
Let’s Read The Word

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In Love With My Enemy.

In Love With My Enemy.

Author:Hijab Khan



Ryder Jace Smith. My sworn enemy. Was kissing me. My first kiss was finally happening. I looked at him, his eyes were closed. His hands were cupping my face. I tried to push him away but he didn't budge. Finally, I gave in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He kissed me gently, and it felt sincere. His tongue asked for permission to explore my mouth and I granted it. He then pulled me on his lap and kissed me with so much affection, and sincerity that I forgot everything. About where I was or Who I was kissing. The only thing I was aware of was that the man who's kissing me is a skilled kisser. And that I wanted him to keep on kissing me. It felt like I've been waiting for him to kiss me for a long, long time. My legs were wrapped around his waist and it was hurting a bit but I didn't care. He was exploring my mouth like he couldn't get enough of it. Enough of me. And then I remembered, I was kissing my sworn enemy. --------------------------------------- From death glares to longing stares. From rolling eyes to loving gazes. What happens when two sworn enemies get together to ruin the reputation of a school bully? A single night work wonders and they find themselves becoming friends. Ryder Jace Smith, School's soccer team captain, Adorable, Devilishly handsome, and everyone's favorite bad boy. Love Grace Allen, Editor of the school magazine, Crazy, Beautiful, Careless and a massive bookworm. Two polar opposites. The only thing they have in common is that: They hate each other.

He is glaring at me like I stole his hen. I cross my eyes and stick out my beautiful tongue. He shakes his head and turns back to the blonde girl he was talking to before he remembered that I exist.

Personally, I think he's so mesmerized by my beauty that he just can't help but look at me. And to cover up that fact he chooses to glare at me instead of gazing.

Whatever. As if I care. He can go to hell and stay there. I hope he goes somewhere very far away and never ever comes back.

"When are you going to stop being so childish?" My best friend a.k.a my second mother pokes me in the shoulder and demands.

"Chill. I'm not going to kill him. Just not yet." I mumble the last part and Elaine rolls her eyes.

"Leeny-beeny. He's your ex for God's sake. Stop being so concerned about him." I wrap my arm around her shoulder but she shrugs me off. Rude.

"I'm not concerned about him, He looks this way when he's glaring at you and I don't like it. I hate his face."

"Same here. I hate his face too. Since he ruined mine." I roll my eyes at the memory and touch my left temple and rub my forefinger over the scar which has been there since I was thirteen.

"Your face isn't ruined, you dumbo." It's Elaine's turn to wrap her arm around my shoulder. I try to shrug her off as she did, but she's stronger than me.

After lunch, Elaine and Stephen, her boyfriend sneak out of the school building for a smoke. Stephen smokes, Elaine doesn't. She goes with him to keep him and his mouth company. Ugh.

I start walking towards class when my way is blocked by none other than

"Ryder Smith." I raise my eyebrows as well as my eyes to look up at him. Yes, look up. He's a solid six foot one and I'm five feet four.

"Love Allen." He smirks. I fold my arms across my chest and tilt my head slightly.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Oh, I want nothing." He leans his head down a little. "Love." He adds mercilessly.

Yes, My name is Love. My freaking name is Love. Apparently, my parents were so in love or something that they named their firstborn Love. I don't hate my name it's unique and cool but I hate it when this guy in front of me makes fun of it.

"Get out of my way then," I try to walk past him but he grabs my arm and stops me.

"Mom wants to talk to you about something. Be there after school."

"What about?" I ask.

"Just ask her yourself. Now get out of my face." He leaves my arm and pushes me out of his way. Rude. Rude. Rude. Idiot. Assface.

Now, what does Mrs. Smith wants to talk to me about?

I hope it's not for babysitting her little daughter. She's very cute and adorable. But I will rather die than stay in the presence of Ryder Smith.

I rub my arm and continue walking towards class which is Biology.

After school as everyone is rushing out of the school building like escaping inmates, I walk calmly and very slowly just because I want to avoid talking to Mrs. Smith. Well, more like to avoid telling her no for the third time in two years. I reach home ten minutes later than I usually do but there she is.

Not Mrs. Smith. My own mother.

