so I didn’t feel the need to hide in the background anymore.

I had a place ready to go in my maternal aunt’s pack, I was just counting down the days until I could finally set out on my own and get away from it all.