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Accidentally Got Pregnant The Billionaire's Heir

Accidentally Got Pregnant The Billionaire's Heir




He is the coldest, most serious man and his life is just focusing to the company. He is a billionaire's heir. And he never had a time to mingle with girls until one day in the wedding of his cousin he met the girl named ashtana that changes her life. Ashtana is one of the bestfriend of his cousin's soon to be wife. And unexpected happen they are having a night stand because of someone sabotage them. The alcoholic drinks have the medicine that makes the two become horny. And after what happen Anwyll wants to see Ashtana but she avoided him for some reason. And the reason is she is pregnant with that one night stand. What will happen if Anwyll know that Ashtana the girl he one night stand is pregnant? Where she find Ashtana?

"UGHHH that's right i-it hurts." I stammered even though I was a little dizzy because of the alcohol, but I still felt as if something had torn on my private part, the pain was too much.

"Shit are you s-still a virgin, Fvck I'll be gentle." he replied so I just nodded and signaled that I agreed.

I just felt him kissing the crown of my healthy breasts and playing with it with his tongue.

"Fvck UGHHHH! UUGGHHH! Shit go ahead m-misterrr UGHHH!" I can't stop grunting because of the delicious sensation I'm feeling.

"You like it huh? Moan my name love say my name say Anwyll." I followed what he said.

"Anwyll ahh shit!" I felt that he was also moving about my femininity, not too painful anymore and his salutation to me was replaced by pleasure more and more quickly.

"What's your name love?" He asked.

"Ashtana. UGHHH!" I felt something build up in my abdomen.


"YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND." faster and faster and he was doing it with me.

"UGHHH SHIT FVCK OHMMM!" we muttered at the same time as I felt a hot liquid that I felt in my femininity I felt drowsy so I was very close but before that he spoke first.

"You're mine now mark my words!" everything went black.

Hi I'm Ashtana Lopez a kind, smart, beautiful, an artist but painting is what I do when I'm a child I love to paint it just makes me happy and I'm also a MODEL because my body is beautiful and face, my eyes are light blue as if they are already flirting, my eyelashes are long enough to pierce my eyes, my eyebrows are just right in thickness and my nose is sharp, my lips are red and when it comes to height, I'll come in. I'm just about the right height to be a model. I'm not poor, I'm not rich either, just so I can live on my own too much.

I'm here now at the ART MUSEUM, I'm arranging my paintings because there will be a party celebration and there are also people who buy my paintings, famous personalities not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. my personal secretary did all so that everything is in order now that the repairs are done here in my museum, also the carpet tables I fixed

not a dining table, it's a celebration or party table

and designs per entrance, chandelier and stage for later.


My personal make up artist is fixing me now.


"You are good when it comes to joke friend huh. Ahahaha I haven't money to give you." I answered kiddingly.

"BUT MA'AM YOU'RE SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL SO I DON'T BELIEVE NO ONE LIKES YOU OR NO ONE IS FUCKING TRIED TO COURT YOU. he laughed even more. By the way my make up artist/friend is a gay.

"I WANT YOU TO HURRY UP AND FIX ME SO WE CAN FINISH IMMEDIATELY AND AFTER the activity we can talk." I said while he continued to make-up, actually just light make up.


I remembered my past again.


I'm here now at my friend's resort because she's getting married today. Her name is Ashly Monterde, my bestfriend who is getting married.

"Hey girl, you're ahead of Ashly and her husband, just the three of us. We thought you were the first to be married." I just laughed at what Julia my bestfriend said, we're actually a trio.

"Well, someone said something to you, next time you get married, remember that when I get married you weren't invited". I joked with Julia and she laughed.

"I'm just kidding you know." I just stared at her.

It's because I don't want boyfriend in my vocabulary unlike them, there are almost countless people who have become boyfriend, there are actually people who flirt with me but I don't want to expect them to be busted right away.


"I pronounce you MR and MRS MONTENEGRO you may now kiss the bride" said the priest and Justin kissed Ashly on the lips just smack HEHEHEH.

And we are now here at the reception according to the married couple.

"It's nice to have a sore eye." I said in a whisper.

"Kilk joy, you don't have as much love life, you'll be bored at least once." I was surprised when julia suddenly spoke.

"Are you going to be so shocked that he will attack me?"

"And what did you tell me to pull out at least once? Eh I tried that, you just didn't know I was almost caught by the police because they thought I would pay a woman for my beauty." I whispered.

"Are you saying something?" Julia asked in surprise.

"I-I'm saying nothing. I said let's just go to Ashly." when I lie.

We are here now with Ashly.

"Hey. The bride is here, what's the news, where are you going to go on your honeymoon?" Julia asked.

"You don't have to any more." Ashly said calmly.

"I'm sure you're not a virgin tomorrow." I laughed very loudly so the people looked at me.

And all people are watching me now because of my laugh and I feel ashamed. Gosh I hate this!

Someone POV

"Bro, come to my wedding, you know you'll need to be there." Justin invites said one of my friends.

"Tsk!" that's all I can say.

"Then we were invited?" Josh ask.

"As if you can get in, they might block you at the gate of the resort." Jake laughed at Josh.

"Hey, shut up! did I tell you that you weren't invited? You're the ones I'm going to make a body guard." Justin laughed as well.

" I'm handsome to be a body guard. You look more like a body guard than me." Jake answered.And they all laugh.

"All of you get out" I said to my friends but the crazy people just laughed.

"Hey, you're handsome when you're angry." Josh stopped laughing

Jake approached me and suddenly ...

"Honey honey I love you kiss me honey kiss me." With matching still holding my body and pouting.

"Do I look like joking? All of you get lost in count of 3 if I see 3 of you inside my office you'll be dead." I said baritone so they came out quickly but before that Josh spoke first.

"Go to Justine's condo later to hang out because he won't be a young man tomorrow." Josh said while running.


After my work I decided to went to justin's condo like Josh said goodbye tsk it looks like only women have goodbye goodbye.

When I entered, I heard the scream, what is a stone condo or bar? Tsk, nothing seems to have changed in the bar.

"Bro her he is." Said Justine.

"No, I'm not here it's my spirit." I was philosophizing with him.

We sat on the sofa and I saw my friends. He took a beer. Justine handed me a beer in a can. We had already drunk a bit and suddenly someone tied Justine's hand to my crazy friends.

"We have a surprise for you dude I know your manhood will stand" Jake said softly.

"Put that in." Josh suddenly came in wearing a woman's clothes. I laughed because he was wearing it, it almost exploded on his body and he was wearing a skirt and a wig.

Later he danced to it and sat on its lap. I laughed when I saw Justine's reaction to removing the handcuffs.

Later Josh turned to her and suddenly grabbed Justine's chest with matching whispers and kisses on the neck.

"Lower lower!" Jake said so he dropped his hand on his stomach and removed the belt of his pants.

"Whoaaa bro your lucky HAHAHHA." Justine's face could no longer be painted when Justin's hand suddenly entered his pants but Justine pulled away he closed his two thighs my stupid friend opened his two thighs. Josh grabbed his manhood and touch it slowly.

Jake was laughing now when Josh suddenly spoke

"Confirm it's small." I laughed there but I was chasing it.

"just a kidding! It's big".