"Why are you late? Didn't Ryder tell you Ella wants to talk to you? Just go!" She doesn't even let me go inside to freshen up. I frown and start walking towards their house.

I smooth my hair and adjust the strap of my backpack, Just as I'm going to knock at the door, the door opens, and someone I won't even like to mention comes out. If he's going out, Thank God for that.

He takes a step towards me and I take a step back. He frowns.

"Hey, Mom is going to request you to babysit Lily. Just say yes." He says while doing a weird thing with his face. I don't know if he's trying to look serious or intimidating. Whatever it is, he's not doing great.

"Why?" I put my hands on my hips and demand. I'm definitely going to say no.

"Lily nearly got killed last week, She's somehow managed to get on the countertop and I was the one babysitting her. Just say yes, Mom has trust issues you know that. She's only going to trust you or nobody."

I raise my eyebrows.

"I would have said yes gladly every time she asked me if you didn't exist."

He rolls his eyes and looks at me with a normal face.

"Just say yes, Love."

I decide to ignore the fact that he's probably mocking me.

"First say please."

"Never in a million years." He takes a step back and folds his arms across his chest.

"Okay, I'll just tell her that I'm currently working on my college application and I'm really, really busy." I take a step forward and try to walk past him but he grabs my arm and stops me from doing so.

I look at him expectantly.

"Yeah?" There's something going on with him, I hear a weird sound coming from the back of his throat.


"Please." He whispers.

I raise my eyebrows.

"What did you say?"

"PLEASE!" He leaves my arm and shouts. He runs a hand through his hair and looks away.

"Woah. Woah, easy there,"

"I'm going to kill you one day." He tells me.

I roll my eyes.

"Just let me write this down when I get home so that if I die mysteriously they'd know who killed me. And I'd die peacefully."

He scoffs.

"Huh. How're you going to die peacefully. You'd already be dead." He starts laughing.

Haha. So funny.

"What I meant was my soul would enter heaven peacefully."

"You didn't mean that, And you're not going in heaven." He points out.

"I can't stand you, so of course I'm going in heaven. Because you'll be in hell." I tell him.

"I'm a better person than you!"

"I'm better than you!" I shout.

"Yeah, yeah. Flatter yourself,"

"You're dumb and mean,"

"You're an idiot, Love."

"You're like a girl. Your hair makes you look like a girl." I lie.

He tries hard not to show his true emotions but I can see it in his face that he's hurt. Aw.


I feel bad now.

But, hey! Why is he so sensitive? He's such a girl.

"Look I-," I try to say something mean and funny but just then the door opens once again and this time it's Mrs. Smith.

"What in God's green earth is going on here?" She demands.

"Nothing." We reply in unison, then look at each other.

"You guys were shouting like mad people. Stop being so childish, come inside." She takes my arm and glares at Ryder.

Let me tell you one thing. Mrs. Smith is just like my mother. She can scold me all she wants I'd never mind that. When I shifted in the house in front of the Smith's I was twelve. My mother was pregnant with twins. Just a week before the due date she was hospitalized, Dad had to go with her. They were worried about me so Mr. and Mrs. Smith told them they'd take care of me.

Mom and Dad were gone for two days. And those two days were the best days of my life. It was the time when Ryder was a nice person instead of a crazy man and we were friends. His younger brother, Caleb was eight at that time and Lily wasn't even born. Two days later, Mom and Dad came home with the most beautiful little baby boys I'd ever laid eyes on. Andrew and Benjamin.

"I made beef burgers today. Come on, let's have lunch."

"I'm not really hungry right now. You wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Oh yes, I wanted to know if you're free tonight?" She asks.

"Yes, why?"

"James and I are going out tonight, Is it possible if you keep a watch over Lily?"

I smile. It was so damn satisfying to hear that please coming out of her idiotic son's mouth. Of course, I'm free tonight.

"Of course! I'll be here at seven-thirty." Ella gives me a hug.

"Thank you, dear, You're a lifesaver." She tells me just as I hear a deafening laugh in the background. Yeah Ryder, laugh all you want.

I'm a lifesaver for some people. But I might end up killing a certain somebody tonight.

Evil laugh.